Better late than never. This was drawn in November, 2014. It is one of my favorite time-change cartoons. This cartoon is notable in another way: it employs a benday pattern, the dots that produce the large uniform gray areas in panels one and three. For more than a century, newspapers printed with only one color, black. Any white was the color of the newsprint itself. All between shades of gray (and gray is all there would be) were created by breaking down areas of black with the use of dots which would vary in size and pattern. This is the benday pattern, named for its 19th-century inventor, illustrator Benjamin Henry Day Jr. Benday patterns have been integral to printing ever since, including the printing of color images, a varying but similar process. I say it is notable in this case, because I seldom have used shading to achieve gray in Arlo & Janis. Usually, it’s just black and white.

Gray Area
By Jimmy Johnson
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219 responses to “Gray Area”
May we all have a truly blessed and thanks-filled Thanksgiving Day.
[We plan our feast for tomorrow.]
The Turkey is now done, along with stuffing, homemade Berry sauce, baked sweet potatoes and oven roasted vegs. Hopefully my friends will come back for a third Thanksgiving dinner later tonight after they go to family gathering.
We are planning to eat this dinner all week too, along with pork roast in oven I forgot about. I need to make gravy still from drippings. May cook the German chocolate cake tomorrow, along with baked corn pudding I have stuff for.
Honestly we lost little from fridge and freezer but I need to cook most of it up now. Still unpacking that ice box!
Here is a beautiful Thanksgiving Song by Mary Chapin Carpenter who I went to hear in concert last month. I thought the video pretty too. Like fairy tales.
And a funny turkey song for Debbe in case she ends up raising another kind of fowl. Or maybe it is just for her (and me) “I Will Survive.”
As God is my witness, I thought that turkeys could fly.
Turkeys CAN fly, I’m pretty sure.
Live film at eleven. And here it is folks, the Great Turkey Drop at WKRP.
Wild turkeys can fly. The domestic ones have been bred to be so heavy they can’t even breed properly, much less fly.
Happy Thanksgiving to the Village!
Had another Thanksgiving dinner that couldn’t be beat – with family and new friends. I hope everyone’s day was equally blessed.
Hmmmm, trying to remember how to invoke the return of a spirit and not how to banish one. I think this will work if we all watch the music and focus on our memories of the 1980s while willing our Ghost to leave the period of the 80s and the young irresponsible Ghost Rider 6 that he has returned to observe. You are NOT really having fun Ghost, you really want to return to 2016. The election is over. It is safe to watch sports again. Things will get better.
Send positive thoughts and karma back to the 80s to Ghost fellow Villagers!
Wild turkeys taking flight:
Wild turkeys can indeed fly. I have encountered a few of them while driving along I81 in NY. They took off at the side of the road and crossed the lanes. Luckily they were just far enough away that we didn’t hit them. I saw some carcasses at the side of the highway that indicated not all of them were as lucky.
Do not forget that Saturday is Shop Locally Day and go to a small business in your local community to shop. If we do not support our small businesses and locally owned businesses our hometowns will not be able to survive.
We need to do our parts to keep Main Streets open all across America.
Good luck to those going out to fight mobs today.
Good morning Villagers…..
I had a very blessed Thanksgiving yesterday….first one I’ve had in years, usually I’ve worked. Went to a niece’s and spent the day there. Came home with ‘doggie’ bags too.
Thank you, Jackie for the links….
Not going shopping, but to the hen house and do some cleaning. So over whelming and depressing to even think about it….kind of like a pygmy peeing on a forest fire Fifteen thousand some cages to inspect and pull out feathers. No hen heat either…may take my carharts and do the dance of the seven zippers… 🙂
Some 40 degrees out there.
Unfortunately, we’ve lost another good one:
Goodbye and thanks for the entertainment you gave us.
Everybody stay safe today. Happy After-Thanksgiving!
Oh no! Just realized that IF my doctor even got the refill request for my arthritis meds and is in office, the pharmacy is Walmart! No, no, no!
Black Friday Madness! Crazy people! No!
Zombie Appacolipse.