A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Polished Approach

By Jimmy Johnson

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"

This is another strip from my “Best of 2014” entry in the National Cartoonists Society annual awards. (See yesterday’s post.) The NCS requires 12 samples from the calendar year being judged. Whenever I thumb through the old stuff to pick out my favorites, I always am reminded the strips I like sometimes are not the strips you, the reader, favor. So maybe you wonder what I am looking for when I pick out 12 of my favorite strips in a given year. Of course, “funny” is the gold standard. The cartoonist who can be LOL funny every day is going to be a wealthy person, but that is nigh impossible. Even 12 times a year isn’t easy. Second, I look for “fresh.” I look for comic strips with a different and meaningful take on ordinary circumstances. This is, after all, what artists across multiple disciplines strive to do.

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204 responses to “Polished Approach”

  1. Debbe Avatar

    GR 😉 there is a fighter in all of us….


  2. Debbe Avatar

    🙂 you’ll have to scroll down to the pics of Oliver and Arashi…too cute


  3. emb Avatar

    Today’s realtime is genuine high class Jimmy. And ‘Ballard’ Street is better than sometimes. Peace, emb

  4. John in Richmond Texas Avatar
    John in Richmond Texas

    oh, I see Mark in TTown gave me a shout out yesterday. It’s narrowing down, the one my same age, also widowed seems very “energetic” towards me and looks very promising. We were actually on Market Square downtown Houston, (good lord, why did I get a jalapeno margarita?) she grabbed me all over, because it was a little cold and before you know it, we were actually dancing around on a street corner just like a Hollywood musical. The first one I crushed hard on eight months ago, 2 1/2 years older, who was wary of “where I was in my life” so soon after widowhood, has increasingly warmed up and after once saying she never saw us being together outside of our meetup.com groups has agreed to go out and “talk about things” , especially since I mentioned the fancy shmancy Perry’s SteakHouse in Sugar Land Town Square. It seems the one I had been regular with through the holidays and who had told me she probably wasn’t going to stay in Houston and would likely find a job elsewhere has let it cool down. That’s fine, helps me narrow it down.