The Silver Celebration of Arlo and Janis finally is winding down. It’s been a pleasure digging through the old material yet again to share with you, and I want to thank you for visiting I hope you will continue. I also want to thank you for all the kind words. I know you think I simply filter the negative comments, but that isn’t true. I haven’t received any, and I’ll admit I’m dumbfounded. This is the Internet, after all. I’m beginning to believe you; I’m beginning to believe this really is a very special online community.
I honestly don’t think I’ll be here 25 years hence. Let’s just say the odds are long against it, and that’s a sobering thought, because the past 25 have passed in the blink of an eye. It’s been a privilege to draw Arlo & Janis for a living, while those around me have been forced into real jobs. The experience has afforded me freedoms and privileges few in this world ever know. I hope it can go on for a while longer. I think it will. I wish it could go on forever.
April 21, 2002
May 31, 2002
August 1, 2002
January 28, 2003
February 7, 2003
February 11, 2003
August 9, 2003
October 10, 2003
November 10, 2003
July 26, 2004
May 18, 2006
June 23, 2008
50 responses to “A Silver Celebration of Arlo and Janis, Day 5”