A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

A Silver Celebration of Arlo and Janis, Day 5

By Jimmy Johnson

The Silver Celebration of Arlo and Janis finally is winding down. It’s been a pleasure digging through the old material yet again to share with you, and I want to thank you for visiting arloandjanis.com. I hope you will continue. I also want to thank you for all the kind words. I know you think I simply filter the negative comments, but that isn’t true. I  haven’t received any, and I’ll admit I’m dumbfounded. This is the Internet, after all. I’m beginning to believe you; I’m beginning to believe this really is a very special online community.

 I honestly don’t think I’ll be here 25 years hence. Let’s just say the odds are long against it, and that’s a sobering thought, because the past 25 have passed in the blink of an eye. It’s been a privilege to draw Arlo & Janis for a living, while those around me have been forced into real jobs. The experience has afforded me freedoms and privileges few in this world ever know. I hope it can go on for a while longer. I think it will. I wish it could go on forever.

April 21, 20022002-04-27-understanding-cu.gif

 May 31, 20022002-05-31-things-change.gif

 August 1, 20022002-08-01-problems-poem.gif

 January 28, 20032003-01-28-spider-solitaire.gif

February 7, 20032003-02-07-pretty-underwear.gif

February 11, 20032003-02-11-lewd-comment.gif

August 9, 20032003-08-09-elephant-purchas.gif

October 10, 20032003-10-10-halftime.gif

November 10, 20032003-11-10-getting-in-pants.gif

July 26, 20042004-07-26-neighbors-windo.gif

May 18, 20062006-05-09-lowered-expectat.gif

 June 23, 20082008-06-23-hot-tin-roof.gif

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