I hope you had a happy Thanksgiving. I’ve been very busy this week, pushing Kickstarter rewards out the door. Remember the Kickstarter campaign? Sure you do! Yes, it’s true, I’m running a bit behind, but most of the rewards have gone out, and the few that have not will be out by the end of the month. Except for the new book. But there is good news there, and I’ll share it next week. I hope you have a better Saturday than I’m expecting!

Beat Bama!
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
175 responses to “Beat Bama!”
Jackie, you might try calling the office of the commander of Troop F in New Albany or emailing him if your problem is obtaining an accident report for insurance purposes.
Captain Chad Moore
1103 Braton Road
New Albany, MS 38652
(662) 534-8619
Thank you Ghost. I will do that. You are remarkable at times. Probably remarkable all the time but I’ve no way of knowing that. Just assuming from the little glimmers you allow.
Jackie, there’s your problem right there, F Troop. Of course, it doesn’t mean anything to you because you didn’t watch TV in the 1960’s.
Debbe* 😉 This one from 1985 wasn’t too bad. Would you believe that not too many years before that my hair was almost as long as JM’s? And as dark and wavy? 😀
*I was hoping I’d have your Stripper Name by now. 😉
Gonna get rougher before it gets better tonight. Already a tornado reported in Middle Tennessee, not far from where I have relatives living.
I was concerned earlier when it was 77 degrees here and very humid an hour after sunset.
Here’s a song for you all, not just me. One of my friends turned 71 today, wrote a good essay, says he looks in mirror expecting to see the 16 year old good looking kid and there is this old man looking at him and he doesn’t know who it is.
But this is what was playing on music when I walked into room just now. Different pianist but just a piano.takes me far back to those church piano solos playing and sounding like this. How Great Thou Art.
And a last rarity, James Taylor and Vince Gill doing Bartenders Blues for Ghost as long as he has gone back in time to those long ago days.
Trivia time. Always heard George Jones sing this. Had no idea James Taylor wrote and recorded it and George just covered it. Learn new things daily.
I actually enjoyed my work as a (relief) bartender, aka Unlicensed Physiologist. Seldom a dull moment. I remember the time I was sitting at the end of the bar one afternoon before we opened and the bartender walked by me. Suddenly, she turned into my arms and put a liplock on me that I still remember to this day.
No one was more surprised than I.
But when did 71 become “old”?
“physiologist” or “psychologist”? Either might yield interesting anecdotes.
Danged speelchek.
Stripper name: Spitz Lotus (as in Lotus Court)
Not actually first or favorite, but this one is better.
Spitz was named for Mark ‘The Shark’ Spitz, best US swimmer at the time back when we thoughtlessly called our national athletes American. We had one of those tin framed, vinyl lined, above ground pools that fowl would layover in en route wherever. The deck we built around it allowed local mammals a convenient watering hole. But the water level must have been a stretch for this underweight kitten. Obviously past weening to be out wandering on its own, but so small.
I have no idea how long he’d been paddling around seemingly content. You would expect an unholy yowling from a kitten beyond his ability to cope. Not at all. I knew better than to offer an unprotected hand to kitten claws (the small ones are the sharpest), and immediately scooped him out with the skimming net. It wan’t the storied ten-foot pole, but plenty long enough to keep my distance from a scared feral cat. Quickly laid it flat on the deck, expecting the cat to take off as soon as it had something solid to run on. But it didn’t. Just calmly stepped out of the net walked for enough to get to dry planks that hadn’t been splashed by my efforts. Laid down gently. Not flopped over from exhaustion, just settled down like he does this stuff every day. Once he was satisfied I wasn’t a threat, he started the feline cleaning routine. I know it is the natural effort to dry off, but the whole appearance was “yeah, I meant to do that.”
I went about my business, but close enough to keep an eye on him. He sunned for while, then got up, did the kitty yoga routine, and I’ll be damned — went back for a drink!! Learned his lesson though, never fell in again for ten years. He became an indoor cat after veterinary visits. Slept on my bed most times. Stayed on with my parents when I went to college. That was Gold Medal effort in my book, so that’s the name I hung on him.
But I doubt it would draw a crowd on the marquee. Laughs yes, interest not likely.
Buster Cherry. Yeah, that’s a name to have bachelorettes and cougars lining up.
My 71 year old grandparents were definitely old. My 71 year old father sure seemed old. But I probably will stubbornly refuse to be old at 71. Just like them.
A physiologist could be quite intrigued by the developments of passionate embraces.
yeah, that was me above.
Jackie, I’ve only twice had the misfortune to use the auto coverage I pay for. First time, in my twenties, I probably didn’t know enough to take care of it on my own. But responders were professional. Record keeping was flawless. Desk sergeants (are they still called that?) were friendly. Adjuster and agent respectful, even to a relatively young man. All stellar examples of what I should aspire to in life.
Twenty-odd years later, I’m rear-ended, so there’s really no question of liability. Responders full of attitude. I couldn’t know about the records because the desk troll (definitely not uniformed) claimed I needed to fill out Freedom of Information Act paperwork for an accident I was involved in, at a fairly steep price. I was to pay cash for a report about me!? I declined. I wasn’t a resident in that county, but that seems a bit odd to me. Adjuster couldn’t be bothered, verbally wrote it off as totaled, sight unseen. I must be paying enough for that courtesy. Huh, maybe I should look for a cheaper policy.
The one high point was my agent. Who, oddly enough, was the lead bartender at my local pub his last three years of school. When I told him about the FoIA requirement, he took over. Some time passed, and when I wasn’t thinking about it any longer, my agent forwarded copies of reports for my files as a courtesy, I hadn’t even thought to ask. They were a mess, not his doing, the originals were.
The computerized stuff was legible, obviously, the hand written forms were not. But it was impossible to relate the information in one area to another, or even to reality in some places. Location, time, direction of travel, passengers involved, were all details that changed among the flurry of paperwork generated by a simple collision.
But I was healthy, I had acquired a new-to-me car, the sun came up and set again – it was pretty too.
I hope you eventually have a good outcome as well.
Our societal standards have fallen. You have to look for the people who can make things right. They’re getting fewer and further apart, but they are out there.
Nice to hear from you Morphy. Thanks for advice. Need to sleep some more.
I hope everyone is safe. That storm map looks awful. I am sad about Tennessee and fires. They don’t need tornadoes.
Ghost. I know that friend. He still looks like the grinning kid who designs boats that run on a wound up rubber band and sneaks peeks every chance he gets or kisses the girls
Good morning Villagers…….
Tornado and fires in TN…may the good Lord be with all…..Amen.
Jackie, have you ever heard of Boat Angel? They advertise on a billboard on my way to the hen house. http://www.boatangel.com/ . That is if you have one you just want to donate. Sounds to me there is a failure to communicate in that police force and insurance company…good luck.
Cold is air is coming in….I’m going to go nuts here. Plenty of cleaning to do here too, but no ambition.
….and Jerry has been MIA for a while
GR 😉 you’re such a slut puppy 🙂
I got a laugh out of today’s Carlo and Janis. L living vicariously through your pets.YesIcan see that. Don’t know why a C was added to A&J.
You’re infected with a relative of Hal
I saw Dolly Parton last night and she said that her park had been damaged by high wind, but the park itself had no damage from the fire at that time. Other areas such as Gatlinburg were a different story. Anyone wanting to help can donate to the Red Cross. Locally the drought seems about to end with storms moving in today.
The south is being hit hard. I hope all in Village are safe. I just heard news story that said 72 tornado reports yesterday alone.
If you are in line of storms please report in that you are safe.
Ironic that the very medical conditions this new drug is supposed to cover (which really were not bothering me) have suddenly all manifested themselves with great severity. I was not wanting to change and regret I did..
Awake and not wanting to start back on being responsible. Two orange cats and a ten pounds dog snuggled in the comforter, Skipper is on mantle considering.
Had to think back to Memphis in 1965 for my contribution: “Frisky Lillian”
The streets I’ve lived on here in Utah are numbered, and our cats were all males: Tiger, Iago, and Rajah.
Good one though!