I shouldn’t tell you this, and I mean that. It is embarrassing. However, if you want to read something funny, scroll down to the bottom of this page, where the navigation doohickey resides. See the number that reads, as of today, 1,850? That’s how many posts I have inflicted upon you since I converted to the WordPress blogging platform on January 14, 2008. Go on. Click on the number. It will take you to that first blog post. Read it, and you’ll see what I mean. I think you’ll find it uncannily familiar and a bit hilarious.

Booklet of Love
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
14 responses to “Booklet of Love”
I happened to stumble upon that doohickey yesterday Jimmy and wondered about it. Thanks for the explanation and the many more posts to read.
In January of ’08 I was still on the road, blissfully unaware of the drama that awaited me in the next few years. But, of course, I’ve little idea what drama the next few years will bring.
If we live long enough, we can make an intelligent guess.
Yeah I noticed that a while ago. There are quite a few posts that I had wanted to review the comments on, but could not because the comments were “closed”. This blog is similar to a community diary, where we report on numerous events in our lives….or absolutely nothing. Some of the comments here have been quite thought provoking and I often learn something. There are other days that I wonder how people could actually think that way! All in all, a good group.
So, Jimmy, the more things change, the more they stay the same? This should prove your point: I’ve already warned you about this.
Thursday, January 17, 2008 by Jimmy
This site is a prototype. It will change rapidly. I do welcome questions and comments, but please withhold final judgement for a few more days. Much of the week has been devoted simply to making this page visible.
One thing I’ve noticed looking at other blogs is that bloggers spend a lot of time talking about blogs and blogging. I hope we’ll get past that very soon, but I’m afraid for now it’s inevitable. I have learned that some of you out there know a lot more about WordPress than I’ll ever know and that some of you are completely new to the subject. I’ll try to answer some of the more common questions and point out new things I’m learning.
First, there is now a permanent link to “today’s A&J” at the United Media Web site. This is the same place I’ve been sending you for years to see the comic running in today’s newspaper. However, I haven’t yet managed to get the UM site to open in a separate window, so you’ll have to hit your “back” button to get back to arloandjanis.com. Don’t go wandering off reading other comics, you hear?
Yes, there will be old comics on this page. Just maybe not for a few more days. I’m looking for the best way to present them; it isn’t as simple as you might think–not to me, anyway. We probably will go to a format of one old cartoon a day, something you may remember I tried once before, but I weakened and resumed posting several a day, because I’m a sucker for your sad, pleading eyes. I hope the new system will be pre-loaded and automated, so it won’t matter how sad and pleading your eyes are.
The good news is, the site will update automatically, without my intervention. You can come here and see new cartoons and exchange comments with other viewers even if I’m off rock climbing. I might even install a laugh track.
No, I don’t intend to slack off on my original posts. I’ll continue with my customary diligence and regularity. (insert laugh track)
You may have noticed that I’ve already figured out how to respond to specific posters with comments of my own. (Everyone out there under 25 is rolling their eyes and thinking, “Duh!!”) I will do this when warranted or when I feel like it, but don’t get your feelings hurt if I don’t rise to whatever bait you cast, because I just can’t let this thing take over my life entirely.
While we’re on the subject, remember all comments are “moderated.” That means I read them before manually posting them. I’ve been living at this computer for several days, so there hasn’t been much lag, but the time is coming when you might post a comment that won’t show up for hours. It might never show up if I fall off that rock. (insert laugh track)
I guess that’s about it for now. I know I should have done all this preparatory work beforehand, meticulously learning the intricacies of WordPress, crafting a beautiful, bug-free site and posting it with great fanfare. But that would never have happened. Instead, I’ve told you in writing what I intend to do, so you can come back in the future and say, “Hey, what happened to that automated upload idea?” Only, please, give me a few more weeks.
I pulled an Inigo and went back to the beginning yesterday. Still didn’t find Vizzini, though.
“You don’t look so good…You don’t smell so good either…”
I probably know more lines from that one movie than any other.
I see no navigation doohickey, there’s no number (1850 or otherwise)… and no link to your first, or any, blog post. Just to let you know that it’s likely that not everyone will see what you’re seeing…
There it is! Doesn’t appear on this page, only on the main A&J.com page. Interesting…
I didn’t have to look back, JJ. I well remember seeing that introduction to that newfangled blog thing on 1-14-08. I also remember thinking, “Hmm. This could really lead to something.”
If I’d only known.
It lead to something good! Really Good 🙂
You were correct about the “Community”
It is a whole Village
I’ve forgotten it it’s been answered before. Does clicking the GoComics link here provide any referral income (fractional cent, usually) to Jimmy?