I hope you’re enjoying my little innovation, the addition of the date our classic cartoon originally appeared, which also serves as a link to its GoComics presence. This allows you to follow an entire sequence. The above A&J comic, for example, is the first of a two-week sequence, with a St. Patrick’s Day Sunday cartoon thrown in between for good luck. Also, you can plunder the archives backward and forward, wasting lots of precious time. However, I urge you to use the link responsibly. If you binge-read all the old strips, what will we do here?

But Who Is Art?
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
40 responses to “But Who Is Art?”
I have a theory on Arlo’s theory, but I would love to hear everyone else’s theory. Especially the Author!
I really like the date/link feature. I like seeing when the original comic was posted
“However, I urge you to use the link responsibly.”
With great power comes great responsibility, eh?
Have we ever discussed why Arlo and Janis, among many other cartoon characters, usually speak in exclamations? Just wondering!
How it came to be is a mystery to me. But even today, folks who prefer short messages like texting, find stops to be irritating, insulting, or just plain downers. But no punctuation seems … unfinished. So when a change of thought requires a break, but is not a question, Behold! The exclamation!
Thank you, M. Fasis!
Does the “M.” stand for “Monsieur”? Asking for a friend!
Mais oui! With emphasis! But the Fasis is fake. A simple mask for my droll personality.
Another feature to consider adding – Random Arlo! I read today’s, but when I’m a few days behind it starts on the last day I read it and I move up to the current day, and then it’s a click on the Random button, and sometimes that’s almost like a magic 8ball with how closely it tracks an event in the parallel life stream the wife and I are leading with Arlo and Janis.
All of which is about as relevant as an art degree. Unless you’re an artist, in which case, you won’t need a degree, so we’re right back where we started on the irrelevancy scale.
Happy Birthday (tomorrow) Mizz Charlotte
{In case I don’t get back}
Love digging into the old strips!
Love the depiction of Janis’s eye roll in the 3-13-02 strip. Tried to post with the link earlier but it disappeared
Jimmy, you ask what we shall do if we read too many A&J strips at GoComics? Why, we’ll read ’em all again when they appear here! That’s what cartoon strips are for!
Mrs. North laying the first Decorah North egg. Mr. N has a much sleeker pate.
Re 2-22-20 real-time cartoon: I don’t do Facebook, but from I’ve seen of it, “Facebook-worthy” is a pretty low bar.
For TruckerRon, I saw this and thought it would make you laugh: https://scontent-dfw5-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/87295496_10159755023736164_5873485141556330496_n.jpg?_nc_cat=100&_nc_ohc=wcGe9qMjuHwAX-k_SRR&_nc_ht=scontent-dfw5-2.xx&oh=8d786245e64245703fc5a204c06ac9da&oe=5EF97BBF
Wow! I’m just glad I wasn’t eating… and why was that guy in that situation anyway?
I’m sure there’s a story behind that, but one I’m not sure I’d want to hear. :}
It looks like he is trying to climb in through the vent in his sleeper, with the other guy helping push him in?
This week, I got to check off something on my Bucket List…to wit: Get a Personal Trainer. #truestory
Anyone who has followed Jackie lately on Book of Face will likely know who “Jenni the Husky Whisperer and Rescuer” is. (If not, and if you’re interested, check out the link below. It’s worth a few minutes of your time to look at.) She is an amazing young lady who is working her heart out to find homes for huskies, including the “death row” ones, which she rescues from shelters when they are about to euthanized due to the inability to place them in homes. She accepts huskies from and adopts them out to all parts of the country. And she operates strictly as a non-profit organization.
She has battled weight problems herself in the past, but she is now a walking advertisement for the effectiveness of her exercise training. She has well-toned muscles in places I suspect most females don’t even have places, as the old joke goes. And after the first week, I have sore muscles in places I didn’t know I had places. (You try lifting hand weights while standing on a BOSU Balance Trainer. Who knew that just trying to keep your balance can be great exercise?) But I’m loving it. It concentrates on balance, flexibility, and strengthening, something us “old folk” tend to need. *Not* on my Bucket List is to ever be in a real-life version of one of those “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up” TV commercials.
Serious question. Not trolling.
Arlo’s concerned that Gene might be “turning weird” on them.
Was that a code phrase in 2002 for “gay”? I can’t remember.
That was my impression, Mark. But I could be wrong… it has been known to happen!
Were you writing to Mark or to me?
Rick, she said Mark, so I guess it was meant for me. I was referring to the trucker photo I posted earlier, not to your post about Gene and the meaning of “weird”.
Ok. Thanks. She must have clicked in the wrong thread by accident.
Oops – Rick, not Mark! Sorry about that…
Thanks for the clarification and the corroboration!
It should be so simple. Many, not just of Sister Caligula’s brand, believe it is.
BTW, background. Edda is scared because it is an unusual & risky pregnancy: twins in a single amniotic sac. That’s why she’s in hospital early; she’s due in April. Forgot the technical term; that’s weeks back.
Don’t forget that Sister Caligula reportedly scares even her Deity. 😉
There is an egg in the West End Catalina eagle nest. Still pre-dawn out there.
https://explore.org/livecams/birds/bald-eagle-west-end-catalina nest.
Waterfowl working their way N at a NE crane refuge.
This “Pibgorn” ends with a sentence that reminds me of a quote that I dare not post here. [However, if I can find it, I can email it to a few of you.]
Today’s newspaper comic is a hoot. Will repost this if JJ post a new oldie soon.
Re 2-24-20 real-time cartoon: Ahhh…not gonna touch that one .
Looking for advice: I’ve never suffered from the kinds of migraine headaches that make life miserable for so many. However, I have experienced brief visual migraines followed by mild but annoying headaches; I have also learned that what I have always thought of as “sinus headaches” were probably another type of migraine. Lately they have seemed to be more frequent and my doctor has recommended a preventive medication but I’m reluctant to start something that I would have to keep taking, couldn’t stop without supervision, and seems to have an excessive number of potential side effects. Any thought or recommendations?
Be sure you are consulting an expert in the field – and then consult another such. Seems wise to try what they suggest, especially if more than one has the same suggestion.
I’m just trying to be logical; not claiming any medical knowledge!
Fifty or more years ago, I had a daily headache for an entire summer. I was told later that it had been mere sinusitis or similar…and would have been easily avoided had I sought out a professional (it started in Sioux Lookout – look it up).
Ruth, I also get visual migraines. I also have never had a headache. I have occasionally gone completely blind in one or both eyes at times. When I “see” one coming on I try to relax in a quiet place. I also try to relax my neck muscles and rotate my head around to increase blood flow to my head. They are usually gone in fifteen minutes. Good Luck.
c x-p’s advice sounds good, esp. the 2nd opinion part.
Ruth, because I’m lucky, I cannot be of much help. I started visual migraines over a decade ago, in my mid-late 70s, but NEVER with a subsequent headache. Was subject to frequent headaches, as a kid, teen, and in early 20s, most likely in my rapid, erratic, asymmetrical path to profound myopia, but they gradually[?] decreased; I cannot remember when I last had a “sinus” headache. Usually visual migraines first get my attn when the patch of patterns seems an inch or less wide, proceed [either to my macula’s L or R]. Once they get near or over the macula, they make reading impossible and driving difficult [usually pull over and wait them out]. Suppose they last well over 15-20 min. Only 2-3 times have I caught them near the start, a little grayish patch too small to have a discernable pattern. Once they fade some, & I can resume normal activity, I usually forget them, so don’t know when they’re gone altogether. They occur irregularly, maybe less than 2 weeks apart, maybe months. Possibly they occur occasionally w/o my noticing, when I’m not visually engaged, or when I’m asleep. Forgot to ask my new ophthalmologist about them at our last appt.
My visual migraines are well-described as looking through a cracked (zigzag for all 360 degrees) piece of glass. They are somewhat annoying if I am trying to see something special, but I have learned that they will pass as eMb wrote. If I want to judge the progress, I close my eyes and the zigzag pattern shows up as yellow on the reddish color backdrop usually seen. The diameter of the closed pattern expands until it is no longer in my line of vision. What actually occurs in my eye/brain is unknown to me; I just know when the phenomenon has passed.
PS: More often than not, I catch my visual migraines in the act of formation: upon closing my eyes, I see part of a small diameter pattern which is incomplete (not forming a closed polygon). The longer I watch, the more of the polygon is formed and the diameter of the pattern increases. It’s rather fascinating since I know there is no particular hazard involved.
Blondie is great today. I guess Janis took too long to get ready….