A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Christmas Card

By Jimmy Johnson

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"
I was a greedy little kid at Christmas. I really was. I had a recurring pre-Christmas nightmare that I wouldn’t get any of the good stuff on my Santa Claus list. My father never tired of reminding me that a pen knife and an orange constituted a big Christmas-morning haul in his youth, but he enjoyed playing Santa for my little brother and me almost as much as we enjoyed receiving the bounty. Fruit, particularly citrus, was a big part of our Christmas because of my father. He made sure we had oranges, tangerines and English walnuts available. It meant Christmas to him, probably because it was about the only time of the year he experienced such treats in the Depression-era home where he was raised. His boyhood nickname was “Scrooge.” Why, I will never know. However, if you are at all a student of Charles Dickens you know the name was quite appropriate: he kept Christmas better than anyone.

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47 responses to “Christmas Card”

  1. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Good report, David. Thanks.

  2. Galliglo in Ohio Avatar
    Galliglo in Ohio

    Thanks David for giving the word on Jackie! Afraid that I have been away from Facebook all day. Don’t get on it at work. No time! Yesterday, I worked 13 straight hours and 9 straight today – grabbing a bite to eat… perusing spreadsheets while noshing. But… today I left at 5 and went to a friends for a little Christmas get-together. Fun… sitting and talking with girlfriends… with small libations, of course! Nice…

    I did check Facebook as soon as I got home and saw the message that David posted. Am so thankful that Jackie came thru the surgery OK. She probably will not be rearing to go anyway soon, but she will!

  3. emb Avatar

    Yay, Jackie. emb

  4. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Thank you David for the update. Glad to hear Jackie’s doing well. Bet she sleeps tonight, even if not in private room.

    By the way, we were talking about cats and Christmas trees a little while back. Got this article sent to me today and thought I should share it: http://www.cathealth.com/how-and-why/how-to-keep-your-cat-off-the-christmas-tree

  5. sandcastler™ Avatar

    Glad to know Jackie is recovering.

    Mark, three cats in our house. This year the tree is a non event.

  6. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Debbe 😉 Not “traditional” in the sense of “I grew up listening to it” but a very pretty carol. If, indeed, one day flights of angels do sing me to my rest, I’ll bet they sound just like she does.


  7. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    Keep the prayers coming for Jackie and her attendants.
    Thanks for the updates.

  8. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    I was sent this –
    The only Christmas tree to have?:)


  9. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    should be 🙂

  10. TruckerRon Avatar

    Well, finally got my tees today. No “J” to be seen in the paperwork… I hope that means JJ’s sold more shirts than he had time to sign off on.

  11. emb Avatar

    O.B. How does one get 5 cats to stay put for a photo like that? They must have been herded, or maybe drugged. Peace, emb

  12. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Or taxidermied.

  13. TruckerRon Avatar

    The Star Wars mania is spreading…


    Great voices, but I question the use of certain colors of lipstick!

  14. Debbe Avatar

    Good morning Villagers…

    Thanks David, for the good news report on Jackie…..please keep us updated.

    Gal, sorry to read that you are overloaded at work, hope that turns around soon for you. End of the year paperwork, gotta have that paper trail.

    One Christmas Eve, Santa sent a special truck to our house. A new Kimbal upright piano. Yes, I did take lessons….five years from a nun. Still can read notes, but I sure could pound out ‘Hark the Herald Angels Sing’. Still have the piano, it is at Sister #3’s house.

    I think I told this one last year….we woke up to bras hanging on the tree 🙂 Sister #4 had the training bra….there’s a pic of it somewhere among my sisters.

    Did not know there was another Star Wars sequel …is Harrison Ford in it???? Love the movie “Henry” and the one where he was president…”get off my plane”!

    ya’ll have a blessed ‘hump’ day…..

    Sandcastler, I can’t believe you are torturing yourself by not opening up the T’s….too funny.

  15. Debbe Avatar

    Old Bear…love the Catmas tree. Went to True Value with your SKU numbers, they had the Tacky glue, which we purchased, but not the lip balm. The sales clerk said she saw it over at Rural King though.

  16. Debbe Avatar

    GR 😉 heard of Alison, beautiful voice and song, added it to Christmas play list right under BB King’s….keep ’em coming

    ….aw, the voices of children,


  17. Rick in Shermantown, Ohio Avatar
    Rick in Shermantown, Ohio

    Jimmy’s talking about how his dad made sure his kids had many presents reminds me of the strip in which Arlo said that his dad “always busted a gut” to have a Christmas morning loaded with presents.

    My parents did, too. I was too young to understand why they did it; I just took it as natural.

    Years later, I found out about the lives of deprivation they lived on rural farms near Mammoth Cave during the Great Depression.

  18. Debbe Avatar

    …and I actually sang along with the words 🙂


  19. sandcastler™ Avatar

    Debbe, it is all about Zen self control. 😉 Besides, ours will be fresh virgins on Christmas Eve, while the others wil be washed out.

  20. Ursen Avatar

    Glad Jackie is doing well.

  21. Trapper Jean Avatar
    Trapper Jean

    Since Ursen mentioned traditional Christmas food…in my Mom’s family Christmas Eve supper was always oyster stew. Not sure why, except it was easy to make. On Christmas morning stockings and Santa presents were found and played with. Dinner was eaten around 2pm, and my grandfather insisted that the dishes were washed as he said (and rightly so) that after cake and presents nobody wanted to go clean up the kitchen. And of course dinner was turkey and dressing. Now-a-days the oyster stew is out, as nobody likes it, not even me. The only “traditional” part is that it’s easy to cook and clean up, as I’m usually still wrapping presents. And since Husband is not fond of turkey from Thanksgiving to Christmas we do something special for dinner. We have done everything from salmon in pastry to mushroom stuffed pork roast and gumbo. We don’t tell ahead of time what’s for dinner, so that’s as much a surprise as the presents. 🙂

  22. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    They really should have had some of that Lip Balm – We can’t keep it on the shelf.
    Perfect stocking stuffer. You can order on line and have it delivered to your store.
    No delivery charge if you can’t find it elsewhere.

    If you do not find it or Your T.V. will not order it, let me know the address of the
    chicken house and I will send it there.

    Keep the Jackie reports coming.