I suspect there are a lot of such promises being kept these days. Well, we are lucky to be here this morning! Strong storms blew through here overnight, and power was lost a little after midnight. I know, because my orange bedside clock disappeared, and the house suddenly became very quiet. What are all those house noises, anyway? One wouldn’t imagine their absence being so conspicuous in the middle of the night. That’s not counting the cats. They went into overdrive. They knew something was weird. However, come the morning I had just finished brewing a cup of coffee in a stove-top percolator (the best reason to have a gas range) when, lo!, the power returned. And here we are.

Clothes Lines Make the Man
By Jimmy Johnson
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13 responses to “Clothes Lines Make the Man”
I had a working project I had set aside 3 homes ago, (let’s call it 20 years). I still had the pieces of cut lumber and most of the necessary boards. My brilliant and lovely wife suggested that I might finish such a project instead of starting something more fun.
It was challenging to pick up where I’d left off, but fortunately I have a few more skills now, so it’s nearly done. Will make a nice gift for my son and DIL.
We have been hard hit with the Covid-19 virus in the city of Detroit. Yesterday we did a Zoom meeting with my wife’s family and her niece was able to join us on her lunch hour. She has been working 12 hour shifts at a Hospital ER in Southfield, about a mile from the Detroit border. She gave us numerous reports of how crazy it had been, so we were surprised that she joined us. Over the past few days the number of people going to the ER for Covid have dropped to lower levels than even before the virus. So apparently more people are staying away and following the proper protocol. Hopefully a light at the end of the tunnel. Still could see some spiking as people come back.
I hope that you and yours are staying safe, Steve, and come through this healthy. One good thing about this is that for the most part, there aren’t any long term effects for the survivors. It’s not like polio, where there’s a good chance that you’ll be crippled for the rest of your life. And, not to brag, there are now two confirmed cases in Las Animas County; not just in Trinidad itself, but in the whole county. I guess that there really can be advantages to avoiding the big city.
I’m now believing that the COVID-19 virus hit parts of our country much earlier than we knew, before China acknowledged the outbreak. According to one headline in CA on January 10, 2020, “Flu Outbreak Plagues California With 16 New Deaths: The flu season ramped up over the holidays and continues to cause sicken thousands up and down the state.”
“Nationally, influenza activity is increasing. All regions of the country are experiencing elevated levels of influenza-like illness. It is too soon to say how severe this season might be,” a spokesman for the California Department of Public Health told Patch. “Influenza activity began increasing in early November in California, which was a few weeks earlier than other recent seasons. Influenza activity in California continues to increase. Since influenza is unpredictable, we do not know how long the high level of activity will last and what the overall severity level of the season might ultimately be.”
I’m spending part of today trying to get some of Jackie’s upcoming physician visits converted to eVisits (or TeleMedicine visits, or whatever terminology is being used). Still undergoing treatment with drugs that can potentially compromise her immune system even more than it is already, that seems a wise thing for her to do. (It won’t eliminate all her in-person visits, of course; cancer med injections cannot be given via the InterWebNet…yet.) But it will help.
I have no experience with remote doctoring. Have any of you, and if so, what was your opinion of how it worked for you?
My wife LOVED it. She was in pain due to an infection and I was able to get her medicine immediately. I have my quarterly check up to get my refills, so my doctor knows me and I would assume that it will go great. But yes, with Jackie, if there is any way to eliminate a doctor visit, the better. I heard of one doctor that has you remotely sign in and wait in the parking lot. The nurse comes out with a mask and you walk directly back to the exam room. I don’t know, but they probably have you wash your hands when you get in.
Thanks, Steve. Since I posted earlier, I have made an appointment for a video consultation with her sleep apnea doc. They are to call me back with details about how that will be conducted. Since her CPAP machine is remotely accessible, and her apnea has been well controlled for years, I can see that working quite well. I’m going to check with her primary care physician tomorrow regarding her early May routine follow-up appointment, and see if she feels an eVisit would be appropriate for Jackie. And since I have an appointment with the same doc a week later, we may be able to do both at the same time.
Ever get the feeling you’re living in a science fiction movie? I don’t because I still don’t have my flying car. 🙂
Bald eagle? on the structure. First I’ve seen this distant view.
White-tail fawn? in the grass in the NB crane refuge.
Two of ’em. Definite fawns.
No white tail. Osprey.
I know that I hope the batteries in my chest outlast the virus. Otherwise I won’t even be trying to use a keyboard. Someday I will type a paragraph and not correct the typos. JJ, glad to hear that you are ok. Elvis got an afgan out of a chair and rolled himsel;f up in it. I have no idea how he did it but he’s never like lightning. Other than minor rain and some close lightning we didn’t have much here. Glad to see someone reads my comments. I,’m tempted to bring up the old arguement about ” I could care less.” Oh, you could? Why don’t you? Good to hear from you Jackie.
Jerry, are you also in the I Can’t Die! (ICD) Regiment?