Another oldie from March of 1997, featuring a pre-adolescent Janis. Or we’re left to presume that is who it is. It is! This became a short storyline about Janis’ desire to return to her piano education. Notice the fourth panel. That’s how a cartoonist on deadline draws a piano! And it works. As I mentioned yesterday, Gene and his family return next week, and I expect we’ll talk about a lot of substantive stuff then, including that boat conversation I promised.

Defacing the Music
By Jimmy Johnson
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100 responses to “Defacing the Music”
Chances are it will go to DST on the first Sunday in April (April 3 this year), which was what Congress called for back in the 1970s. The Energy Policy Act of 2005 extended DST by about one month, so it starts on the second Sunday in March and ends on the first Sunday in November. JJ’s software may have missed out on that change.
BTW, I haven’t fully adjusted to it yet, either.
I get to drive an hour later in the evening. When I get home [soon], still w/b able to walk to work [1 day /wk.] in the early a.m. Peace,
Jerry, there was a similar problem involving priceless old family photos following the death of one of my grandmothers and a “crazy aunt” by marriage. She burned them because she “didn’t think anyone would want them”. I would imagine there are some local museums or historical societies that would be happy to have the ones you have and to preserve them.
Jerry – I’m sorry for your loss – may you have special memories of your mother
Daniel Dennett is 78 today. From Anu Garg’s AWAD, here’s proof that a courteous but determined determinist and atheist [I think], can also have a sense of humor:
“A scholar is just a library’s way of making another library.” Daniel Dennett, philosopher, writer, and professor (b. Mar 28 1942).
[I happen to think that humor suggests free will and a benevolent Transcendent, but Dennett didn’t consult me.] Peace, emb P.S. As usual, I am not worried re Dennett’s salvation.
“I’ve found out why people laugh. They laugh because it hurts so much . . . because it’s the only thing that’ll make it stop hurting.”
? Robert A. Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land
God’s gift to man to alleviate pain without drugs or alcohol.
Dear Jackie, if your hip is still hurting that badly, you may have really dislocated it. You need to get to an ER at a hospital right away and they will put it back where it belongs … it will not, repeat, NOT happen by itself; it needs special expert care. Trust me; Chris had this happen about ten times, and it is VERY painful and has to be fixed as soon as possible … don’t wait.
[Just tried sending this in, but was rejected for some unknown reason.]
Second try: A while ago I was watching the Decorah eagle site in the hope of seeing a new hatchling – in a few hours, the first egg will have been laid 39 days ago, which is on the long side of usual for this pair of eagles.
As nothing wondrous was apparent, I browsed a few places whose addresses were shown on the Decorah site. One led to a filmed encounter of a hawk (unknown type) flying into an eagles’ nest while a parent eagle was sitting on eggs. As one might surmise, and the written description mentioned, “The hawk did not survive.”. I wondered how long the battle raged, given the beaks and talons each had. The invader lasted all of 10 or 12 seconds, as far as could be seen. Then the eagle began defeathering the hawk and, possibly, wondering who ordered the room service luncheon….
Whatever could that hawk have been thinking?
I agree with Miss Charlotte, Jackie. Get it checked out.
Jackie isn’t saying anything, here or on Facebook, so let’s hope that her boating friends have lugged her off to a hospital.
I hope it turns out to just be sore, but she needs to have it looked at to be sure.
c ex-p: In human terms, I believe one would term that “suicide by eagle”.
c x-p: Thinking? A bird thinking is not quite an oxymoron, and various birds have demonstrated learning ability, but instinctive behavior that works well often enough to be adaptive is birds’ forte. [French, no accent.]
Any idea what kind of hawk? I presume Bald, not Golden eagle.
Whoops! Neglected “(unknown type).”
‘Twas a bald eagle.
A group of jokes for music fans:
Debbe 😉 Since we’ve been doing some piano music lately…
Condolences on your loss –
We too have stacks of photos (non as old as yours)- I tried on several occasions
to get mom to put names on some. She would say “Don’t you recognize Grandma?”
Now was it her grandma or my grandma? (Her mom) from 50 years before.
We have a tradition – each Holiday meal we set a place for those that can not
be with us – It started with those that ‘stepped on the rainbow” but now is for
ALL those that are not with us. The Village included.
Prayers for all – Amen
Good morning Villagers….
OK, regarding today’s and yesterday’s strip….has Gene’s hair always been blonde? I know, the sun bleached it out 🙂
Steve, I only have a couple of his CD’s… our wedding ceremony, we played his music, and I walked down the aisle to his “Don’t take me far from home”. I’ll tell you who I like to read is Max Lucado….have you read his “When God Whispers Your Name”? I like his writing style, it is as though he just puts his thoughts down on paper.
Jerry, GR had a good idea about donating to a local museum or such. My paternal Grandmother was pretty good about putting names on pics. Dad is wanting us girls to get together and start going through his pics….he is 83…..AND still drives, much to our alarm. But we will be pulling his driver’s license from his cold, dead hands. Take his driving away, and he’ll just give up. We don’t know what to do.
Re: the intelligence of a bird’s brain….out of some 75,000 hens, I’ve got a couple of them trained…..they go nuts over an egg….cannibals.
I too hope and pray that Jackie has seen or is seeing a doctor. Her friends must have seen the anguish she was in and intercepted…I’d like to think so.
A blessed day to all…..
GR 😉 I know you are not the biggest feline fan…but I could not pass this up…..oh, and it has been years since I’d heard that song you posted…remember it growing up…thanks.
Jerry and Mark…you got to watch the video…cute. What was it said about the internet and cats?
GR – Debbe… my former husband and I used to dance to that. We put on quite a show. Other dancers would just stop and watch. Ah me… a long time ago…
I have purchased a couple of Max’s books but have not read them from beginning to end. I saw him on a TV show and I like his message very much. I think that I read it in bits and pieces. Sometimes it is very hard to take time to read. When my wife needs me to proofread her books, I will set aside the time and get it done quickly. Fortunately she is a good writer.
However I have one book in my inbox that she had heavily edited that I promised to re-read.
With all of the moving, etc, it has been hard to find the time, but I think that I can start tonight! The book is called “Forgiveness” and may actually be out in book stores on November 1st. All of them are available on Amazon. but her publisher has a new distributor and hopefully they can get it out. Of course there are fewer book stores.
Re the real-time cartoons of yesterday and today, a lot of folks on The Dark Side sure do like to over-think things. Well, that’s the charitable explanation, anyway.
I particularly liked today’s (I would, of course), but I don’t think any of the Dark Siders really got it. Or yesterday’s.
Jackie is seeing her Orthopedist when she gets to Oklahoma. I am on a small island town called Port Aransas, Texas, we are to right of Corpus Christi, Texas if you are on beach looking north.
Orthopedist already told me I have three compressed vertebrae I think 3-4-5 and we knew hip was bad too.
Island is Mustang Island. There is a clinic here and hospital in Corpus. Frank says we don’t have time for hispitals.