Today’s oldie is from May of 2009. I enjoy woodworking myself, but like Arlo I don’t seem to get around to all the projects I envision. My father had mixed feelings about my woodworking hobby. A man who worked with his hands himself, I think he took a bit of pride in my aptitude for carpentry. However, he repeatedly admonished me to be careful around my saws and various whirling blades. He worried that I’d injure my hands and jeopardize my career as a “draftsman.” He also took pride in my career, I’m sure, but he never could quite bring himself to call me a “cartoonist.”

Do It Yourshelf
By Jimmy Johnson
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38 responses to “Do It Yourshelf”
After watching 2 hrs of videos prompted by your link — thanks a lot — came across this:
Strip of 05.26.16:
This is not taking a good turn.
What kind of person did Arlo actually marry?
Good morning Villagers….
Well, that colored egg is getting closer to coming in. Yesterday, the teen that was working with me was pulling the lift with a skid full of eggs. He got his boot caught in the wheel and immediately let loose of the lever….making it stop on a dime. Which then caused the top slip (6 cases) to come forward and then a case and a half of eggs (that’s 540 eggs) to hit the floor. What a mess….but the teen is ok…I did not care about the eggs, just that his foot was not hurt.
Jackie, but sure to keep yourself hydrated in that Texas heat.
Old Bear…good memories of what I can remember 🙂
…and I am dangerous with a hammer….
ya’ll have a blessed day
GR 😉 and out of the clear blue, I remembered this song…have it on cassette….
Rick: Thanks. I really was not sure which to use there (NOT They’re lol)
Jerry: You left your weather when you left our state. Could you come back and get it? First time to use the A/C in the new house. The condenser looks new, but I can’t get the temperature down below 78° It’s suppose to be in the high 90’s for the next few days, so I’ll try to get someone out. I’m sure they’re busy. I know that it isn’t quite summertime hot yet, but it is warm enough to disturb sleep.
Ghost: Your urologist friend was not named Bobbitt, was he/she?
Well, my posts keep vanishing but I am down near Corpus Christi in Snow Bird land. Maybe they take the Internet back home when they leave. Good morning and back to sanding.
Hey, I had several workmens comp cases of male anatomy injuries including one where attorney and I had lengthy correspondence on definition of a scheduled member and another where correspondence involved whether loss of earning capacity had occured.
What the heck is Janis doing? Dream sequence like on Dallas?
Loss of earning capacity? What was he, one of the Chippendales or something?
“But how could I forget that kiss?”
That’s almost enough to make a (more cynical than I) person wonder just exactly what was going on between Janis and Vince twenty years ago. And if after-work rum and colas were involved.
But then, it’s been amply demonstrated on a number of occasions that Janis has an active fantasy life, so one can hope that’s all that is involved in this current story arc. (See Jackie’s thought, above.)
Steve, from what I infer, my doc friend has seen much, much worse genital trauma than a “simple” amputation.
I know a funny joke about the Bobbitt case. But then, who doesn’t? 🙂
No, this kid was no Chippendale, a ethnic islander in Jobs Corps out body surfing. It involved testicle and I replied that fathering children did not constitute an occupation.