A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

“Does him have a good hand?”

By Jimmy Johnson

July 25, 2012

Let’s close out the week with something silly! Have you ever wondered if there is a Wikipedia entry for “Dogs Playing Poker?” Well, there is. Enjoy.

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52 responses to ““Does him have a good hand?””

  1. joe d Avatar
    joe d

    JJ – You’re up early today. Thanks

  2. Steve From Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    I played cards with my cats once. All they wanted to do was lick the cards….

  3. Ghost Avatar

    Re 7-17-20 real-time cartoon: Why is Janis rolling her eyes? Knowing Arlo, I’m surprised he didn’t say what kind of dial it actually was. But, good cartoon.

    1. David in Granbury Avatar
      David in Granbury

      Possibly a pokie press?

      1. Ghost Avatar

        I like it! 🙂

        1. Ghost Avatar

          The longer the hug, the greater the chance of occurrence? 😉

    2. David in Granbury Avatar
      David in Granbury

      Replied a few minutes ago, Ghost. I seems one of the words I used may have dropped the message into moderation limbo (the place, not the dance). So here it is again, with editing:
      “Possibly a pok-e press?”

      1. TruckerRon Avatar

        Actually WordPress (I think JJ still uses that one) sometimes delays our postings for several minutes. That’s why I copy mine to another app and check back an hour later to see if it made it through. If not, I can send it again.

  4. Ghost Avatar

    “Pokies” goes into moderation??? Noooooooo! Say it isn’t so!
    Actually, I’ve begun to have the same experience as TR lately. I’d chalked it up to our slow, rural InterWebNet service, but perhaps that’s the explanation.

  5. Nancy Kirk in AZ Avatar
    Nancy Kirk in AZ

    Me too. I’m going to submit this and then hit refresh and see if that makes a difference.

  6. Nancy Kirk in AZ Avatar
    Nancy Kirk in AZ

    Nope. Just a certain amount of time, I guess.

  7. Galliglo of Ohio Avatar
    Galliglo of Ohio

    Love the retro strip of today! Luddie is SO smug!

  8. emb Avatar

    Advantages of writing your post in your regular word processor & then moving it to this blog include not posting it prematurely, & doing things the blog won’t do. E.g., you can use italics [It didn’t that time, but has done it before]. Don’t recall if you can underline [No]. NOTE: this is all Times New Roman. Cambria is a similar typeface, but its ? & ? symbols come through colored. I keep several lines of items not on my keyboard at the bottom of my drafts [see below]. The rectangles are items that won’t transfer. Sometimes I forget to erase those lines, which can lead readers to ask questions. BTW, “Elohím,” the 4th word in the Hebrew Bible, which the KJV scholars translated as “God,” is not accented. That accent is there to remind me to pronounce it properly: El-o-HEEM, when reading it aloud. One of my favorite words, for innocent reasons perhaps best left unsaid here.
    ¶ ½ ¾ ¼ ? ? ? ? ? ? © @ ® ™ ? Å Æ å á å ? ? á à æ Ç ç É ? ? é ê è ? ? ë ? ? í ? ? ï ñ ? ? Ø Œ ó ô ö ? ? ø œ ? ? ß ? ? ú û ü ý ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? — ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ÷ ‰ ? ? ? ? ± ? ? £ ¢ – ??? °? Søren WDTSAG entrée matinée fiancé fiancée Trouvé année Année mélange Curaçao Nestlé Velcro®™ Lord [those small caps did not come through], chacun à son goût Fauré ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ?? C.Dbk. ?? The Czech is in the ? Elohím El?na Garan?a

    1. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
      curmudgeonly ex-professor

      Got a hachek?

  9. emb Avatar

    “… its ? & ? symbols come through colored.” Those ?? were the astrological symbols for Venus & Mars, which biologists & some social scientists use for female & male.

  10. emb Avatar

    Peace, emb

  11. Rick in Shermantown, Ohio Avatar
    Rick in Shermantown, Ohio

    Off topic:

    I am pleased to announce that today was my last day of work. I am now retired.

    1. David in Granbury Avatar
      David in Granbury

      Congratulations Rick!

      1. Ghost Avatar

        Welcome to the Club.

        1. Rick in Shermantown, Ohio Avatar
          Rick in Shermantown, Ohio

          And it already feels great to be in the Club. I have never before felt this calm and relaxed.

      2. Rick in Shermantown, Ohio Avatar
        Rick in Shermantown, Ohio


    2. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
      curmudgeonly ex-professor

      Enjoy! Think of it as making room for someone else who needs a job….

      1. Rick in Shermantown, Ohio Avatar
        Rick in Shermantown, Ohio

        I like that thinking – good idea!

    3. Old Bear Avatar
      Old Bear

      Enjoy – just find something to keep busy.
      I don’t know how I had time for employed work.

      1. Rick in Shermantown, Ohio Avatar
        Rick in Shermantown, Ohio

        Sunday, we leave for Denver to visit our son and his family. We are driving because I can now take my time and see the country.

        After that, I want to spend at least a couple of months with nothing planned, just taking it day by day. I need to continue decompressing.

    4. Galliglo of Ohio Avatar
      Galliglo of Ohio


      1. Rick in Shermantown, Ohio Avatar
        Rick in Shermantown, Ohio


  12. emb Avatar

    c x-p: “Got a hachek?” Yep, a c topped by a hachek may one that doesn’t transfer. Note Elina Garanca [wonderful mezzo I’ve posted here before]. Her c had a hachek on top. Also a macron atop the i. Think this may have been a older version; doesn’t have enough questionable cs in it. I may be back.

    1. Old Bear Avatar
      Old Bear

      Not bad looking for 110ish

      1. Old Bear Avatar
        Old Bear

        I know the strip started 1930 but Blondie was in her 20s

    2. Ghost Avatar

      I wonder what Tootie’s new swim suit looks like.

      1. Ghost Avatar

        Hey, wait a minute. Would those be a “hairections”?

      2. Steve From Royal Oak, MI Avatar

        But you got to wonder about guys who run out to the fence after their wives come out dressed like that….I mean would that be your first reaction? Not mine!

  13. John in Houston Avatar
    John in Houston

    Watch the poker playing dogs in eight short cartoons. In YouTube search “poker night icebox”
    (Icebox is name of the animation site).
    They were made by some of the Mystery Science Theatre 3000 guys.

  14. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    On the MAC there is a whole keyboard of symbols by pressing the Alt key.
    º ¢ ? ™ ? and lots others.

    1. Old Bear Avatar
      Old Bear

      The ?s are Infinity & Pi

  15. Jackie Avatar

    I built high walled privacy fences so I could tan and exercise nude if I wanted to. Somehow I lost my motivation for either.on a positive note I get out occasionally and fight weeds in yard! I have such plans for early 6 a.m. before the heat warning starts.

    The deadline for planting tomatoes, peppera andeggplants is looming.

  16. Ghost Avatar

    Re 7-19-20 real-time cartoon: One (especially members of the fairer sex* here) may wonder why Arlo, who at most any time could see the goods without them being covered by anything, would want to see them covered by a wet t-shirt. Well, men.
    Last evening, Farmer Ghost was watering the crops and, while untangling the garden hose, managed to give himself a wet t-shirt. He, too, would have preferred it have been Janis that did that. Well, men.
    * The dictionary tells me that that “The term has come to be considered inappropriate due to its emphasis on the physical appearance of women and girls.” So, another perfectly good compliment about to go down the Politically Correct hole. Pity.

    1. Ghost Avatar

      So much of our culture is suddenly seemingly being declared “inappropriate” and therefore deserving to be “cancelled”, I swear if I were suddenly transported 10 years into the future a normal and innocuous conversation would probably get me arrested and charged with “felony hurtfulness” or some such.

      1. Ed Avatar

        That’s funny, but sad!

    2. TruckerRon Avatar

      My wife asked what’s the difference between cultural appreciation and cultural appropriation? I wish there were a simple answer to that. We grew up learning about other cultures and appreciated much about them, but today that’s become hurtful? The PC crowd can all go immolate themselves for all I care!

    3. Lost my way Avatar
      Lost my way

      I continue to learn that I did not have things explained clearly to me as a child. Lacking proper guidance, I believed the “fairer sex” described a young woman’s demeanor, composure, character, and tempered response. They were on the whole Less Mean than their phallus bearing counterparts. Pity I did not understand that every complement must be about outward appearances and it is useless to look any deeper for meaning. I failed to grasp that one must be pretty before attempting to be kind.

      1. Ghost Avatar

        My point, exactly.

    4. Ed Avatar

      I agree totally, it’s all good!!! Men are visual ……………and visual ……….. and visual ………..

      As far as the PC goes, I take it out with the trash, where it belongs!

  17. Jackie Avatar

    I apent muxh of my life being pretty but was always kind. I still am kind

    Personal observation, not being pretty does not make you kind. Also mosr older people are not kind and often self centered.

  18. Ed Avatar

    Well, if the last two strips don’t bring me slamming back to my reality!!!

  19. emb Avatar

    Most? Shouldn’t we have matured enough by now that it’s become only “Many”, or “Some”?
    Some other strips are often insightful, too.



  20. Ghost Avatar

    Re 7-20-20 real-time cartoon
    Anticipation: good
    False Assumption: bad

  21. Steve From Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    I thought today’s strip (7-21-2020) was going to be about Arlo taking pictures of Janis as she was bending over…Frankly it was funnier this way!

    It does bring up a pet peeve and that is the inability of people to do the mental math. But as I have aged, I have learned not to trust my brain, especially when distracted, so I always calculate the tip on my phone. It is just a habit that I have gotten into since once when I started to leave a restaurant and the server seemed upset. I stopped and asked to look at bill and I had short changed him. I quickly made the correction and gave him a bit more.

    This week my brother posted a brain teaser math problem which was X+Y x Z – W + T. Many correctly gave the correct answer of 104 and my brother admonished them as they forgot their elementary school arithmetic! My step-sister brought of “order of operation ” and my brother complained that he had never heard about it and it must be “new math”. Well I put my 2 cents in and because I am 7 years younger, he told me that they must have changed it when I went to school!

    Eventually he called me on the phone and he said “Oh I think I know the problem. I only took Algebra 1 and that was taught in Algebra II!” At that point I said “No, but you know what, you have absolutely no reason to understand order of operation at this point in your life, so don’t worry about it.” My brother has an advanced degree (obviously not in math or the sciences!) and he has always had difficulty understanding very simple concepts. He is both intelligent and stupid at the same time. In order to talk with him, I need to be very creative. I worry about him as he is developing health issues (soon to be 71) and listening to Doctors is very difficult for him.