This applies to regular-season games. When it comes to the Super Bowl and the College Football Playoff Championship, it helps to have something to do during halftime. I have to keep this post short, but if you come here at all, you know a Monday post is as rare as hen’s teeth. (If birds descended from dinosaurs, why don’t they have teeth?)
24 responses to “False Start”
Just out of curiosity: Am I the only guy in the country who won’t watch the game tonight?
I don’t know anyone on the teams, and I didn’t attend either school.
Why bother with the game?
There’s a game? 😉
I quit watching sports some 30 years ago when I found myself scaring my daughters when I shouted at the TV.
Where’s the Like button? This place needs a Like button. Gimme a Like button.
Wow; nice way to start week with an early Monday am post. I wont watch game. My wife will use tv to watch start of Bachelor. There is another tv but no interest in game.
Thank you indeed for the Monday posting!
I have been walking in order to get in shape for another marathon in April. Although it was nearly 50 degrees on Saturday, it was cold at 7:30 so I walked at a very nice mall in Troy MI. I walked 35 times around, which came out to 14 miles. While I was walking I saw a rather tall fellow with twins in a stroller walking with his wife who had a baby in her stroller. I recognized the fellow as Matt Stafford, who is the starting QB of the Detroit Lions (He makes close to $30 million/year) I made a comment to him about his twins and we laughed, but other than that no one was bothering him. As I was watching his wife trying to calm her crying baby, I realized that no matter the fame or money, we all face some of the same challenges. I give him credit as he easily could hire someone else to raise his kids, but there he was with his family. The Lions season ended last Sunday, so I was surprised that he did not high tail it to somewhere warm. I am sure that he will spend part of the winter away from the cold.
A Georgia man, I believe. Or at least a former quarterback for the University of Georgia.
He grew up in Dallas and played for UGA.
There’s a game?
Today’s newspaper comic: I made that sort of comment in passing a lot. Don’t remember her replying “You’re weird”, though she pointed that out in other contexts. Loved watching her. “All men are prancing, leering billygoats.” I’ve written here about the woman who said to her, “I hope my husband looks at me like that when I’m 79.” She probably doesn’t remember telling Elaine that.
Supposed to hit +35F today. T’will be our 3rd January thaw in 2019; one lasted 2-3 days. [Daytime highs, that is. It freezes every night. May let you know when we get our first frost-free night.]
I could go on for awhile. I volunteer at the Houston Museum of Natural Science and spend most time in the paleo hall. We have the largest paleo hall in America (Canada has a bit bigger one in floor space). We have the best most complete triceratops in the world (really) and to answer your question – it’s complicated
Re 1-7-19 retro cartoon: What part of “halftime entertainment” do you not understand, Janis? 🙂
Because the dinosaurs’ didn’t floss.
Because the dinosaur’s didn’t floss
Um, actually, Because the dinosaurs didn’t floss.
I appear to be apostrophe -stricken this morning. I was so distracted by the fact that my handle had disappeared from the Name entry that I didn’t read the post before hitting submit
In a sense, birds *are* dinosaurs.
Modern birds descend from a dino-bird line that developed a lightweight beak, better suited for flying.
Still, geese have tooth-like structures in their beak:
That may explain why geese are so aggressive! When Canadian geese are in the area ponds we don’t bother to visit our local parks.
A short piece on cartoon drawing.
News: The Boston Globe published an “Editor’s Note” saying that they heard their readers and realized that they removed too many comics. They asked for an email from readers stating their top 5 of the removed comics. I sent mine but also with thanks for keeping A&J. Mainly this is a comment that editors DO listen.
Thank you! That kind of input means a lot.
” (If birds descended from dinosaurs, why don’t they have teeth?)”
Same reason turtles don’t.
Today’s TIP Blog reads, “Cicero Accepting the Golden Globe For Best Orator in an Ancient Culture–Republic or Oligarchy, 1889” Well-known painting of the Roman Senate in session, w/ a lone senator sitting well apart from the others. Is there something about Golden Globe categories I don’t know? [I know nothing about them, & am not sure what they are awards for.
JJ: That’s ~ to the question, “If we’re descended from apes, why are there still apes?” The answer to all such questions is basically the same. Re the apes: for the same reason there are still Acadians.
Neither Ghost nor I were particularly aware of either the Golden Globes or the game. We stumbled over both since I haven’t turned on a television in four years.
I am glad Rami Malek won for his amazing portrayal of Freddie Mercury. I am glad Freddie got to see his bio pic win best movie. He is probably strutting all over heaven raising his amazing vocal chords and grandstanding. He went too soon, too young, too talented.
Yes, I think heaven is indiscriminate about your sexual proclivities. Freddie made points for loving cats. He wasn’t a Christian, but that voice. He’s somewhere singing high notes.