I pay a premium to feed my herd of cats good canned food. It actually comes in varieties with names such as “Primavera” and “Tuscany” and “Florentine.” They seem to appreciate it for a while, but then they’ll expect a change and stare at the fancy stuff until I relent and buy something cheap with lots of gravy. No matter what the price of the cat food, they love that gravy. No telling what it is. I once Googled whether cat food is safe for human consumption. (Hey! What is the internet for?) Guess what? It isn’t recommended, for a variety of reasons. One is, it contains “non-harvested” animals. This means if your dairy cow drops dead in the barn for unknown reasons, you can unload it on the pet-food manufacturers. Everybody’s happy!

Fancy-Schmancy Feast
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
55 responses to “Fancy-Schmancy Feast”
For those of you keeping score, we got a smallish federal check yesterday – unexpected. Now, if they’d just get on the stick with our tax refund….
Our nest-ful of li’l house wrens flew the coop about 10 days ago. Was going to toss the old wreath they had used (for obvious reasons), but now the nest is being used again! A new family? The same family doubling up on reproduction duty? Same mom and different pop? We’ll never know.
The barn owlets I follow also disappeared this week. There were six eggs and at least five fledged. Possibly all six made it, but they were so jumpy inside their box (blocking each other from the camera) that a secure count was not possible beyond the five I could occasionally see as separates.
Item seen on the ‘net yesterday states that, from a probable reconstruction, a common loon in Maine killed an adult bald eagle! B.e. will eat loon chicks, and a dead chick was at the scene. Defending parent probably swam under the b.e. and did an upward stab with its beak. The stab got to the b.e.’s heart and did it in. Official statement was that such was what occurred. Never would have bet on that outcome, but I don’t bet anyway.
I wish this site spaced paragraphs as I wrote them!
When I’m at home using my MacBook I can force the site to honor my spacing by putting an Option-space on the blank line I want to leave between paragraphs.
I’ve no idea what ASCII character that creates. 🙁
There’s a pond closer than I realized. 5 yg: maybe that’s all there were. Both parents still guarding. Presume there’s an osprey fam. on the new MTDNR structure, but MTDNR is not likely to build a 2nd webcam structure.
Ce-p I put a period (.) when I want a gap.
When I remember.
Just tried Trucker’s idea.
And that worked 🙂
And that worked 🙂
Tried reply – no post, but said I said that – (???)
Eats my replies.
Try this – will end up with multiple posts.
Seems Truckers idea works
If I knew what an “option-space” was, I could try it. OB, where does one place the “.”?
Just at the head of the line you want blank.
If the dot is not visible to you-
( . )
Like that. Without the Parentheses.
I went to Mass last night with a mask, pyreled our hands, didn’t sing (THAT was tough!). Only 100 were allowed but about 50 showed up. Many of the the folks were older than me and they were the ones that were told that they should stay home, but frankly we were so spaced out, I don’t think they were in danger. A woman coughed and everyone turned to look at her. Hopefully it was only allergies. Oh and it was the first time in 70 days that I wore a collared shirt and a pair of pants that required a belt. Forgot that most of my clothes don’t fit because of my weight loss, but was presentable.
Only time I got closer than 6′ was receiving the Host. Knocked my glasses off taking the mask off. I’ll have to work on that!
Maybe the most meaningful Mass that I have ever attended. To those who are of a different faith or do not attend any religious organization, please bear with me. It was truly a meaningful experience for ME. Thanks.
So glad you were able to attend Mass, Steve. I won’t be able to attend my Methodist Church service in person until the first Sunday in June. It will be SO hard to keep that 6′ distance – I will want to hug everyone I see!
But… I won’t…
I’ve been attending 9:30 TV mass on Sundays. I miss the congregation but I listen to people smarter than me about this virus.
In like ways – opening the Restaurants but requiring you to keep your mask on
does not work well.
Think it’s ok to let your mask hang around your neck while eating, but recall Mom saying not to talk with your mouth full. Peace,
For the information. Now to see if it works!
We have to be just a little smarter than the computer 😀
The character I’m using on the Mac is also called a non-breaking space. It’s normally used to keep single characters or words together on the same line. Can anyone tell us how to generate that character on a PC?
Then, on another topic: Where are the viruses that caused the Hong Kong flu of 1968, the Spanish flu of 1917-8, the various swine flus of 1976 and again this century? Why aren’t people still catching those? Why do people act like this pandemic can never end without a vaccine?