I scanned this old Sunday this morning, just for you. I drew a lot bigger back then! It took two passes on my 11X17 flat-bed scanner to get it all. That is the very reason I began drawing smaller, shortly after this cartoon appeared in 1995. It was about that time I started scanning the daily cartoons and digitally transmitting them to my editors in New York. I started drawing smaller so I could scan a cartoon in one pass of the scanner. It was sometime later before I began transmitting the Sunday cartoons, because they simply were too big to transmit by dial-up modem. As it was, I remember it would take 12 to 15 minutes to transmit six daily cartoons. Now, it takes about three seconds.

Forward to the Past
By Jimmy Johnson
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314 responses to “Forward to the Past”
“Maison de Rêves”
About 40 years ago, a “Real” provincial French chef opened a small bistro in an old motel, across the lake and on wrong side of New Orleans across the long bridge. Grew lots of his own veggies, served great wines and simple farm foods. “La Provence”.
We loved it and took one of our best friends, a man who went all over France several times a year hunting real French food (he owned a chain of department stores, so business expenses) Anyway, we wouldn’t tell him where we were going. He was terrified we were taking him on a snipe hunt and were going to shove him out in the swamps and leave him there.
Skip forward some, chef took in young local farm boy under his wing who wanted to learn about cooking and food. That boy is now John Besch, the absolutely most famous chef Louisiana has today, “La Provence” became his restaurant (among many he now owns) and John continues the local food movement in Louisiana and New Orleans.
Of course, it is now forty years later!
Love, Jackie
Jackie, If I were asked who the most famous New Orleans chef was, I would say Emeril Lagasse or Paul Prudhomme, but what do I know? 😛
Sorry Lily, but we spent 27 years selling the most expensive wines in the world to the most expensive/trendy/foodie chefs, owners and wine and food snobs of Louisiana and Texas, along with 13 other states.
Emeril is not from Louisiana and Prudhomme just did Cajun pretty much, Neither did authentic French nor authentic bistro style foods. John Besh is a native son and a food activist for native foods and food to table movement. La Provence is exactly what Mary Lou has in mind opening except it opened 40 years ago out in country, miles and miles from New Orleans
Forgot the website link, http://www.laprovencerestaurant.com It has acres and acres of on site vegetables grown for the bistro.
My Mike set up all the original wine lists there back in the day and wines are still an important part of the mix.
John Besh is a pretty hunky ex-marine and has a boyish charm about him, actually Gene looks a lot like Besh. Hope JJ does read this stuff we drivel on about!
Love, Jackie
Here’s a video article about La Provence and the farm, http://vimeo.com/36556344
And a pretty good one on the pigs and chickens, okramagazine.org/2013/07/15/fork-in-the-road-john-beshs-la-provence-restaurant/
There are hundreds and hundreds of reviews and blogs and articles on John taking it over after the death of his mentor and great influence (who was our friend) and restoring it, revitalizing it with the farm. It is the only true French bistro I have ever known of in Louisiana but there may be others on the Gulf coast now?
JJ lived only a short drive from this restaurant, is known to like/love good food and cooks himself. And make his own wine! I would bet money that he has eaten more than one meal at La Provence. There would be no better French bistro to use as a model for a Gulf Coast fictional spot for Mary Lou and Gene.
Did I mention Gene even looks a lot like John Besh? Of course, John also went to CIA before he served in the military I believe, unless he went on GI educational benefits.
Love, Jackie
Jackie, that’s all news to me, and I have been down there many times. I love Paul P.’s Louisiana Kitchen, and have sat next to his table by the kitchen with his, erm, king-sized chair and had one of his Cajun Martinis. If I were allowed one last meal, I would probably go to Mister B’s Bistro and order the Gumbo Ya-Ya. It is to die for. I asked The Man In My Life and The Boss Of My Life and they had never heard of John B. *shrug*
Sorry Lily, we also helped Paul P. open his first restaurant and knew the family before he moved from the south Louisiana area.
Glad you like Cajun.
We are talking French bistro here and trendy. Paul is old and dated and so is Emerile. But then so am I! Emerile was a sous chef when we first knew him and too insignificant to be part of any food groups. Glad he succeeded too.
Even if a comic strip, neither chef would be anyone Mary Lou or Gene wanted to imitate now- a-days. They are young and upcoming hopefully in restaurant business and you want to do what young and hot chefs are doing, not old and worn out.
But it is just a comic strip, not life. Life is full of old people, like myself and those you live with.
Dang, some times I do miss the wine and food!
Love, Jackie
Good morning Debbe and any other early risers, I am off to bed. Just took my tranquilizer and antidepressants and two Benadryl! LOL there.
The rock work is nearing the end, hallelujah! I can go out and tackle killing grass and weeds after they jack hammer up all the spilled concrete, it is too high for a stone sitting area. Shipment of grass seeds is spilling over my desk here and helper has the grasses and “dead” perennials cleaned and ready to plant. Can’t plant without proper prep of beds of course, so we aren’t close yet.
Over heard a customer ahead of me in local Ace hardware at 8 a.m. this morning going on about big city restaurants and living in little country towns being so awful. I waited until she left to tell manager I traded that all for a little town where people cared about me, knew my name and took care of my needs. True, she asked about Mike, she was afraid he’d died as she hadn’t seen him.
Went on to grocery, ran in and out, they joked “I’d made it back after all”, carried my few sacks out and loaded, always know my name, sweet people. Ask about my health, my husband, mean it.
You can always drive to a restaurant or gasp, cook!!!
Ghost, I am worried about you. How is mama?
Love, Jackie
Why do mornings have to come so early in the day? Off to the salt mines. Could be an interesting day.
Good morning Villagers….
TR, not sure how old you are, but my husband will turn 62 in December, and he is only qualified for basic Medicare for now….not until he reaches 65 does he qualify for any of the other ‘B’, ‘C’ and “D” plans….it’s so confusing. May have to do some research to see what qualifies him in this state….thanks for the info. He has a prescription plan, WellCare, I think.
Good morning Jackie….I too partake in a bedtime ‘cocktail’ such as yours….benedryl and a benzodiazipine…works for me. Early to bed and early to rise. Less BS I have to put up with when there is a disturbance in the force here at home. No antidepressants…yet…husband and son take them…I think they need to be re-evaluated….especially my other half! I’ve read that sometimes two antidepressants are needed to battle depression.
Today’s grin: https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/8318741248/h371285CD/
GR 😉 I’m like Jackie, know you are busy being a caretaker for your BIL and Mother….be sure and take time for yourself. And oh, love the little video….thanks.
Observation…..has anyone else noticed lately Jimmy’s third panels in the daily strip just speak for themselves….the tossing of ML’s hair, the silhouettes, the bird, and the mom putting child to bed. Just saying….
Jimmy! great stuff 🙂
MfI, mornings come early only of you were not up all night.