July 12, 1989
We’re continuing “The Summer of 35” today, my name for our observance of the 35th anniversary of the launch of Arlo & Janis. The actual anniversary, of course, was July 29, but I’m showing some really old stuff for at least the rest of this month. I’m going to go back into the archives later today and dig out some fresh old material. I’ve about mined out what I have in my studio at the moment. Speaking of my studio, it looks as if a cartoon truck overturned in here!
24 responses to “Goodbye to All That”
JJ: Thanks for another Oldie but Goodie. Stay sake from Sally.
Sorry – Safe
A cartoon truck! I kinda’ like that image. I know lots of people who’d appreciate getting a delivery from such a truck right now. Hey! Come to think of it, we just did — thanks to you. 🙂
If my truck had ever overturned there’d be a hazmat team wearing all sorts of protective gear. Would a cartoon hazmat team be armed with erasers? Ink remover? Industrial-strength whiteout?
And speaking of hazardous materials…
I loved the Jack O Latern strip. You really know how to beat your competition.
Toooooo Funny ……. made me laugh!
My wife bought me a wind-up ducky for the tub just a couple of weeks ago. I’m not sure if she actually expects me to play with it in the bath or not!
We are back from checking on the house in Alabama. We hope that we are safer in Florida but it’s not looking good for either place at the moment.
Jerry – I’ve been thinking of you as we watch this thing. Hope you’ll be high and dry. Check in when you can.
This is the wildest football play I’ve ever seen!
That’s the kind of play which is difficult to practice.
Prayers for all those in the way of Sally [or any other storm].
Currently experiencing just what you see on the weather channel right now. I’m surprised that we still have power and tv and internet and phone service. Its quickly sounding like the wind is picking u.p outside.
Ghost says Orange Beach is being hit right now. I hope you and kitties are safe Jerry. Keep us appraised.
And others in Sallie”s path. I love the coast, hate hurricanes. My Louisiana-Texas coast friends are still in cleanup mode, lacking many services. Also homes and businesses
Hope all is safe with you during hard times with Hurricane Sally. Be safe.
We’re still here. Apparently all services coming from the west and up to Pensacola are out. We get all of our services from the east and we haven’t really had any strong winds yet. Now that it isn’t completely dark outside I can see that the wind isn’t blowing that hard. The storm is still barely moving. I assume that it will reach us sometime today and we will be losing power, probably for some time.. May as well eat a good breakfast this morning.
The predicted track of Sally making landfall at the MS-LA border somehow turned out to be the FL-AL line, or right over Orange Beach. A reminder that hurricanes don’t pay any attention to NHC forecasts.
As of 7:00 AM, Godson II reported from there no injuries to the family but much destruction. Currently, winds there are still gusting above 50 MPH, so I doubt much formal damage assessment has been done yet.
I think that my record for no damage that I couldn’t fix myself has continued. The lights flickered a few times but never went out. The wind now is gusty to about 35 mph with no rain. My stepson is going to Alabama again to check on the situation there. Otherwise I think that it’s over for us. We’re watching tv from Pensacola and I think that they got flooded pretty bad and are mostly in the dark. My wife got a friend on her cell and she has a large tree in her kitchen and her son has a similar situation.. The hurricane season ends on Dec. 1 and I’m hoping that it’s over for us.
Good golly! I just saw pictures of the area where the hurricane has come ashore. Stay safe, everyone. 🙁
I’ve seen this movie (Hurricane Katrina,15 years ago) and know how it turns out…massive damage from which it takes years to recover. And there is so much personal tragedy which never makes the national news and from which there is no recovery. Such as a local businessman who stepped out on the porch of his home (one block north of mine) during a lull in the storm, only to be killed by a falling tree limb. Or the neighbor a half block south of me that died when his house was blown off its foundation and collapsed on him. Or the friend of mine who dropped dead at the dinner table five days after the storm, after having worked 16 hours each day trying to clean up and repair his home.
Those not being hit by hurricanes: Go get your flu shots!
Got my Super Flu Shot today sonce I am 76 and Stage 4 Metastatic Breast Cancer. I aced my Medicare annual wellness evaluation this morning and finally got around to getting a new handicapped auto sticker to replace my stolen ones from four years ago.
Despicable subhumans who’d steal handicapped people’s tags so they can illegally park closer at Walmart!
You have to steal the entire tag and risk arrest in Florida because we have a tag for the handicapped that has a wheelchair symbol on it.
My doctor said we have a sticker now. My old ones were hang tags for reatview mirror. They just hooked on. I left windows down for ventilation and they unlocked and took tags. I even got a warning for being parked in space AFTER they stole my tag.
I came back to this page, just to see the last couple comments before moving on. So on this third viewing of family comic genius, a new read occurred to me: silly Gene, thinking the ducky was ever actually /his/ ducky. The child could not have known, without being told, that ducky moved to the house with Arlo. My first two reads had Dad missing Gene’s toy, but this turned that on its head.
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