Another unvarnished memory involving my father. The mother also was impressed with Dad’s derring-do, and very grateful. Those kids probably weren’t as far out as I picture now, but I recall they seemed mere specs on the horizon. OK, maybe the memory is a bit varnished. The Independence Day weekend is upon us. I hope you have a happy, safe and sensible holiday.

Happy Fourth of July!
By Jimmy Johnson
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31 responses to “Happy Fourth of July!”
Varnished is good, Jimmy; most of my memories of my dad are tarnished, instead……….
I have been reading your strip for years. I do not understand why Janis has the dark object around here hair. Will you explain?
Well, at least Bruce the Shark didn’t get the boys.
Trivia Question of the Day: Name three ice cream flavors inspired by the movie “Jaws”.
Jimmy varnished is fine. Many of us have none or some have really bad.
I plan to celebrate by starting to plant seeds in starter soil for Fall gardens. The Old Farmer’s Almanac (and zillions of gardening blogs) say July 4 weekend to start cabbages, cauliflower, brocolli, etc. To plant later in garden
One of the big July 4 fireworks displays is three blocks down my street at beach. I have never bothered to go see it and a pandemic isn’t time to start. More concerned about dog and cats and traffic and noise.
Speaking of Atticus Finch, I just watched the movie True Justice (starring Michael B. Jordan). It’s a true story of a young black lawyer who sets up a foundation to defend poor (mostly black) prisoners on death row in Alabama. Very sobering and disconcerting to realize that the justice system in parts of the US hasn’t really advanced since the days of Atticus Finch. The overriding irony of the story is that it takes place in Monroeville, Alabama, the childhood home of Harper Lee and site of the To Kill a Mockingbird museum. The local whites take pride in Atticus Finch but don’t seem to realize that the legal system was still stacked against the poor black community members.
The movie title is “Just Mercy”.
A true story.
Yes this is a powerful movie and needs to be watched. This is not a type of political correctness dogma but rather a shedding of a much needed bright light on what most of us would assume or would like to assume were relegated to a more distant past.
A highly recommended movie!
My Dad was more of a hero in that he was a 4-H leader and a mentor to young college students studying electronics as my Dad worked at a radio station.
There was once though that he was an honest to goodness hero. I may have already shared it here but bear with me. I wrote the story and it was read at his funeral :
I had gotten out of school to take a test when I was about 15 and was home around 2:00 when our widow neighbor frantically called and said that the fields around her farmhouse were on fire. My Dad quickly told me to “Find the Coal Shovels!” and I went into the garage and found them immediately This was a sign of God’s providence as anyone who ever set foot in my Dad’s garage could attest (Everyone at the funeral started laughing hysterically).
We went up the road, about a quarter mile and the flames were nearly 100 feet from the house. My Dad told me to beat back the flames at the side of the flames (I later realized, as a Father, he didn’t want to put me directly in harms way) while my Dad went right at teeth of the fire frantically running back and forth to beat the flames back. We both worked for 60-90 minutes, before tracing the fire back to another neighbor who was burning his trash in a barrel.
When we got back to farmhouse, the neighbor was in tears thanking us. My Dad told her that it was nothing, she wasn’t in direct danger ( a lie!) and then she offered us some pie and cold drinks. I looked at my Dad, who was in his early 50″s and chuckled at him and said ” It looks like you might have gotten some more gray hair today!” He brushed back his hair and white soot and burnt hair fell out.
I finished the story by saying that when my Dad was younger, he resembled Clark Kent ( So did I), but for one afternoon, he was Superman. I miss him P-(
A beautiful memory, Steve.
A great memory.
Thank you for using “Independence Day” instead of “the Fourth.”
From Life in the Slow Lane: Had homemade hamburgers for dinner tonight; rather tastily. Planning on having BBQ’d country-style ribs tomorrow night; if we do, that will probably be the most protein we’ve had in any two-day period lately.
Fireworks over the lake ran from 9:00 pm until 10:00 pm; could have walked out to the back street to see how much traffic there was, but the mosquitoes almost ate me earlier while I was watering Jackie’s garden, so I didn’t. Hopefully the noise and commotion didn’t cause any of the outdoor cats to leave home.
I suppose we will get the opportunity tomorrow to see who celebrates our Nation’s birthday peacefully and who doesn’t; hoping the former group will prevail.
Oh, and the answer to the TQOTD was…Finilla, Sharkolate, and Jawberry.
Re 7-4-20 real-time cartoon: Well, at least the breaking cartoon rope didn’t drop a cartoon safe or cartoon piano on top of Arlo.
Was the hammock from Acme, Jimmy?
Where’s the like button? We need a like button.
I wish everyone with pets would read this each holiday with fireworks!
For the second night in a row there have been nonstop fireworks from 9 until midnight. Where do people get the money to do this?
I was out repotting pepper seedlings and the fireworks began during daylight. I gave up after only eight peppers and came inside. I am no fan of fireworks.
Ghost’s country ribs with potato salad were good. I am going Thai peanut pasta for lunch tomorrow. I do have plans to clear a bed of weeds to plant eggplants, okra and peppers in early tomorrow if not raining.
Very slow lane here.
Goodnight, the fireworks have ended
A friend posted she was out mowing her lawn at 6.45 this morning in retaliation for the neighbor shooting fireworks until midnight.
In today’s strip, Arlo is semi-philosophical as well as kind in terms of regarding Janis’ feelings. In absolute terms, things are going downhill, he opines. Then he agrees that Janis’ own perceptions play a role (in her mind) as well. Indeed, one does not preclude or necessitate the other. Nicely played.
I thought the heavy thunderstorm that came through at 7 last night would hold down the fireworks. But as soon as the rain quit, (and not even then for some folks), they started again. At least it was so wet that accidental fires were unlikely.
I got up early and started walking 26.2 miles at 6:00am at the local walking path that It’s totally tree covered. It was 73° at the beginning and I felt great.
As I got near 20 miles the temperature started to get into the 80’s. I had plenty of ice water and start pouring it on my head to keep cool.
Since it’s a 1.25 mi loop I was surprised at my watch seemed to be miscalculating the distance. When I finally hit 26.2 I quit and went home. When I got there I realized it actually done 26.7!!! As you can expect, I was pretty peaved. But when I jumped on the scale, I was, at least temporarily,40 to 45 lb lighter than I was a year ago. So all was good. We decided to possibly eat at an outdoor table at a local restaurant but couldn’t find anything ready open on the 4th of July. We ended up getting a couple fast food burgers That were actually pretty good.
It is roughly 92° here today so any honeydo projects have been postponed indefinitely!
My MBH’s covid test came back OK, so her surgery tomorrow is “go”. Unfortunately, some others’ tests were not so good, and their surgeries have been shelved for the nonce. What that means is that my MBH is due in the hospital by 6AM instead of hours later! Yike.
Formations of small, lighted, computer-controlled drones may one day replace aerial pyrotechnics. Less polluting, less disturbing, and equally if not more impressive. Check them out on-line, if you’ve not seen them in action.
Like this, Ghost?
My MBH’s surgery apparently went smoothly and she has been retrieved from the hospital, replete with a new lens.
Now we need to have the a/c repairman show up and fix things. Highs >90F for all week [onwards] with ages >80 isn’t the best combination.
So glad that your MBH’s surgery went well!
Oh, no!
Life in very slow lane. Planted some more seeds for Fall garden. Going out to transplant more hot peppers. Not looking good?
The squash are stunning and loaded with tiny babies. Cannot find a zuchinni! Did find some yellow crooknecks. Squash Gods are smiling.
Some people prefer risking life, limb, and jail time for their fireworks in L.A. County:
About cats and today’s cartoon. Skipper has decided he is Ghost’s cat. Ghost said he didn’t ask for a dog but got one. He said he definitely didn’t ask for a cat.
Skipper is sleeping between us with his head touching Ghost. Earlier he was curlrd up unfer his arm.