So, do Arlo and Janis still work? Yes, they do. They’ve been luckier than many over the years; they’ve had stable employment, maybe not with the same companies the entire time but in similar fields and environments. There is no doubt they’re in that winding-down phase of employment, when the management would love to get rid of them and replace them with someone younger and cheaper or, more likely today, outsource their work entirely, but they just know too damn much about how things work. Perhaps one of them will be offered the “consultant” track soon, where they’re paid half the money to clean up after a workforce making even less. Speaking of money, they like the money, of course, but they would leave for a new challenge and less remuneration in a heart beat, say helping run a fun little local-food enterprise, but the benefits are the trap, especially the insurance. See? You don’t really want to hear all this. They have modern jobs, sure, but they still are modern cartoon jobs. It’s nice work if you can get it.

Harpe Diem
By Jimmy Johnson
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240 responses to “Harpe Diem”
c x-p: They likely have done what most owlets do, decided to roost on nearby branches. Peace,
Used to eat at Horn & Hardart’s at 181st & Bwy. late 40’s early 50’s.
Just saw you can get an original H&H vending machine for a mere $10,000.00
Jackie, an earlier post flew past my head, I just didn’t get it, and wrote it off to good pain meds and HAL’s intervention. “Good Nyborg, man.” — Heavy Metal (film), alien pilot — Harold Ramis?
Later, I realized, was the phone booth acceleration a George Carlin, Bill & Ted reference?
missed it the first time.
Heavy Metal is from 1981, Bill and Ted’s first from 1989 according to Google. So perhaps the Bill and Ted writers were paying homage to the Heavy Metal film. The Heavy Metal magazine was better anyway.
Actually, Morphy, I thought that the phone booth was referring to The Doctor.
Now this is a smart woman:
Intoxicated female non-bartenders? Hmm. I believe that is a category for which I never bothered to keep records. 🙂
It was The Doctor. Tardis. Going back in the Time Machine trying to recapture lost youth. Sometimes you set too fast and you intend one period of your life and you end up a comic you don’t even know.
I for one never saw Butthead and Beavis but my kids did. I know they were immature geeky losers.i do know what other references Morphy made were too but have never seen them either.
I am complimented anyone thinks I am that smart.
I am awake and off pain meds. It was a rough night.
About today’s strip. Very funny.
I hope Gus, Meg, Jean and Mary Lou remain or Arlo and Janis remain. Whatever it takes.
The art work is better and so are jokes.
That old farming saying about ploughing a field too many times to result in good yields. The corn keeps getting stunted after awhile.
Poor Ghost is off in search of ice for my machine and knee. The fridge is not making much if any.
Jackie, good morning. Here is the Heavy Metal movie Morphy referenced:
And here is an article about the magazine it was based on:
Well better get a post in before this goes dark. Ice is wonderful as are over the counter pain meds. The quicker off the strong stuff, the better, but if you need them, you need them.
Steve I have already cut back from two to one pain pill plus ice almost from beginning. Nor am I taking at minimum hours. As soon as these run out I am to go back on the Ultracet I have taken for joint pain and inflammation. Along with Celebrex it has controlled the autoimmune disease and joint destruction for twenty years.