Today, we go way back. No one has seen this A&J sunday comic since it first appeared in newspapers in 1986, when I’d only been drawing the strip for a little over a year. Looking through the old stuff, it caught my eye because of our conversations so far this week. Obviously, this is an early example of my work; it’s unusual in that it is entirely a visual gag. As I have mentioned, I did very little of this sort of thing in the early going. I’m sure when I drew this one, I was very proud of myself for stretching my chops. Yes, it could have been a little funnier, but you can say that about all of them.

Ice Follies
By Jimmy Johnson
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59 responses to “Ice Follies”
Skip the sugar on above beverage I forgot to say. Either drink sugar free or use substitute. I am not using artificial sweetners on anything as they have found it causes blood sugar surges and drops in type 2 diabetics. I have been drinking this forever actually along with tons of water but mine isn’t actually for stones.
It is however, what they are telling all my family members with stones to do and I just checked reliable references on net who verify the info. I like Mayo Clinic or Web MD who seem conservative and well written, when in doubt.
Good night all, just watched Anthony Bourdain and a ton of Cajuns killing and cooking pigs and other assorted “road kill” as my kids call it. It came with cautionary warning for those faint of heart.
Ghost, one of the best Southern horror stories ever! I still see that indented pillow and the long gray hair. My favorite is still “The Reivers” which is pure fun and funny. Best car road trip buddy novel ever and only movie I truly loved Steve McQueen in.
Love, Jackie
Munchkin, since you have expressed some interest in WWII weaponry, this Nazi Krieghoff FG42 Paratrooper Sniper Rifle recently sold at auction for $299,000.
Debbe 😉 Although the story is different, this always reminds me of “A Rose for Emily”.
But I’m sure the “folks around Brownsville” never thought you were crazy. 🙂
Good morning Villagers…
Yes, Denise, our hensway about 2.5 to 3.0 lbs. And they are pumping out 154 cases (that’s 360 eggs per case) as of yesterday.
Indy Mindy, be thankful you don’t have to remove 600 feet of eggs off of a broken egg belt….that’s on the bottom!!!!! (As I was hand picking eggs off, I got to thinking we had 144 cases the day before, there are 10 egg belt lines, and that’s roughly 14.5 cases per line!!!) We’ve had to do that the past 4 flippin days….The Boss told Andrew to let it go for a few days, maybe that will teach us to pay closer attention to the end of the belts as they roll around…yup, another flippin belt wrap. But you know what, the building is 30 years old and all the equipment is antiquated (I love that word).
The Boss is too busy right now at his two feed mills….lots of corn coming in and no where to put it… around here aren’t too happy about the price of corn per bushel right now as we had a bumper crop year.
Mark….you have my sympathy…been there too with a broken wrist…have an itty, bitty plate in there too.
Jackie….indomitable? Sometimes….fake it till I make it.
GR 😉 just what has happened to ole Tanya Tucker……never hear anything about her.
Ya’ll have a blessed day…
GR6, how large of weapon collection do you have?
“. . . a Meyer Lemon tree just outside our back door.” I have a flowering crab outside my dining nook window, lots of fruit this year, larger berries > last year / more rain. Hope I’m there when a flock of Bohemian Waxwings strips the tree. Other critters, incl. grey squirrels, eat them, but the Bohs are the most spectacular. In Europe/UK, they are just waxwings. They don’t have our Cedar Waxwings for contrast. CWs could also strip the tree, if they don’t fly S. first.
Good morning, Villagers. Great, cool run this morning with a magnificent sunrise. I love Fall.
Jackie, I have a mug of sweetened tea in front of me as we speak. The Man In My Life keeps a jug of weak, sweet tea in the kitchen fridge at home not for prophylaxis but because our tap water tastes bad, especially this time of year. No lemon or lime though. Have to go to the fruit bowl in the breakfast room for that.
So far Lily…I’ve counted a ‘pot’ room….breakfast room…library room….just how many rooms does this ‘dwelling’ have….could one lose a ‘body’? 🙂 Just kidding…but the ‘pot’ room was not I had conjured up 🙂