But why should that line be expected to make any sense? I’m continuing with the “Chevy” series today, and I’ll wrap it up tomorrow. As I mentioned in my previous post, my own first car, a ’56 Chevrolet Bel Air, was the impetus for this early A&J narrative. My car was a four-door model, which accounted for a drop of megapoints on the coolocity meter, but the back seat was, in fact, enormous. I think I could have fit a small coffee table back there! Arlo probably spent more time in backseats than I actually did. He is, after all, a product of my imagination.

Isn’t ‘rye’ a whiskey?
By Jimmy Johnson
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42 responses to “Isn’t ‘rye’ a whiskey?”
Indeed, prayers for all those in any kind of need.
Sand so too was Diet Coke fanatic. In old days flew with s second suitcase full to third world countries like Mexico and North Carolina. Known to drink 20 case count per day.
Ghost stopped that one cold turkey.
We are still working on shopping addiction. Trying to limit me to six items or less per store or website.
sand and Debbe: Needed quick online updates on both diseases; they were not encouraging. You and yours are in my prayers. Peace, not as the world gives.
In s world where one daily sees a Kardashian baring it all in publications of all ilk including main stream ones, nudity is now expected and normal.
Ghost and I got a jolt at lunch when our 25 year old waitress had no idea what s “centerfold” was or why it would be considered scandalous. The idea that doing photos for a publication like that would be considered a morals offense for school or employment was inconceivable.
About MRSA sanitation, this is what paper towels and spay bottles are for in gyms emb.
Number one source of infection is hospital , number two are schools, number four gyms, fi e care facilities like retirement and nursing homes.
Only hot water and hot drying kills bacteria on othes and bedding, towels. Do not mix patient’s clothes with others. Run a empty washer of hot water .mixed with Chorox. Wipe down inside dryer with Clorox solution.
Do not let patient use others towels, touch counters, furniture. Keep hands cleaned, wipe with hand sanitizer constantly. Clean shared toilets, tubs, showers, sinks with Chlorax solution after use and before use by others.
I can go on but my mother in law got MRSA IN rehab in Louisiana about 2003, almost lost her leg then. Kept it or kept being reinfected in home in Oklahoma. Many hospital and out patient hospital treatments for IV antibiotics .
She had MRSA entire last year of her life, back and forth from quarantine in hospital to rehab to full care nursing before she died.
If exposed as I was you must be tested for MRSA with a slab test and reveal this to all hospital’s you are admitted to, even out patient. You can have it with no symptoms and carry for life..
Germs stay viable on surfaces for six months.
Swab test of nose mucosa for MRSA exposure of anyone exposed as I was. I think this is for life?
Clorox full strength liquid diluted. The nurses in hospital and rehab facility sprayed, washed, wiped air, floors, furniture fixtures constantly. Wore gloves, masks, gowns, footies and threw in contaminated trash.
Guests were not encouraged, had to do same as nurses and staff, suit up and discard there, stand in an entryway and not approach patient or touch.
Prayers, Sand & Debbe…
I’ve had an MRSA infection, in an abscess, years ago, and had to take sulfa for it. That really messed up my stomach for a few days, constantly upset. Later, I had to take it again for a bladder infection and the VA gave me the generic version of Prilosec along with it. (Now, I take that every night before dinner for GERD.) That helped my digestion, but didn’t completely knock out the infection so they gave me a different antibiotic to finish it off, and I don’t think that anybody here wants to know what happened next, but the cure was rather futuristic and involved a laser.
I’m sure we all wondered when we were young why old folks spent so much time talking about their various medical conditions. Now, I know: if you’re friends, and you haven’t been in touch for a while, you want to know what’s been going on, good or bad. And besides, there’s always the bragging rights for a good medical story.
A laser? The mind boggles….
I have no idea what you mean, but am willing to read if you want to write more.
A good early morning Villagers….
Thanks to all of you for the encouragement and prayers.
I am a Clorox believer, and no substitute either. I am loaded up with Dial soap (not generic), hand sanitizer, Clorox wipes are in every room. and I’ve had boxes of latex gloves here from day one (good grief, it’s been almost a year since I’ve been here)/ Dad’s walker gets wiped down after he uses bathroom and also the commode gets wiped down as well as the bathroom sink and handles.
I wondered about the laundry…temp of water here is 120 degrees, anything white gets almost two cups of Clorox .
Dad does not understand the severity of this. I remind him of my BIL’s death almost four weeks ago…BIL’s immune system was compromised and he contracted MRSA and left this life. His widow, #2 sister is very concerned about Dad. I am on a paranoia hype now….and that is good.
Anyone here know anything about the drug Exlono? I’m starting Dad on that tomorrow…I would appreciate some advice…if you was to be anonymous please do so, or you can email me at debbeosborne@gmail.com.
Sorry I dumped my load on you all, but I couldn’t sleep.
Sandcastler and Loon are in it also for the long haul. Let’s keep Loon in our thoughts and prayers….He hears us, but the answer maybe not what we expect. My widow sister is accepting the death of her husband as God determines when it’s our time to leave this world. God bless her, she is very strong in her faith…that is an asset.
Think I’ll go lay down and see if I can at least get a couple more hours of sleep.
and again, thank all of you for your encouragement.
To continue the story, cep, it turned out that I not only had an infection, I had a bladder stone, much too large to pass. The VA dealt with it via laser lithotripsy. That is, they inserted a fiber optic cable and used a laser to blast the stone into fragments small enough to be washed out. While I was waiting for the anesthetic, one of the chaplains came over to talk and asked what procedure I was there for. When I explained to him what it was, he paused, then said, “How…Star Warz.” This was the day before Rosh Hashonah, and I ended up wearing a catheter to services both days. And, I can assure you from personal experience that having a foley catheter removed is completely painless. In fact, I didn’t feel a thing as it was removed. Going in may be different, but I was asleep when that happened and wouldn’t know.
Sideburns. My late husband had that done also to break up one of his struck stones and something that involved a procedure like a seismic oil exploration.
Lots of kidney stones in 50 years with a blocked man.
Debbie it sounds like you have it covered girl. I forgot about your background in profesdionalhousecleaning.
Clorox is a verb as I am concerned. My entire life.
I too have had a life long compromised immune system which makes me high risk on so many things. The reason I know about so much like Loon’s illness and your dad’s. It is why my survival to age 73is so miraculous besides a very adventurous life.
Recent surgeries and hospitalizations have made me even more aware of the MRSA dangers and spread.
Insomniacs live in the Village.
Lizard, probably a gecko of some sort. In S. Amer., would be an iguana.
This river ordinarily flows L to R. Drenching rain a few days ago; now it cannot decide which way to go. Have seen it flow R to L before.
Dad, at age 60-61, had a bladder stone removed the old way at the VA hospital in The Bronx [former home of the Bronx Bombers, when they won the pennant every year]. Said it was the size of a light bulb; I’m guessing maybe 15 watts. Improved his temper a lot.
Was in the hospital over a week, as was common then. At age 10 or 11, visited him there; some there were permanent residents, / serious casualties in WWI. Gruesome, but informative.