Here’s a Saturday post in the way of an apology for being so haphazard the past few weeks. The pizza guy used to be a dependable wellhead of gags a few years back, but he largely has disappeared. I attribute this to me now living in an area not served by pizza delivery. “Pizza Man” sounds like a super hero, doesn’t he? Maybe I could create such a character and feature him in a comic book! I think these comic conventions are starting to affect me. Speaking of, today is Saturday, so this must be Burlington, Vermont! The “Vermont Comic Con” begins today, and Arlo and Janis are there!

It’s Pizza Man!
By Jimmy Johnson
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119 responses to “It’s Pizza Man!”
Oh, and I miss my first car – Herbie, 1992 Dodge Spirit. He’s still at my cousin’s, but not sure for how much longer.
Never had a car that anyone would lust after but some of you might like these –
My red convertible looked like this one, right down to the tires.
Only non-V8-engined auto I ever owned was a company car my boss gifted to me when he sold the business. It was a V6.
So, we have determined that you and I like big motors with a lot of power. You got me started on this remembering classic cars, a slippery slope. Now I am over on Facebook with a few friends being nostalgic.
Heck, I can be nostalgic about Crown Victoria and Grand Marquis!
I’m not a speed merchant, but I don’t dawdle on the highway. On Interstates, I usually consider the speed limit to be the rear bumper of the car ahead of me.
We all know I have a small leaden foot. I am warned on pulling this boat. Sadly Dickens and I are going alone.
He doesn’t like to be on road after dark so we plan to stop early and not speed.
smigz: My dad sold the ’57 Chevrolet to me when I entered grad school. Not knowing anything about cars other than to add gasoline and oil as needed, I screwed it up, but good. Less than a year after the purchase, I {and new wife} hauled our wedding gifts from eastern OH to eastern KS in a U-haul trailer. It was heavily laden, to say the least. On one of the travel days, I recall hearing the radio announce {from St. Louis} that it was “6 o’clock and still 106F at the airport”. I did not know it then, but the extreme conditions had slightly warped the engine block – so a mechanic later told me. Result was an “out-of-round” crankshaft, great loss of oil, and so forth. This all came to light a few years later when I first learned that one needed to change oil filters now and then! Yep, it was really screwed up, and I had to get rid of it in ’64 or ’65.
My own fault.
PS: With a warm engine, removing the oil filler cap allowed the idling engine to put forth perfect smoke rings from that filler tube! It was interesting to view, but not a harbinger of anything good.
cxp, I had an AF buddy with one of those “fill up the oil and check the gas” beaters, a ’49 Ford, I believe. When I shipped out for overseas, he was still driving it.
Debbe 😉 Anything you want…
You and Dickens be really careful and stay safe, Jackie. I’d go with you if I could, just can’t.
Thank you Nancy. This is an amazing show, the absolute best in country. You don’t even have to like boats to enjoy it. Music all day and night, beer gardens and food and drink but not typical fair concessions, books, lectures, children’s events, parties. I get tickets to everything for showing.
One of most anticipated events is the awards for R2AK, the Race to Alaska, which involves the ugliest men’s blazers from thrift shops that are given to this year’s competitors. If they didn’t get to end they cut off a sleeve and if they didn’t make first checkpoint they lose both sleeves. It is very tongue in cheek, making fun of yacht clubs and racing events. Membership in the “yacht club” costs $10 and you print your own membership card as Vice Admiral.
Winner gets $10,000 and second place gets set of steak knives. This is no motors, human or wind power from Port Townsend, WA to Ketchikan, Alaska in small boats. I have been asked to let a team use my boat next year with me along.
It has 459 hp which means that although it is fancier than the ’72 it may be faster.
Cartoon “Flo and Friends” makes an interesting philosophical analogy today [8/31].
Good morning Villagers…
My first car was a ’74 Mercury Cougar….yellow with white vinyl top and an avocado interior…loved that car…my second favorite car is still sitting in front of the pole barn’s driveway. We got the security key, just need to try and jump start it.
BIL had to exchange batteries from his big black truck to his Dodge Dakota because of break line failure…and of course, the gas had been sucked out of it as it is running rough…husband said they must of used a dirty hose. I’ll bet I don’t still have a half a tank of gas in my Isuzu. Neighbor down the road we suspect.
Jackie, I’ll give you credit…you’ve got guts girl. All that mileage in front of you and towing a boat!
gotta get ready for work….need to be there at 6ish and run through the hen house, if we don’t get inspected today, for sure tomorrow. I am a wreck.
blessings on all
GR 😉 hope it’s not for me
they are all good today…..
I had a 64 Dodge Dart hand me down from my brother and sister. It had a push button transmission. It was also featured in a 1974 or 75 commercial for a national collision shop when someone saw the car and called it a “Heap!”. So my friends started calling it that. Of course when the cold weather hit and I jumped started their cars, they still called it a heap, but I had the last laugh.
I am getting out of bed and heading for town 25 miles south to get oil changed in pickup. Had to call six dealerships to find one to get me in!
Still have to get boat registered. Got trailer tagged already. Somewhere I have to get it through customs.
Debbe, I have always been known for having guts. It might be better to be known for having sense.
Love, Jackie