It seems like just yesterday I was telling you that “summer hours” were over, and I’d try to post more regularly. I did manage to do that during the cold months, but summer—and summer hours—seem to have returned already. Tell you what: starting next week we’ll do things a bit differently. You won’t notice so much (No, it’s not the much ballyhooed Web site redesign.), but I think it’ll work better for us all. I’m going to prepare five cartoons that will preload during the week, regardless of what I happen to be doing first thing in the morning. Perhaps I will make a comment, or perhaps I won’t, but I am going to try and check in more regularly during the day and comment on your comments more than I do now. To be honest, coming up with something trivial but interesting to write every morning is the hard part of this task; this way, you can help. I think it sounds like fun. We’re always working to improve your Arlo & Janis experience!

Music to the Ears
By Jimmy Johnson
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What’s old is old, again
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86 responses to “Music to the Ears”
Mark, be sure to ask them their plan for world peace when you talk to them.
Jackie, I recently had the opportunity to inspect the result of a breast reduction procedure. (Don’t ask.) I was actually very impressed with the outcome. As for any surgical procedure, much depends on the skill of the surgeon.
And the overly large, too round, unnatural-looking cheapy breast augmentations sitting too high on the chest wall? I have a friend who manages a plastic surgery clinic, and she tells me they are known in the trade as “bolt-on boobs”.
Ew,I have my own boobs and I certainly don’t want them bigger. I have to listen to my more generously endowed friends griping about bras cutting into their backs and backaches. I certainly don’t want mine bigger. That might attract men and, bleagh!
Don’t worry, Lily. No one can make you get bigger ones.
Debbe 😉 Finally had time to listen to “Creep”. I tried to access it on Spotify so I could listen to it through stereo earphones, but I couldn’t find her version of it. Radiohead does it pretty well.
Remember, hon, “Illegitimi non carborundum.”
sandcastler™: And speaking of Wiley Coyote, how has ACME survived selling so many defective products?
(yeah, back on topic) 😉 Obviously, before any claim could even be filed, the claimant had completely healed and was fully functional – not even a limp or compromised range of motion. After a couple of tries, and the judge throwing claims out and making Wile E. Coyote pay legal fees for frivolous lawsuits, he wisely quit trying.
Alabama has ALWAYS been known for producing a good crop of beauty contestants. I had a friend whose daughter had rooms full of trophies but she was smart and got some tough degrees to back up her looks. For those who think these girls are dummies, forget that. I knew a lot who used their looks to get scholarships and educations and get out of poverty.
I know today this might not happen very much but I did know girls/women back in the 60’s who escaped the South’s cotton patches through beauty pageants.
Love, Jackie Monies
Monica Lewinsky is back in the news again. My only thought about Washington interns is that I knew several who went to Washington that way, this would have been in Kennedy or Johnson administrations I guess. None of them ended up with presidential affairs (although according to some recent books Kennedy liked interns too) But they did all end up involved in affairs with bureau officials who were older guys and usually heads of their agencies. I remember being appalled, mainly at idea of older and married men. Wasn’t romantic at all, not then, not now.
This has nothing to do with beauty pageantry or seeking world peace.
Love, Jackie Monies
I had the impression that Janis hid the compressed springs on the ground between her knees or thighs nearby. Note that she’s kneeling with some space there (implied from shadow in panel 2), unlike most kneeling which has the knees together. There’d be more room for the flying things’ take-offs, too. I don’t believe they could escape even a loose neckline.
Am not a fan of too-large, too-hemispherical, too-high enhancements. Better to have a genuine figure, be it small, medium, or large. If too large, I’d certainly support (no pun intended) using a reduction process for comfort.
PS: I’m no expert on kneeling. That is one of the things forbidden after knee replacement(s).
c x-p: Amen.
“That may be back to school here in Houston, but it isn’t where I live!” Reminds me of Darius Milhaud’s “Music for Boston.” A web search might give you the scoop.
In the ’60s, there was a song, “Jennifer 44D.” u-tube?
I know a woman who, when she was 40 or so, was diagnosed with breast cancer, or maybe it was a benign tumor. Anyway, the surgeon just had to remove a large tumor. She had them do reduction surgery on the other side, which solved the overly endowed problem. Retired now, still feisty, decades later.
Lily: Some of us would find you > attractive > most others. Fear not, I’m not on the prowl.
Thanks, emb. I like dressing up and looking good, but some of the guys are impolite. Especially if I am not with The Man In My Life