Remember when things like “wallpaper” and “screensavers” were a big deal? I’m still a sucker for a good screensaver. I even have a screensaver on my TV, and I amuse myself during slow moments by swapping out the wallpaper on my phone. That’s about it for deep thoughts this morning. I did think you might be in the mood for this 2002 A&J strip about warm seas and beautiful boats. It caught my eye.

Perchance to Dream
By Jimmy Johnson
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64 responses to “Perchance to Dream”
It may look at first like Harley is on speed, but she IS speed!
The odd name problem began as soon as we were able to get back into the blog page.. That is why I got several, I checked in.often. My correct information did not often stay in. It is obvious it resulted from.crossed wires in the system.
I noticed the wrong name in the box a couple of weeks ago myself. I think that it showed Mark. I reminded me of once when a buyer that I was calling on had the same first and last name of my son. I told him that if he got an off color joke from me or a strange reply to assume that I was emailing my son. I then forwarded that he email and got a reply back saying “It looks like it has already started!” from my buyer. Mortified, I clicked on reply and saw that my son had copy and pasted my buyer’s signature information to make it look like it was from the buyer. The email said that it was from my son.
The nut does not fall far from the tree…literally!
There it goes again!
This blog obviously has many moving parts. As long as I’m one of them, and still moving, I ain’t complaining. 🙂
Hello everybody!
Haven’t checked in for awhile. Good to see everybody. Getting everything together again slowly here in Houston. Were without power for 62 hours, water still off (burst pipe, waiting for parts). After that (and the drywall/paint, and new carpet) will be back to “normal”…well, plus repairs to pool pump, but not swimming yet anyway… 🙂 It was good to get the power & internet back to get caught up on A&J! 🙂
Good report, Rusty, at least under the circumstances. We’d been concerned about you.
Although one of Jackie’s daughters lives near sandcastler™ and has managed pretty well under the circumstances, we hope to see a report from him, soon, also.
There’s been an adult on this Decorah-north nest come snow or not for 4+ days. Expect there are 2-3 eggs under it. Not so at the older Decorah nest 3+ leagues S, but there is a pair of adults nearby.
Peace, [Had to fill in the blanks below anew.]
The MBH & I got our first covid shots this morning. Shots were fine; did not even feel the needle go in. No side effects so far and none expected.
It was not so fine that, after weeks of below freezing (much below 0F), the temperature decided to rise to about 34F in the very early morning. Resulting slush/snow/ice caused me to fall while walking to the assigned building. Landed smack on a replaced knee and could NOT get up…not even to hands and knees. My knee worked, but the surface was just too slick for me to get any traction. Luckily, two most excellent [far beyond merely “good”] Samaritans came along and lifted me to a standing position, then fetched their vehicle and drove me to the door. Blessings be upon them!!
My knee is sore and swollen and will remain so for some time…but it works and the hurt seems merely superficial. Moreso, by this time, my very wet slacks may have dried out. Sitting & standing for an hour in ice-watery pants is uncomfortably cold.
As a side-note on the comments and name/email boxes: In Chrome on Windows 10 the form fields show my Name, email, and no website with the box to save checked and blue.
Slightly off your topic:
A few years ago, I switched from Chrome and the Google search engine to the Brave browser and the DuckDuckGo search engine.
Unlike Google products, Brave and DDG claim that they don’t track users.
I hope that’s true because I stopped trusting the Great God Google quite a few years ago.
For the Texas weather report from Granbury: we had lots of people without power, many that still don’t have water, and a good number that have freeze damage. The lake behind us iced over, with ice at our boat dock about 4 inches thick. It has already melted. Personally, we were hit very lightly. On the first day of power outages, we had power dropping about every 15 minutes, just flashing off long enough to force the heat pump to recycle. That lasted for about 6 hours, so the house got to about 50 degrees before I pulled out the propane (indoor-safe) space heater. After that, our power was not substantially interrupted– probably because we are on the same branch circuit as the rural water services pumping station and storage tank about 400 feet up the road. We didn’t have any interruptions to water, though there was a small pressure drop for a little while because one of the near neighbors had a pipe freeze and burst in their yard. Unfortunately for them, that is still to be repaired but the pressure is back since the utility shut the water off at the meter for now. The memory care facility where my father-in-law lives is near the local hospital and did not lose power, heat, or water at all.
We don’t know anyone personally that uses/used the wholesale electric company “Griddy” so no one has seen the overwhelming electric bills that are in the news. Our usage– even with temps turned down and attempting to control things was about 3 times the average previous use this month for the past week, though. Of course the heat pump did everything with the supplemental heat strips. When it was below 20 degrees for several days there was no outside heat to pump! 🙂
I suspect that it will take Texas quite a while to recover. The costs will go way beyond the electric bills. :/
Last week it was below zero with inches of snow and ice. Today it is sunny with a high forecast for low 70’s. Guess you could say we are having a Bipolar Vortex.
On the name save in the comments, mine was blank again this morning. I think what’s happening is that it isn’t saving from one day to the next, and that each day you have to enter your information again the first time you post. After that it seems to stay put the rest of the day.
Wow! I finally get to be someone else this morning… Rick in Shermantown, Ohio.
As I just told Mark in TTown, unpredictability in machines is entertaining.
By the time everything is working properly (if it ever is), maybe everyone will be me for a day.
You have my empathy and sympathies.
Does it include my email address as well?
Yes, it did, but I didn’t “harvest” it. I’m back to being myself now. For the moment.
Monday, my information was still there. Yesterday, it was missing. Today, it has returned.
Unpredictability in machines is entertaining.
Interesting. My information disappeared after I left my first response to you. Now, it is still there.
It is when you are using them for entertainment. When you are trying to use them for work where accuracy is at a premium, not so much. I have my own desktop for personal use, and one supplied by my employer just to do their work with. When the work computer acts up, my reaction is like the one Arlo displays in the strip where he gets the message that “this device has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down.” Followed by Janis telling him, “You sound like Donald Duck when you do that!”.
Enroute to Tulsa and leg surgeon and oncologist. It is sunny but huge piles of dirty snow remain.
Ghost picked a sheer black fringed kimono with red roses to go over my dress and leggings. I honestly feel weirdly out of sync, like I should be in snow boots and heavy coat@