A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Plumber’s Friend

By Jimmy Johnson

This Arlo & Janis classic is from two years ago; it seems as if I just finished it. We were talking about the creative process. Sort of. I like this little series, because it makes the most out of not much, really. It ran for several days, and most of the jokes were better than average, although the subject matter couldn’t have been more mundane. The art work wasn’t bad, either. On those maddeningly rare days when I can look at the most unpromising premise and produce something worthwhile, I feel good.

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"

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36 responses to “Plumber’s Friend”

  1. Mark from TTown Avatar
    Mark from TTown

    Jackie, that link doesn’t work unless you can sign into Facebook.

  2. Mark from TTown Avatar
    Mark from TTown

    It doesn’t work if you log in either.


    It is from The Onion. See if you can find it. Ghost says it is a satirical news site. I’d ask Ghost to find it but he’s dealing with a crying awake puppy and a jealous dog.

  4. dave Avatar

    Is it a complement to say you are and expert with the mundane! 🙂

  5. emb Avatar

    dave: Sorry, wrong compliment. Peace,

  6. Mark from TTown Avatar
    Mark from TTown

    Here’s the fake news story Jackie was talking about: http://www.theonion.com/article/indiana-becomes-fourth-state-ban-great-sex-56175


    Wow! What a way to welcome a new poster in the Village! The spelling Grammer police issuing a citation!

    Dave I don’t care if you compliment or complement Jimmy. Come back and post again.

    To hell with correcting people here. I was a paid editor more than once but I don’t give a damn if the Village spells it right, wrong or splits infinitive.

    No one here should EVER correct anyone else and I will call out anyone who does in future.


    That ks Mark. Hey, I thought it was a real news story until Ghost told me otherwise! I didn’t know the site was satirical humor.

    Despite my friend Painen Dias posting a story that 87% of the women in America reaching orgasm while fantasizing about the Groton fisherman.

    Remember Arlo the Symple Fisherman and Janis the fish munching mermaid? Don’t tell me Jimmy’s mind isn’t as vagrant as mine and Ghost’s.

  9. Mark from TTown Avatar
    Mark from TTown

    Besides, you never know if the mistake was theirs or due to whatever device they typed it on.

  10. Trapper Jean Avatar
    Trapper Jean

    Apropos of the cat/dog discussion here, I also noticed the Family Circus cartoon on Ron’s link, in which Dolly says “cats are smart. they don’t grow too big to fit in a lap”.

    My mom didn’t like cats and none of my friends had them so I wasn’t around cats until I was grown, and found out that I liked them. On the other hand, I grew up with dogs. Now I have both. So, am I a dog person who likes cats or a cat person who likes dogs? Either way works for me.

  11. Mark from TTown Avatar
    Mark from TTown

    Jimmy has a new strip posted and Jackie has the only comment there so far.

    Trapper, I’d say you are a person who likes animals. I’ve had a variety of pets in my life, but nowadays I lean toward cats. Having said that, though, at this point I don’t have any pets and I’m enjoying the respite from the constant care.