I hope you had a good Thanksgiving. It was called to my attention that the link to GoComics was missing from my Thanksgiving post yesterday. Well, it is back, and if you did fail to find your way to yesterday’s new Arlo & Janis, I hope you’ll go there today. You were in it. As for Janis’ sweater, she seems to have a strong preference for scoop-neck jerseys with three-quarter sleeves. I’ve tried to put her into other things, but she always comes back to her favorite.

By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
44 responses to “Serendipity”
🙂 Thanks, Jimmy. A magnificent sculpture!
Anyone else notice all the ads popping up today offering aspirin, antacids, vitamins and other “recovery” aids? Makes me laugh. Again. 🙂
Zits has a funny story arc running about online ad placements and how they decide what you see.
Insanity, that’s what it is.
I bought a new snowblower Friday (not online, BTW); almost all my ads since have been for snowblowers; what part of “bought…Friday” do they not understand???
Yesterday’s new comic had me thinking it was a block of ice in the first panel, then wondering how you raise a cloud of dust carving ice in the third – or is that a cloud of mist? – then deciding that the debris and sculpture shading made it stone, so I went back to panel one and started over. Reading the comments on GoComix this morning, it looks like the general commentership is divided between ice and stone as well.
As for today’s heritage strip, I thought the three-quarter sleeves were from shrinkage until Jimmy set me straight. Now I’m wondering if shrinking a scoop-neck sweater makes a scoop-neck lower or higher. Extreme-decolletage or de-decolletage? I don’t have any scoop-neck sweaters to test, and my wife’s sweaters are not available for my laundry experiments.
Jimmy, have you tried putting Janis in a V-neck, sleeveless, bare-midriff sweater (after it was run through the washer and dryer, of course). That’s what I’d do, and I’m fairly sure Arlo would approve. 🙂
For about the third year in row, I didn’t get to watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade yesterday. I did run across a news article about there being some problems involving the balloons due to high winds. It mentioned that Kelly Rowland, Billy Porter, Lea Michele, Idina Menzel, T-Boz & Chilli, and the Black Eyed Peas were some of the “stars” making appearances during the parade.
I suppose I’m just one step away from reaching peak old fogey-ism, as The Black Eyed Peas were the only one of those names I recognized. 🙁
“If they had Bob Seger, The Stones, CCR, The Boss, Dire Straits, and Cheap Trick in the parade, then they’d be talking! And rockin’!”
“OK, boomer.”
Wish I had that “like” button, Ghost! Especially Seger & CLR!
Oh yeah!
I recognized Idina Menzel… she was Elphaba, the main character of “Wicked” on Broadway when it started in 2003. I’ve never seen her in the role, but she and her costar Kristin Chenoweth (who played Glinda) put on quite the show. More recently Idina provided the voice for Elsa in Disney’s “Frozen.” And, of course, she’s been in many, many more productions, films, etc., than I could list here.
And she is very easy on the eyes!
My father used to say that he “liked to watch Dolly Patton’s voice”.
No leftover pumpkin pie with whipped cream for me…my alma mater is playing Tennessee.
Jimmy our rival are the same colors as your rival. Our colors are old Gold and Black, but hopefully the turkey won’t end up blackened. War Eagle!!!
I am ABA (Anybody But that other team that we will not mention!)
Screech Owl [not sure which sp.] on post by osprey nest. Ospreys S for the winter. Often see magpies there during day.
Now if you had said:
Mel Torme
Kate Smith
Then I would know about whom you were talking. 🙂
At least I have heard of them, unlike the previous posts’ contents! Was there more than one “Dion” or do you refer to the Belmonts(sp?)? Annette: the late Funicello or a different person?
I’d add the Platters, Harry Belafonte, Bing Crosby, the Kingston Trio and a few more which don’t come to mind at the moment. Hmmm…. Pat Boone – who was nice enough to write a personal letter of encouragement to my first girlfriend more than 60 years ago – and Larry Hooper, the basso profundo with Lawrence Welk.
I am vintage 1940, for reference purposes.
Anyone else want to list some?
Do you recall the Hilltoppers?
Kenny Baker [Dennis Day’s predecessor on the Jack Benny show]. Believe he was also Nanki Poo in the ’30s movie of “The Mikado,” much truer to G&S than the ’80s Broadway remake of “The Pirates of Penzance,” and a better light opera to start with. Kay Kaiser, Bing Crosby, Phil Harris [don’t know that he sang often or ever on the Benny show, but he did well on an LP, “That’s what I like about the South.” His “St. James Infirmary Blues” is priceless. Chad Mitchell Trio was good. We had one LP.
Maurice Chevalier in the ’30s & earlier, but I didn’t get to know of him until the ’50s. Singer/standup comedian Stanley Holloway made several LPs once he’d become famous as Mr. Dolittle in “My Fair Lady.” He was also Bottom, the Weaver in the Lawrence Olivier version of “A midsummer night’s dream” and Alec Guinness’s cohort in “The Lavender Hill mob.” Don’t think he had a role in either “The Captain’s Paradise” or “The Man in the White Suit.”
Actually, paid little attention to popular music during my JHS-Stuyvesant HS-Cornell years, when everyone else did. G&S is another matter. Have been a Savoyard since the mid-’40s. Martyn Greene is still unsurpassed in the First Lord of the Admiralty, Koko, Bunthorne, Lord Chancellor, Grand Inquisitor roles. He was Koko in the movie, no?
Groucho Marx as Koko is the one I remember.
Wooo, Wooo! Big Tiger Smile!
“Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex. It takes a touch of genius — and a lot of courage — to move in the opposite direction.”
— Albert Einstein (or so the Internet claims)
Martin Green* did Koko in the ’39 movie, Groucho in the ’60s remake. I should watch that if I can. *The extra e in Greene, above, is my goof. Peace,
“Using the G.I. Bell, he majored in voice at the prestigious Juilliard School … .” That’s the one they put on display when the Liberty Bell has the day off. Peace,
emb, maybe you’ll like this. Just ran across it on YouTube and thought of you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fT-h6BDiV50
Thanks. Pkg. arr. once /a BSU biology grad, a peccary skull from the desert SW. She wrote that every time she sees a skull, she thinks of me. It is heartwarming to realize that my “children” are out there, nation-wide. The skull, of course, is in the BSU collection, in the EMB Vertebrate Museum [that cost me, but it’s an appropriate memorial].
Of more recent vintage, but still probably 25 years ago, I enjoyed the renditions of the young Charlotte Church (Welsh). Some of her best are “Panis Angelicus” and “Men of Harlech”, better known as “The March of the Men of Harlech”. What a perfect voice she exhibited – and held her own with a chorus of about 50 men, too. Worth seeking out on you tube….
I went over 100K views on a You Tube video featuring my singing. I was both surprised and humbled. So just because some is “popular” does not make it good. And vice versa.
So many comments I’ve wanted to make, here and elsewhere, in the last week that I had to forgo due to computer issues. My tablet has lost its ability to connect to the internet; there doesn’t seem to be a quick fix and the holiday required my attention instead. Not really sure it’s worth the effort anyway given the tablet’s age and its increasingly inefficient battery. It’s easier to type longer comments on the desktop computer (like now) but the tablet is really nice for just reading email, Facebook, webcams, etc., and for traveling obviously. Any suggestions or recommendations for a new Windows tablet? Yes, I know there are other, possibly better, platforms but that’s what I’m used to and so that’s what I want. 🙂
I would suggest Android rather than Windows tablet. I use an 8 inch Samsung myself since I mostly use it for reading books. I do my email, facebook and the like on my desktop pc.
I’ve been using my Samsung phone for FB, etc., for almost everything this week. Using it now, in fact. There are things on my old tablet that I want on a new one that I don’t think would work on Android.
What brand tablet do you have now? Unless it’s an Apple, it is probably running Android. I don’t think there are many that use a Windows system. https://www.techradar.com/news/mobile-computing/tablets/windows-8-tablets-release-date-specs-and-prices-916134
It’s an ASUS that I’ve had since 2014 and it’s definitely Windows. Can’t remember what it had to begin with but I upgraded to Windows 10. Since I share the desktop PC with my husband (and our desk chair is not the most comfortable seat in the house), I have really enjoyed using this one. It even has a detachable keyboard for when I get tired of waiting my turn or for when we’re traveling and I’m feeling wordy or want to download pictures from my camera.
Can’t help RA 🙁
Mitch Miller
Ink Spots
Phil Harris was just on rebroadcast of Jimmy Dean Show where he did
Harold Hill ‘s Trouble in River City, He was in Music Man at the time (& F Troop)
I used to con the baby sitter into letting me watch Your Hit Parade with Snooky Lanson
& Gisele McKenzie.
My error It was Forest Tucker that was on Jimmy Dean and in F Troop
Phil Harris was Baloo The Bear in Walt Disney’s Jungle Book
Doris Day
Gogi Grant – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cQUVtbztEs
Patsy Cline
Rosemary Clooney
Bill Black’s Combo – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VD5cLnDYGU
Oh my gosh! I haven’t thought of them in YEARS!
A whole post disappeared
It was Forest Tucker that was on Jimmy Dean Show & F Troop
Doris Day
Gogi Grant
Patsy Cline
Bill Black’s Combo – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VD5cLnDYGU
It was 2 links that killed the post
Gogi Grant https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cQUVtbztEs
Rosemary Clooney
Tex Ritter Ranch Party Show 1957- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCVdHFHpFBg
with Patsy Cline, Johnny Cash, & others
I’d bet the farm (if I had one!) that my dad watched that Tex Ritter Ranch Party Show. He went to Dyess High School with Johnny Cash and sometimes took us kids backstage at his concerts in Memphis.
I recall most of those names, too.
The risks of having a telescope!
Trucker: There is a conspiracy among cartoonists to fix in the public’s minds a distorted picture of astro telescopes, even the standard 20th C giants. No, they are not just oversized spyglasses that you look through the back end of; no, the scope, when in use, does not stick out through that slot in the dome; no, if a spider dangles in front of the scope, it is not clearly magnified 100x. Yech.
Incurable elitist scientist.
I wonder how many cartoonists actually have looked through a telescope? Or even visited a planetarium? Do they all look at a reference book of stock drawings? Or do they just stick with the public’s idea of one so there’s no question that it’s a telescope?
One exception is John Hambrock. His “Edison Lee” has a nice refractor or catadioptric telescope: