Separation of Degrees

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"
Speaking of hot and cold, it’s been a most unusual summer; everybody says so. After one of the wettest Julys on record, August—when things normally turn brown and shrivel—is on a pace to be even wetter. The high temperatures haven’t been ungodly compared to what they can be this time of year, but with all the humidity, outdoors can be insufferable. The flies seem love it, but I think we covered that last week. I know things have been a little slow around here this summer as I’ve turned my attention to seasonal things unrelated to cartooning. However, we’re going to celebrate the end of “summer hours” in a couple of weeks with the 2013 art show and sale. There’ll be no reserve on the van Gogh!