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Despite the presence of Jim Cantore, Manhattan was not blown off the map by what was, upon its arrival, Tropical Storm Irene, but Irene did not fail to get in her licks. Flooding from rainfall was mentioned in the run-up, but the irresistable image of a Katrina-like storm surge washing over Battery Park was impossible to displace. Who thought Vermont would get the worst of it? And it’s been pretty bad from what I can tell.

There is little worse than flooding. Even a home demolished by winds can be picked over and scraped away. A flood leaves a horrible mess, and good luck with the insurance companies. The people in New England and New Jersey and other inundated places along the Atlantic seaboard have their hands full. Good luck to them all.

The sorta pre-order link at the top of this page will go away after Sunday, but that doesn’t mean no more books will be available. They will, of course, but those who sorta pre-order will be assured a first-run copy. Plus, they will get their books first! Thanks to all who participated. It also helped me with my planning. Have a good Labor Day weekend!