Speaking of commercialism, I want to take a break from all that today to wish you, “Happy Thanksgiving!” If you’ve followed the comic strip or the blog for very long, you know Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. A feast with loved ones and a humble grateful heart. This simplicity and warmth make it, for me, what a holiday should be. I hope one of my awful limericks, from 2012, will serve to remind us that while the holiday comes under increasing attack from commercialism, we can fight back simply by doing as we’ve always done. I plan to do my part!

Thanksgiving, 2015
By Jimmy Johnson
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46 responses to “Thanksgiving, 2015”
I have never made a green bean casserole, I am older than the recipe and don’t think I have done more than taste it. I may have made mushroom bechamel saucr, love almondine and spellcheck likes neither word.
I think I am making stir fry for afternoon. There’s a turkey breast in fridge but both ovens have spills and have no cranberries. Tragedy.
We also put a plate for those that can’t be with us.
Was first for those that “Stepped on the Rainbow” but now includes
all that can’t be with us — that includes the Village family.
Haven’t read down to here yet – have to go.
For our Florida friends
I’ve sure gotten old!
I’ve had two bypass surgeries, a hip replacement,
New knees, fought prostate cancer and diabetes
I’m half blind, can’t hear anything quieter than a jet engine,
Take 40 different medications that
Make me dizzy, winded, and subject to blackouts.
Have bouts with dementia. Have poor circulation;
Hardly feel my hands and feet anymore.
Can’t remember if I’m 85 or 92.
Have lost all my friends. But, thank God,
I still have my Florida driver’s license.
Anon.: My email speelczech prefers béchamel and almandine. Peace, emb
That’s because I speak French like Miss Piggy!
Just bought a new tee shirt before the good news from JJ.
Thanks to superior situational awareness and outstanding defensive driving techniques, I completed “Operation Big Box Store (WalMart)” successfully, without expending any ammunition or other resources other than money, and have returned to base.
Read Anonie’s sleepwear communique upon return and had to self-treat for hyperventilation. Suspect she could make a seasoned salt blush…and that she has. 🙂
Not to say I haven’t watched much TV lately, but I realized it had been a while since I’d watched the traditional cheesy entertainment extravaganza that is the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. I tuned in earlier, while stuff was cooking, and saw some vaguely familiar-looking old dude with a scraggly beard and no hair to speak of hosting it. It took few moments to realize it was Matt Lauer. And who writes the drecky scripts used to introduce all those parade units, critter balloons, Broadway play casts, perambulating TV commercials, and unknown (to me) young singers, anyway?
I kept hoping that some high school marching band would perform “Alice’s Restaurant”; or a college marching band would do “Devil With the Blue Dress On” with their dance team dressed as go-go girls; or that a Chinese gymnast troupe of cute and scantily clad young ladies would appear and do some improbably acrobatic things, but, alas, it was not to be. I did get to see the Rockettes perform, which is actually why I tuned in. I also got to see some leggy Broadway pirate wenches strutting their stuff and doing some Rockette-class high kicks. So I was thankful. 🙂
Ended up at Meijer (Grocery store) to get a pizza at 6:00 pm. It has been about 35 years since I was alone at Thanksgiving and frankly I did not mind it until I saw the people that were at Meijer at 6:00 PM on Thanksgiving. A lot of the people there did not speak English, many were obviously alone on this day. It made me appreciate everything, especially family, that I have.
Well, since I may or may not survive the surgery I will make your data Ghost. Same wardrobe that I wear in pool and on boats unless it’s freezing out. And I have a membership card. Have a big gulp of whatever you’re drinking with the cooking.
And yes, I am a real millionaire widow lady. ????
Day, not data. My phone has a sense of humor and mind of it’s own.
And you have to look out for those millionaire widow ladies. They can provide some really intense experiences.
Be sure and let us know when you’re having your throat cut. 🙂 Seriously, I have a good feeling about it, and my good feelings tend to pan out.
Note: Making rum cake, so that calls for a big swig of Bacardi Gold. Lady Mindy will provide validation.
Away from computer all day, now returned from daughter’s. She hosted about ten good-natured and helpful family members — the food was good and so was the company. Three large dogs in and out, but no accidents! Tired and stuffed, did not want any supper tonight.
The Villagers seem to have had a good holiday, each in a different and interesting way. I’m very glad of that!
Jackie, may the procedure happen soon and have the best results. We will all be thinking of you.
Mindy from Indy was not feeling well yesterday — she’s quiet today — hope all is well.
^°^°^°^°^°^°^ had a bad experience with rum 45 years ago, still find the smell or taste nauseating. Side note, that bad experience also included a three day AWOL.
My minions brought me a plate of food from their families dinner and came to check on me. I was invited but I honestly slept until noon and sorted and threw away stuff all afternoon. It was quiet and productive. Had some really good her bed brie.
I am going to leave that as proof that Hal has a sense of humor, wicked too. I typed herbed and he put in her bed before I could stop him, then did it a second time.
I have now eaten green bean casserole. I think I would have remembered that.
Charlotte in NH, glad your sister didn’t have the Bumpus hounds for visitors.
Bad Demon Rum; no rum cake for you!
Debbe 😉 I saw Jennifer Nettles perform this song in the Macy’s parade this morning. I’m not sure it was entirely appropriate for “family entertainment”, but these days, what the #&$@ is? For some reason, though, I developed a craving for a piece of cherry pie.
Watched a program Wed. night “Christmas through the Decades”
(or some such) Not bad – everything that was popular for Christmas in the 60s-
Next week the 70s
Then a program debunking Thanksgiving Myths – except they did not explain
many of their statements -also some were contradictory and then others just started
other myths. Maybe 10 min of useful information (spread over an hour)
Oh and like always 20 min of commercials.
Good Morning Villagers….
Happy to read that all had a “full feeling” Thanksgiving.
I worked until 1ish, went to my ‘baby sister’s’, and they had already ate and all were outside…two cute little great nephews running, dogs running, my petite niece from Davenport was there with her big dog (almost as tall as she is). From my sister’s house, you can see the country cemetery where Mom and Step Dad are buried. It was bittersweet day.
Dad got lost coming to baby sister’s……Sister #2 found him at home, brought him to baby sister’s. I had already left, feeling tired and just wanted to go home and cry. I later called Dad, we laughed, and I said give yourself credit Dad, at least you found your way home.
Sister #3 got a phone call from her Doctor in Indy yesterday!!!…she is leaking spinal fluid in her inner ear and it requires surgery, which if left untreated, will lead to spinal meningitis….the earliest he can get her in…January. I think not, she has two daughter in the medical field, and the one told her yesterday that if he cannot get her in sooner, to find someone else who can.
The boys worked on the tree they cut down by the bridge at the hen house. The trunk is still in the creek and is about 59 inches in diameter…..two tractors would not even pull it out, chain broke, back window of one tractor broke. And we are expecting a lot of rain, that tree trunk is also about 5 to 6 feet long…..if it rains a lot, that log will create a dam….here I go fretting again.
I owe, I owe, it’s back to work I go….
Blessings on all……………
GR 😉 ….she had that voice…..tag:
I’m all about this one 🙂
Plus, Ian didn’t make it home yesterday…no gas money. Seems the restaurant that he worked at and closed down still owes him a paycheck. But he did find another job right away, he’s helping remodel a restaurant and it’s within walking distance. I am thankful for that. I missed him yesterday too.
Sorry about being a Downer Debbe……but yesterday (sigh) sucked.
Indy Mindy, hope you get to feeling well….soon.
Sorry about your not seeing Ian, but very glad to hear he got a new job right away. Sending prayers your way.