One of the benefits of working at home is daytime television, like one of the benefits of being a plumber is all the free compost. Remember when it started? The compost, I mean? It was in the 90s. The king of daytime talk was Phil Donahue, whose show in the beginning could seem salacious but actually was thoughtful and measured compared with his usurpers racing to find the lowest common denominator of public taste and intelligence. (Judging by their spawn, “reality TV,” it hasn’t been found yet.) Along came Geraldo Rivera and Jerry Springer and Oprah Winfrey, and the mud-rasslin’ was in full swing. Of course, today it all seems tame, but mercifully we didn’t know that then. Phil tried to resist the trend but was powerless really. He eventually eased into the mud with the others, then quit. Oprah took the opposite route; she started in the mire and over time pulled herself and her show to higher ground. As for Geraldo and Jerry Springer, oh my. I honestly don’t know what they’re doing now and don’t care. Enough of a very old rant. At least I got a cartoon out of it.

That’s Entertainment!
By Jimmy Johnson
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122 responses to “That’s Entertainment!”
Just passed truck burning cab totally, remember my account of real big RV on f>re?
Jackie: I remember the pantyhose. ๐
Rain ending in Atlanta tomorrow with a high of 53. Where are you now?
Jackie, just click on this link:
That’s for Atlanta. As you go south, enter the next town you are heading for in the big search locations box at the upper right.
Glad your daughter is driving and giving you a break.
Throwing in towel and checking in motel. Rain stopped but we are going crazy from horrible weather. Did I mention that grandson is three?
No. I feel for all of you. Hope you are at least in Atlanta area. Good night to you all.
Have to go with Hittite names – no one left to complain.
As in – 2 Hittites: Pat & Mike or Ole & Sven or Guido & Tony
If you need a name
Grew up just south of there.
Ruth Ann great letters – thanks for sharing.
For old computers, how about an Apple IIc. Haven’t fired it up in years but it has its
own desk in the computer room. With printer & floppies too.
I still have a Dell XPS 400 desktop (c. 2005) set up in my home office. An XP machine, of course, but it has great speakers for music and a great Canon photo printer connected to it, and I can watch DVD’s on its 20″ flat screen, so I get a good bit of use out of it without ever going online. Oh, and I ordered it with dual internal 3.5″ floppy drives along with the optical drives. I must have thought at the time that CD/DVD drives were a passing fancy. ๐
Safe in motel, nice of course. Daughter is looking for airline fares back.
Jackie, awfully glad that you are in a motel for the night. I’ve been imagining you in a snowbank, or mixed up in car crashes. Sleep well!
Ankle, leg and foot in a cast for a broken fibula … simple fracture, not displaced. Fiberglas cast is comfortable, lightweight, pain is gone, horrible swelling is going down. Just very awkward and slow walking around.
I didn’t want to jinx you, Miz Charlotte. but I was afraid you might have been rocking a fracture. Glad you got appropriate treatment and are tolerating it well. Be careful walking.
Jackie, did you get out of the snow zone?
Jackie, perhaps I should be applying for a driver’s job rather than the live-in security position. I’m an excellent driver, and I have a clean driving record. Do you like to go fast?
Good morning Villagers….
The snow is just now exiting stage right….at last count yesterday afternoon….after Ian and Andrew took the old GMC, 4 wheeler out for ‘fun’….they came back and said there was at least 6 to 8 inches out there….and it wasn’t over yet. The warnings stated there could be as much as 8 to 10 inches out there. ‘Suzi’ will make it, even that ‘hill’. At least the County had enough sense to put gravel down last week. I came home that way yesterday at 2 ish, and it was still passable, we’ll see later.
Still have to work…..and we had nothing but packer problems yesterday. Wanted to give it a good swift kick, but I knew I would wind up like Miss Charlotte.
And Miss Charlotte, glad you made it to the doctor’s, and you got ‘fitted’ for a cast. Can you walk on it, or do you have to use crutches?
Jackie, just how far south of Evansville did you make it. E’ville is about an hour’s drive from Jasper…. and it was coming down hard about that time…so I can understand your daughter’s anxiety….especially with a three year old and isn’t she the one who is pregnant?
Gal… ya doing?
GR ๐ catnapping is my favorite thing to do after I get my belly full. You aren’t upset with me for teasing you, are you? My apologies if I did.
Mark, I bookmarked that weather site, I now have 6 sites to go to…and get totally confused, no one ever agrees on one thing. I like the national weather service radar site though..
Granny Carol, glad I made you laugh.
Emb….then why do the cats chase the red dot? What color do they see?
Ya’ll have a blessed day….
Omg….I just reread GR’s request for being Jackie’s driver….”I’m an excellent driver” took me back to Dustin Hoffman’s role in “Rainman”, he was always saying he was an excellent driver, and he loved K-Mart.
Jackie……National Weather Service….in the upper left hand corner, just above the map, you can click on it and it will give a full ‘resolution’…..just slide the bottom bar to the right, and it will zero in better…..
Is Robin real or just an imaginary friend? I don’t think Arlo has seen her yet.
(If someone else wrote that idea – sorry, I didn’t see it.)
Sayings duly added, Ghost, and thank you! How is your work on the Finger Formerly Known As Eggplant coming along?
Charlotte, what color cast did you choose? I was kind of disappointed a few years ago when I broke an ankle and ended up in a boot—I had my heart set on a denim-colored cast. As for the “slow walking around” part…well, right now, slow is good.
Mindy from Indy, “Scent of Sage” sounds like the title of a bad romance novel set in the Old West. It occurs to me that when the phrase “Old West” was first coined, the real old west was probably as close to the authors and readers of the genre as the moonwalks are to us.
Debbe: “Embโฆ.then why do the cats chase the red dot? What color do they see?” Thishim doesn’t really answer your question, but: Cat’s cannot talk. Ask a man [more rarely a woman] who is red/green colorblind. He, like cats, dogs, and most mammals other than Old World primates [baboons, gorillas, langurs, [stoopid speelczech], chimps, bonobos, us], is a dichromat. That is, he has only two kinds of cones in his retina: one sensitive mostly to short wavelength light at the blue end of the spectrum and the other sensitive to long wavelengths at the red/yellow end. OW primates have three kinds: the blue end kind, the red kind, and the green kind. The various colors we see and name: azure, teal, magenta, crimson, are combinations of these or specific wavelengths along the spectrum. Dichromats, including cats, two of my fellow emeriti from school and the daughter of one of those, cannot tell some colors toward the red/green end from some others. That’s why all traffic lights have the red on top. Their glass may also have some pigments added to make them distinguishable to dichromats.
If birds and turtles could talk, they might ask the same sort of question re us: If hoomins have only tree kinds of cones, wut colorz do dey see? Birds and reptiles are tetrachromats. They can see differences at the blue end, and into the ultraviolet, that we cannot. I expect you can find more on the web than you want to know. Try tetrachromat, bird color vision, maybe others.
Breakfast is probably done: big bowl of hot 7-grain [nuked with skim milk instead of water, + red seedless grapes], decaf.
Peace, emb
Thishim = This. Not sure where that came from.
Thanks for Conus
When I broke bone in foot the ER Doc thought it was a growth line. I was 31 at the time.
My GP called (They did that in those days) to say it was broken.
I still use my Windows 97 as word possessor and do clip art work & some games.
All off line.