A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

The Green-Eyed Monster

By Jimmy Johnson

(Cartoonist’s note: this is another old post from five years go. Think of them as summer reruns. And cell-phone cameras have improved, but I haven’t seen the titmouse in a while.)
The problem with cell-phone cameras is the lag time. In the past, the photographer pointed a camera and clicked. Now, one points a cell-phone “camera” and pushes a button and… nothing happens. Then, one turns the phone over and looks at it and asks the subject, “Did anything happen?” And one tries again. If one mashes the button often and at length, the telephone might take a picture and reward the photographer with a phony “click click” noise indicating the facsimile work of a camera has been done. If this were not true, I’d be showing you a picture of the tufted titmouse that has for the past three afternoons landed on my head, as I sat in the garden, and pecked around as if for insects. He does not stay long, but he does come with disquieting regularity. Maybe we’ll remember to have a real camera out there one day.
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35 responses to “The Green-Eyed Monster”

  1. Ghost Avatar

    I once caused a managers’ meeting with our VP and the IT Director to slightly jump the rails. We were discussing our major software vendor’s use of confusing terms on their report to us indicating whether fixes of problems we had reported had been completed or were still pending. I suggested, deadpan, that they should simply report them to us as either “fixed” or “fixing to be fixed”.

  2. TruckerRon Avatar

    How about “flat out fixin’ to fix it”?

  3. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    How about “fixin’ to be in a fix”? When you’re goin’ flat-out and pass a speed trap.

  4. Steve from Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    Ghost I used that Millionaire bit all of the time. One of my favorites.

  5. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    I was fixin’ to be a millionaire — then my Mother threw out my baseball cards.
    Well to be fair a couple I used to make flappers on my bike.

  6. Ghost Avatar

    Be a gentleman, Arlo! Help the lady out with her moisterization. I would.

    And have. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  7. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Old Bear, I’ve seen t-shirts with similar wording. “I used to be a millionaire, but my mother threw away my comic book/baseball card collection.”

  8. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    This almost made me wonder if Symply had moved south and started a new venture ๐Ÿ™‚ https://www.fargohnbrewing.com/
    Unfortunately they weren’t open when we were passing through Culpeper.