Depending upon the denomination of the Church of Nutrition to which you subscribe, the above strip might prove to be prophetic. Note the television cabinet. It occurred to me while looking through some old material that A&J strips from the early 90s have been under-represented on The vast majority of strips you see here come from digital files, which begin in late 1995. Or ’94. Who can keep up? The pre-digital material I have used here, which has to be retrieved from large plastic boxes and scanned by me, has tended to be older cartoons, from the 80s mostly. In the coming weeks, I’m going to mine the years immediately prior to 1995, hoping to find a trove of comic strips we haven’t seen in a long time. Those were good years. The strip was hitting its stride. The drawing was pretty good, and the gags were getting more crisp. I’m kind of excited about this.

Thought for Food
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
67 responses to “Thought for Food”
I apologize but I can see that there are serious happenings in the above and I will read it in a moment. Once again I flubbed up and posted a comment at the end of the previous thread. I respectfully ask that you indulge me and go back and read it. If it is obviously not something you want to read I will completely understand.
Debbe, I am really sorry to hear of your loss. It will never be ok but it will get easier. I just found out that a cousin of mine probably has a couple of days. I hope that we get a chance to see him. It’s about 100 miles and my son is leaving this weekend and so are we on a bus tour. It doesn’t come in spurts. It comes in huge avalances of boulders, but we do our best to keep moving.
Jackie, is this what you are looking for?
The horrors I think of. eggs bad. no eggs good. salt bad. no salt good. fat bad. no fat good. butter bad, oleo good. no oleo really bad.
My poor father.
A sleepless night… thinking, of all things, WHY? The Village’s experience with the elusive Lillyblack raises the question, WHY? Why the stories… the deceit… why some of us (at least, yours truly) were taken in? I would become so irritated by the apparent self-centeredness and insensitivity, and I would despair of her ever “growing up”. I did think that some things were embroidered, but I never for a moment thought that the entire persona was manufactured. Why didn’t I suspect? Ah me… live and learn, I guess…
Good morning Villagers…
Thank all of you for your prayers for my nephew’s family. It was on my mind all day yesterday. Packing eggs isn’t exactly rocket science, so my mind tends to ‘drift’. As Villagers, we have been close and share ideas, happy times and even sad events and such…so I wanted and asked for your prayers…thanks guys.
Granny Carol….we have several roosters out in the hen house and I love to hear them crow. I just hope when we get our monthly inspection Thursday or Friday, they don’t start crowing. It’s odd, but if you stand in the back deck, and holler “chow”, for some reason the hens all go silent and then start cooing….it’s pretty cool…..shuts their clattering up too. The Corp will want us to put down the roosters if they find them as they eat and don’t produce. I say that the crowing helps stimulate egg production 🙂
Ian came packing in a distressed hen yesterday…she was thin, and he put her in the ICU cage. That’s my boy! He would never hurt anything, he has such a big heart for animals.
Jerry, I pray you get to see your cousin…be careful out there…and I did go back and read your post….well said.
Mark, you are such a good link finder…..hope it benefits Jackie.
GR 😉 that ‘tune’ will be with me today….too cute, and I am glad your Mom is home and pray it is a uneventful day for the both of you. My early to rise is partly to blame on my being so tired, and my hip and back hurt, that once I hit the recliner….I’m out for a couple of hours, get up and go to bed by 9 ish…like last night. Woke up around 8:30, fell back to sleep in the recliner and woke up at midnight…went to bed and actually slept till 3:30. So I am getting my sleep, it’s my sleep cycle that sucks.
Indy Mindy….sorry for your loss, and yes you’ve been through a lot this year. But you seem to be a strong woman, never afraid to tackle anything and very independent…stay strong my friend. And prayers for you and yours…..Amen.
love ya’ll, and have a blessed day
I wanted this to be separate…remember my “Important list”? Every day I will post each ‘encouragement’ yesterday’s was the most destructive habit….worry.
Today: The greatest Joy, Giving.
Good morning Gal….don’t feel alone, several of us were duped… the words of Bugs Bunny…”what a gullabull”. 🙂
It’s Joe “Versus” The Volcano, not “And.”
Jerry, read your post – so true and thank you for the insight.
Debbe, thank you for your words of encouragement, and you are so right about the greatest joy!
Still praying for all of you who are going through difficult times right now.
Santa Claus? Did not see that coming. Though at a certain we all become Santa; at least our girls still believe we bank at the North Pole Federal.
“Joe Versus The Volcano”…so sue me. Hospitals may help heal the body of the patient, but they do very little to improve the mind of the family member sitting there with the patient. 🙂
Gal, Debbe, others…over the past several months, I have kept notes on all the things that didn’t add up about the situation you mentioned. Perhaps this weekend, if time allows, I will edit them into a somewhat lengthy post and put it up here for anyone who is interested.
As I have had to remind some of my friends in the past, one of the most frustrating things in the world is trying to come up with a logical explanation for the illogical behavior of others.
GR6, I believe there is a field of study called Physcology that has been trying, for over a century, to explain our illogical behavior. Good luck!
Short note, Jerry mentioned trolls return as a new persona. This is true. Which is why many forums maintain moderators who monitor new members or put new members on “probation” sort of. In my case, I still read every post of two forums daily, as hopefully do my fellow moderators! I monitor to approve new members, approve restricted postings, etc. I have considered it a miracle that this forum runs as it does, freely and openly.
Sort of like our country, America. I think that is the belief JJ subscribes to, God bless his faith in us all.
May we continue to deserve his faith.
Love, Jackie
Debbe: “I say that the crowing helps stimulate egg production.”
That’s what the song says: “They’re layin’ eggs now / Just like they useter / Ever since that rooster / Got in our yard.” The tune, actually, comes from the last movement of a LVB clarinet trio [often arr. for other instruments]. He, of course, may have picked it up from country folk or a beer hall in Bonn, or if later, in the Wien woods.
I graduated high school in a large class and this summer I attended the first reunion that I had been to in almost 20 years. Someone that I was talking to began listing some of the people who had died and I was shocked until I remembered that I am 65. I recall years ago reading the obituaries and thinking that someone who died in their 60’s had at least lived a long life. Today I have a much different attitude. On another subject I wonder sometimes if JJ has time to read all of the comments and what his thoughts are at this point. I tend to think that as long as we continue to self-monitor as well as we have that he will not comment although a few words from the balcony always excites the crowd.
Ghost, I would be very interested in your post if/when you have time. I am in general very “gullabull” (great word, Debbe, thanks), and didn’t think too much about discrepancies and oddities, although I did notice some of them.
Haha, Jerry, about age perception changing all the time. I am now 72. “The 70’s are the new 50’s,” right??!!