Here’s a workaday A&J from early 1994. I’ve always looked back upon my earlier drawing as unformed, developmental and sometimes just plain bad. This particular strip has nothing out of the ordinary to commend it: six talking heads, the middle panels just a close up of Arlo. However, I can’t help noticing it does have a certain cartoonish quality which is a good thing that is sometimes missing in the modern A&J. Arlo looks like a cartoon character. As for the argument he is making, it is one I have used myself—sometimes on myself—with results often the same.

Two Rights Make a Wrong
By Jimmy Johnson
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48 responses to “Two Rights Make a Wrong”
sandcastler™ – We are in the low teens. I need a bit more than three kitties. Gah!
I did it again so I will repeat.
Hello officer. I’ll take $2.00 of regular and clean the windshield please.
He’s 80. She’s 26. Couldn’t that be dangerous? If she dies, she dies. A joke that came over with Eric the Red. Thanks for the eggs, Debbe. They’ll be great with the huge package of bacon that I found in the other freezer today. 20 degrees tonight. What do you guys do with six feet of snow?
We are at balmy 45, only going into mid 30’s tonight. Houston kid is probably having a fire going and bundled in layers if it is colder there than here!
Oh yes. Never met Ted Bundy, who was arrested behind Oscar’s Restaurant in Pensacola, but I knew his attorneys and my wife dated one of them briefly, before me of course.
Without their expressions and body language, the joke wouldn’t be as funny.
Actually, I don’t think it would be a joke at all.
Blinky the Wonder Wombat — welcome back! You’ve been away from the Village a long time. What have you been up to?
MfI, I could be in Indy about 11:00 in the morning. 😉
EMB, I only hope that I can reach your number of birthday????anniversaries! Today I hit another bday. Only 31 more to go before I reach your current milestone. I had a great day today, spending it with one of my daughters and her husband. Just got back from a trip spending time with the other daughter and her husband at their home in Colorado. Pretty good days.
Blinky the Wonder Wombat, I found you over on another of the comics blogs I was wandering through, along with a few others I recognized from here. Probably ancient sitings?
Didn’t like any of them as much as the Village but did enjoy CIDU.
Hang around please, your comments are good/interesting.
Sweet dog sitter baked us a delicious lemon cake, made similarly to the Jack Daniels cake I was talking about, has lemonade type glaze poured into holes. My blood sugars are probably 300 by now!
Good night all. ” Carry on, you’re all doing very well.” Award to those who can say where that quote is from.
Love, Jackie
Mr. Grace on “Are you being served?”. One of my favorite shows, Jackie.
sandcastler™ – And Loon’s thoughts on your generous offer? I don’t want to ruffle any feathers. (I *had* to say it. 🙂 )
Dave in Austin – Happy birthday! Glad you had such a wonderful day.
…And my neighbor seems to be singing his winter blues away. Guitar and vocal skills not helping mine.
Used to enjoy ‘Are you being served?’ with wife. She’d emerge [or yell] from the basement family room to alert me. Peace, emb
Good morning Villagers…..
It was 32 degrees in the packing room yesterday…someone left the cooler door open, and did not turn the thermostat to at least 45….took two hours to warm that damn room up. And they laughed at my Carharts.
And yes, Indy Mindy, I am crazy
Jerry, never encounter six feet of snow, but about 10 years ago at Christmas time, we had 18 inches of the nasty stuff. Ian was supposed to go into town the morning it started snowing to get his driver’s license…..I told him we were not going anywhere…look out there. Call them, Mom, and I did….and they were closing. He didn’t get his license until spring 🙂
GR 😉 do you have a recipe for rum balls?????
Important List
22. The most contagious spirit. Enthusiasm
Expecting -2F tonight. Peace, emb
19 degrees in the Sunshine State. Nice beach day.
Mindy and Debbe:
I am not crazy, my Mother had me tested…
37 in Oklahoma going up into 50’s today. Didn’t look at Houston!
Don’t think we will have any fall foliage this year,all the leaves are on the ground already. Well, not really but a lot are and trees had not begun turning much before cold and snow hit.
I see one little patch of snow on neighbor’s roof.
Deepest snow I ever saw was in mountains of PA where I went to boarding school. It would form huge drifts that stayed all winter and the maintenance men would tunnel from building to building, real tunnels with snow roofs you could see light through. Made this Southern girl extremely nervous!
I remember it beginning to snow at Halloween and not stopping until after Easter, during which we had snow on ground continuously without seeing ground. If my memory serves (?) this was near town where Pete the Groundhog resides!
Who else loves “Groundhog Day” with Bill Murray?
Love, Jackie
When Husband left for work this morning at 6am the temp was a balmy 13F. By the time I got up at 7am it was up to 20F. The outside cats’ water bowl was a solid block of ice. I try not to complain because I don’t like the high summer heat and humidity (too hard for me to breathe in some days) but DANG it’s cold!
The two winters I spent in South Dakota back in the 70s were interesting, if nothing else. Not quite six feet of snow, but close. That’s when I decided that no human should live in a place where you had to have a rope from the back door to the barn and tie yourself to it or get lost in the snow.
Jackie, yes, I do love “Groundhog Day”!
Ghost, 🙂
“Groundhog Day” is a favorite of my entire family. I show it to the patients at the state hospital each February.