I continue today with old A&J Sunday strips you won’t see anywhere but here, although I think maybe this particular strip has been shown before at arloandjanis.com. I’m not sure. This one is from 1993 and was drawn shortly after the first meeting at the seashore between son Gene and Mary Lou. No one suspected, least of all myself, how momentous that little storyline would prove.
Arlo and Janis has a lot of followers in the upper Midwest. I want to remind you that the Kenosha Festival of Cartooning gets underway today in Wisconsin. You might want to check it out if you do, indeed, live in the area. In the past, I would have posted a link for you, but unless there is something specific I want to show you it’s so much easier for everyone if I simply encourage you to “Google it.” You know what to do. If you do make it to the festival, tell ’em Arlo and Janis sent you.
211 responses to “Variations on a Theme”
Mark….how’s that broken wrist?
Jackie….thought of you and your garden
Strip of 09.30.14:
Talk about a coincidence.
Just as I was about to read the third panel of the strip (“…but cease to dig…”), the screen suddenly shifted to the right, hiding the last two panels.
The culprit?
A gigantic ad for some company called Avery.
Doubtful that I would ever use that company for anything, but, now, I’ll make sure that I never do.
Just added AdBlockPlus for Chrome.
That should help.
I also re-added DoNotTrackMe.
I had added DoNotTrackMe a couple of years ago, and it seems that one of the automatic Chrome updates removed/deactivated it.
This morning’s TIP blogspot and TIP are the same, and cute.
I had a fitful night of sleep. My sister-in-law got a call to go to Indianapolis for her Liver transplant. After waiting all day, they wheeled her in about midnight. I have not been feeling well and got up at 12:45AM, about the same time that my niece texted that she was in surgery. I was up and down all night until 5:30, when she reported that the new liver was in and functioning and that she will receive a new kidney on Thursday.
Thank God and thank whomever bravely donated the liver and will donate theirs or a loved ones kidney so that your sister in law may continue to use them and live.
Love, Jackie
Debbe we had the wringer washer too, operated on gas and you kicked it to start it, like a old Harley kick starter. Now talk about finger, hand and arm injury potential! You used a wooden stick to poke in the clothes and not your hands.
We were so excited to get an inside washing machine with an electric plug on it! And had to keep carrying laundry out to hang on lines, ours froze too sometimes, you’d have clothes all over inside of house trying to dry in front of a gas heater.
I iron as good as “the help” but don’t anymore. We ironed sheets, boxers and in those days, slips and bras, as it was all cottons. And starched!
My age is 70, I was born in 1944 and lived on a dirt poor cotton plantation in the Mississippi Delta. By many standards we were affluent. All my aunts and uncles were sent to college and most graduated. We were never hungry and learned that hard work is admiral and to be respected. And so are the people who do it.
Nope, Crown Vic and Gran Marquis are great cars, great powerful motors, as comfortable as traveling in your sofa. Our joke as salesmen was “What is difference between Lincoln and a Crown Vic (or Gran Marquis)?” Customers inevitably asked that.
Answer is $20,000, the sheet metal and the name plate.
Good morning everyone, got workmen here and I gotta go!
Love, Jackie
Good morning all. Got in nine miles and no surgery this morning. We are at the office, answering phone calls and filing. Tomorrow a drug company is buying us a BBQ lunch. Fun!
Re: Today’s A&J. I have AdBlock for Chrome. It was free, when I got it, anyway. It works great
Debbe, healing. not nearly as painful. first followup is friday. will know more then. thanks for asking