I’m posting a two-fer today as a way of apologizing for being so irregular with posts lately. The first I chose because of the current A&J in newspapers and on GoComics. Yes, the technology has changed. The iPhone did exist when the above cartoon was drawn in 2008, but barely. The other is a cat cartoon, also from 2008, and one doesn’t need an excuse to run a cat cartoon, does one? Speaking of modern phones, my own recent migration from a flip phone as depicted above to a smart phone is well along. I’ve always made fun of people who sat around and fiddled with their phones, but I may have been unfair: they probably are still adjusting the settings! I’m doing all right, tough. Actually, my new Galaxy phone isn’t the first smart phone I have owned. Five years ago, I went to an iPhone. That did not end well. Today, I am much more resigned to the idea that the phone is the master, and I am its slave. We’re going to get along fine.

Wallpaper and Cat Logic
By Jimmy Johnson
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39 responses to “Wallpaper and Cat Logic”
Culling, just ran across this, which I had not opened, but should remember from the paper Pioneer.
mycomicspage My Comics Page 01/25/2015
JJ gets away with a lot. Brooke did the same thing in 9CL once. After a hug in WWII, gran [the singing spy] said, ‘I recognized your salute.’
Still culling, don’t remember if I sent this at the time:
Debbe, how do you like this headline?
Turkey giant Bernard Matthews to be rescued by the “Chicken King”, safeguarding 2,000 jobs
Here’s the story: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2016/09/20/turkey-giant-bernard-matthews-to-be-rescued-by-the-chicken-king/
GM Debbe
Zen Wisdom with a twist
15. The quickest way to double your money is to fold it in half and put it back in your pocket.
I have managed to do it again, drive over the highest and worse pass on I-90 in middle of night and some rain.. I need someone like my late husband to take my hands off the wheel. I am too irresponsibly impossible.
Actually he didn’t let me drive if he was in car with me.
No real idea where the heck I am except on East side of the mountains in Washington state. Guess I will find out in morning.
Good morning Villagers…
Jackie, now you have me worrying about you….please stay safe.
GM, Old Bear…love your zen wisdoms 🙂
Mark, thanks for thinking of me. Read the article too. Maybe this fox in the hen house should meet up with the Chicken King. Pray your ‘hump day’ goes well.
I am cell phoneless and plan on staying that way. Got tired of dropped calls and the expense. Husband wants me to look into the Jitterbug….I don’t think so.
Going in early, one unit (8 six hundred feet of belts of eggs) just stopped….gears are worn out, but we can still run it maybe for a day…got about 130 feet of eggs to bring in on top of today’s production. My Miss Prissies are still laying about 186 cases a day, and that’s a lot of yolk, folks.
Happy Hump Day
GR 😉 still taking that cough syrup 🙂
Sandy, if you like cat cartoons everyday, check out Breaking Cat News on Go Comics…you’ll love it. And they are real cats in Georgia Dunn’s life.
Thank you for letting me share that with you….
just for grins…in more ways than one 🙂
Even a flip phone can be useful, although if you live in a rural area they can seem useless. If only to have it if your car breaks down. I also found it useful when I am at the store and can’t remember if I already have the item at home or not.
Debbe, last I heard from Jackie she had made it over the Snoqualmish Pass and was in a little town named Cle Elum, WA. Hope she found a nice place to recover from that trip since she said that pass was the worst she had to cross on her route.
Many folks don’t know: an old cell phone can be used to call 911, even if you do not have a wireless company. Just keep it charged and put it where you might need it—in car, bottom of purse or briefcase, etc. My Mom kept one in a small pouch on her walker. Most people either have an old cell phone in a drawer or know someone who does, and many communities even collect and distribute them free to help keep their residents safe.
The good news: an old cell phone can be used to call 911, even without a wireless plan.
The bad news: you’ll have to tell the 911 where you are because their system is probably not yet set up to use the phone’s GPS info, even if you’re using the latest and greatest. Just saw a story on this. Most 911 systems won’t have that capability for at least another year.
Jackie is fine physically more or less. Dickens and I ended up in the next town down the road as believe it or not all the over priced lower quality motels in first town sold out by 8 p m. Traveling with Dickens can be a challenge. I love the little Dickens and he is devoted to me.
I am over the Cascades and spent night in a Motel 6 that takes dogs. I am not proud, I used to stay in Motel 6 and Motel 8 when that is what they cost! This is fourth one on trip to and from Canada to here and back. They all accept dogs so I know Dickens gets in.
Have never slept on a futon but I suspect these beds are comparable to one.