Today’s oldie A&J isn’t so moldy; it’s from 2014. I recently turned in a week of Arlo & Janis that included only one cartoon with more than a few words. I really didn’t notice this until I’d almost finished the batch of six. You’ll know that week when you see it. Most of the strips were like the one above, with only one panel of dialog, if any. I do this more often the longer I’m at this game. I take a bit of pride, because it’s an old saw in the biz that a cartoon which can be understood without words is a “pure” cartoon, while a cartoon which can be understood without the drawing isn’t really a cartoon at all. Perhaps that is a bit extreme. If it literally were true, “Henry” and “The Little King” would be the greatest comic strips ever. However, I get it, but as usual there’s a happy medium. That is one thing that sets a comic strip apart from other forms of cartooning. It is a happy marriage of image and word, a little play within which the two components reinforce one another. I must remember that.