I sit in central Tennessee as I write this, north of Nashville and much closer to many of you than normal. I am happy to report the weather has been balmy all weekend, at least by local standards. I wouldn’t be surprised to see a daffodil any minute now.
This is Andrew Jackson’s old stomping grounds. They say it’s difficult to find a spot here where he didn’t attend a dance, give a speech, fight a duel or buy a chicken. Andrew Jackson was the seventh president of the United States (1829-1837) and was the last president to be a veteran of the Revolutionary War. Born in North or South Carolina (They both claim him.), Andy set up shop in central Tennessee as an unprepossessing country lawyer, among other things. Regardless of where he actually hung his hat in his day, his fingerprints undeniably are all over Tennessee history. I know it’s a rather sketchy account, but that’s our President’s Day lesson. For further information, click here.
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