‘AJ phone home’

by Jimmy Johnson

I know you don’t come to this blog every day to read about the blog, but that’s what you’re getting. I have tried to stress that the blog today is the beta version of the blog to come. It would have been great fun to serve virtual champaign and hors d’oeuvres and then make a little speech before handing you the key fob to a shiny new website that you could have driven off the showroom floor. However, that wasn’t an option. It wasn’t an option, because I would have gotten bored and frustrated, and I would’ve wandered away from my keyboard to see if the cats needed anything and probably never come back. It’s happened before. This is my way of forcing myself to stick with it, and–I should disclose–there are no guarantees. However, so far so good. Check out the “Recent Posts” section below; I think you posters will like that. Next, I will be hard at work on the “responsiveness” issues, i.e., making the site not look like crap on your phone. Then, it’s on to the comments and the archives and only then on to the new things I keep teasing you with. Sheesh! I wonder if the cats need anything?

Recent Posts

Activity vs Progress

I’ve done some tweaking to the site. See if you can find the improvements. Ignore the change in the above title panel. I do ...

Moving on

Perhaps the nail gun and drywall phase of village reconstruction is over. Maybe soon we can move on to the fun stuff, like paint ...

Phoning it in

Good morning! I’m happy to announce modest success in the “responsiveness” department. You should be able to go to this website on your phone ...

Hello, Central?

I have not solved the problem of displaying this page properly on a phone. I do feel as if 90% of my ducks are ...

…and we’re back!

After a brief break, I’m back behind the keyboard. I’ve already put in a few early-morning hours working on this site. Those are my ...

One Step Forward

There are two areas where I need to concentrate now, aside from the areas where I don’t yet know I need to concentrate. First, ...

12 responses to “‘AJ phone home’”

  1. Rick in Shermantown, Ohio Avatar
    Rick in Shermantown, Ohio

    This feels odd, leaving the first comment.

  2. S Irene Virbila Avatar
    S Irene Virbila

    We all do the best we can.

  3. Steve From Royal Oak, Mi (kinda) Avatar

    I just facetimed with my daughter in Tampa. It was a long night but they are safe and dry. More miraculously they did not lose power.
    They did lose some shingles, but she is handy enough to get up on the roof to inspect. Not sure if the condo association will allow her to fix it herself. She realizes how lucky she was and would have left had her fiance had not been so sick.
    I went to an ELO concert last night and they played Mr. Blue Sky. I recorded it and told her that it was dedicated to her. When we FaceTimed her we saw Blue sky peeking through the clouds.

    1. Blinky the Wonder Wombat Avatar
      Blinky the Wonder Wombat

      Great news!

    2. Jimmy Johnson Avatar
      Jimmy Johnson

      That’s great to hear!

    3. Emma Avatar

      Our Tampa son had the reverse… no home damage at all… but he has no power!
      I am becoming a believer in the protection of Tampa Bay by the spirits of the Tocobaga people!

  4. Thom Woolverton, NP Avatar

    I come here to learn more about your creative method. I look at the evolution of the blog as a creative endeavor. So, when you write about developing the blog I see it as an artistic effort, the same as the cartoon. Write about whatever strikes your fancy. You’ll have a readership.

  5. Thom Woolverton, NP Avatar

    I come here to learn more about your creative method. I look at the evolution of the blog as a creative endeavor. So, when you write about developing the blog I see it as an artistic effort, the same as the cartoon. Write about whatever strikes your fancy. You’ll have a readership.
    (BTW IN SW FL, landfall was about 60 miles north. All is fine here)

  6. Mike from Hartland / Now Spring Lake Avatar
    Mike from Hartland / Now Spring Lake

    It’s great to have the Village back. I see a lot of familiar names looking for more. I missed the conversations we used to have.
    I’m liking the look of this site. Thanks, Jimmy, for your all of your work!

  7. Norm Avatar

    Sure is good to have the Blog back. YOU have been missed.

  8. Feisty Avatar

    I don’t mind the blog JJ, it’s great to hear from you again and get an insight in the process of this site.
    And it’s also just nice to be able to visit here without seeing a placeholder. I get your reasons as well, I also need to see something happening when I am working on projects. That’s why I never went into programming I guess.

    OT; @Steve; glad to hear that your daughter and fiancé have survived the storm!

  9. Symply Fargone Avatar
    Symply Fargone

    Well the grandkids(well one of them) Symply went and did it, so the new addition is my great grandson Brody Michael Fitzsimmons, and what a Fargone great addition he is! Now back to our usual esoteric musings….oh and JJ I see from today’s addition of yours, you have been peeking again! It’s OK I leave the shades up a lot…

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