“Anybody We Know?”

by Jimmy Johnson

This, from 2004. The cartoons I’ve been showing you this week are favorites of mine; as a matter of fact, they’re culls from the book “Beaucoup Arlo & Janis,” comic strips that almost made the final cut into hardback but, mainly for space considerations, did not. Honestly, I did not begin this as an advertisement, but it does remind me that less than three cartons of the original edition remain, and when I do get around to redesigning this site before the end of the year, the link for purchasing a book will be gone. That is all.

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"

8 responses to ““Anybody We Know?””

  1. Bonnie from Gloucester, MA Avatar
    Bonnie from Gloucester, MA

    Speaking of books…. where is A&J After Dark? It’s been 2 years since some of us paid for the elusive book.

    It’s coming; I’m working on it now. — JJ

  2. emb Avatar

    Love yesterday’s last comment + comic, and I agree w/ it, but we’re getting into serious theology, no?


  3. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    “less than three cartoons…remain”? Mayhap, “cartons” is the word meant?

  4. Mark Fontanella Avatar
    Mark Fontanella

    @curmudgeonly ex-professor – that must have been the auto-correct feature of a cartoonist. Damn auto-correct!

  5. Den in MN Avatar
    Den in MN

    It’s coming; I’m working on it now. — JJ

    Excellent! 🙂

  6. Ghost Avatar

    Arlo is Janis’s favorite server, and she is his favorite wet and naked customer. See how well that works out?

  7. emb Avatar

    Amen. We didn’t do wine at bedtime [sequential soaks (Elaine first) before bed were our routine], and we had no cell, but otherwise, it’s close. Peace,

  8. emb Avatar

    Shakespeare, “Macbeth”, II[3]: “Lechery, sir, it provokes… the desire, but it takes away the performance; therefore, much drink may be said to be an equivocator with lechery: it makes him, and it mars him… .”
