I’m back! Sorta

June 3, 2002

There are many reasons I’ve been away for a couple of weeks, most of them having nothing to do with cartooning, the web site or (Please don’t take this personally!) you. There are so many reasons, some of a personal nature, that there’s no point going into them. Let’s just say I’m going forward from here. No, the comment issue still is not resolved, to everyone’s chagrin, and believe me when I say, “Mine especially.” I will continue to work on it and approve your posts manually in a timely fashion as best I can. There is something in particular that affects us here that I would like to bring up. I think perhaps I will begin updating midday, say lunchtime. (This also relates to the retro cartoon above!) In these parts this time of year, the earliest part of the day is the best time to get things done outdoors, like before-sunup early. I said I wouldn’t bore you with whiney excuses, but it is difficult to put down the posthole diggers and go to the computer. Posting in the morning has been the norm for so long that when I miss that window I move on. Noon is well past time for me to collapse in an air-conditioned room. If I can train myself to that, perhaps there’ll be fewer distractions. For those of you who like to read with your morning coffee, like me, continue to visit in the morning. You’ll never know the difference. I think I will experiment; I’ll let you know when. Lastly, I want to thank those who have enquired about my health and my well-being, and I want to thank Dr. Gonzol for the incredibly supportive and generous message he sent to my syndicate on my behalf. No, I haven’t gotten that raise, but your praise is praise enough. (Ahem! If you missed it you can see it in the comments that appear under the previous post.)