Mea Culpa!

Today’s Sunday cartoon appearing in newspapers and on GoComics was so off the mark, I felt I should attempt a bit of damage control in a rare Sunday post. If you haven’t yet seen the comic in question, click on the GoComics logo below. All else aside, the cartoon would have been better suited to December or early January than the cusp of spring, and it’s a little out of character for Janis. The above suits her better this time of year. However, I was stuck for an idea. I could rationalize that there are many places in the country, such as the place where I live, where snow is a big deal anytime. Then, in the weeks between the time I produced the comic and the time it appeared, today, Mother Nature viciously sucker punched me. From Oregon to Maine, from Canada to Mexico, the last thing anyone wanted to see was more snow. Ah, well. Win some, lose some. And there’s a perspective problem in the first panel.