Hidey Hidey Hidey Hey!

February 26, 2012

Dear Villagers,

As many of you know, the Web site has experienced problems lately. Simply, it crashed and was offline for a few days. Solving the problem required someone besides myself to sift through more than 13 years of files accumulated on my host’s server. Some of the files were essential to the site’s operation. Some made life pleasant and familiar. Some did nothing at all. Some, apparently, did worse than that. Thanks to the efforts of others, the site returned, and I thought we at least were back to square one. I have been able to post in the usual manner, but there are bugs yet, particularly in an area near and dear to us: comments. I will continue to post most days, but for almost a week I will be unable to turn further attention to the Web site. I am asking you to persevere until then. However, I want to warn you of something more. I don’t like to air laundry online, but my current Web host, after almost two decades of reliable service and support, no longer is an option. Today, support there has become useless. I have decided that, when I do pick up work on this site again, I will start by migrating to a new hosting service. This often entails unforeseen problems, and I’m not looking forward to putting us through more of that. However, I fervently believe that when the dust settles, we’ll all be happy with the results.

As always, thank you for being here! — JJ