Today’s old A&J comic from 2007 seems appropriate. Meanwhile, in the real-time A&J strips, the power has been restored. The strips this week were suggested by an actual event of a few weeks back, an event I witnessed as it unfolded. It was early morning, and I was standing in my home office, indeed enjoying my first cup of coffee. The power line from the street to our house hangs rather low and passes by my window. As I absently sipped coffee and peered out, the line began to bounce. At that point, I knew what was coming. Sure enough, the pesky squirrel that lives in the attic above the porch was heading out to meet the day, taking his usual route down the power line to the magnolia tree. I silently cursed him and watched him pass my window and disappear down the line, which continued to bounce. Suddenly, it stopped bouncing and dropped another two feet, leaving it perilously close to the lawn. And the electricity went out. I trepidatiously crept out the front door into the yard, expecting to find my power line lying in the street. It was not. Also, the other end still was securely fastened to the house. Yet something obviously was very wrong. I easily could have reached up and touched the wires if I’d been stupid. The power was out. And the squirrel was overhead in the magnolia tree, cussing me! I’ve gone on too long already about not much. I’ll give you the dénouement tomorrow.