Do Not Adjust Your Set

by Jimmy Johnson

Early today, I spent nearly three hours tinkering (an understatement) with the inner workings of this Web site, and, to be honest, I’m not sure what you’ll be seeing when this thing goes live. But don’t worry! I’ll get it all worked out or die trying. Meanwhile, it’s all here. The classic cartoon, the link to GoComics and the comments. Thanks for coming!

14 responses to “Do Not Adjust Your Set”

  1. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    As mentioned last evening, has naval “cruise books” available for viewing [page by page, not searchable]. Under the heading of “military”, select “photos” to get a drop down menu of ships names. Upon choosing a ship, the years of its cruise books will appear for your choice. I figure some of you naval vets might like to know this.

  2. David Reaves Avatar
    David Reaves

    Comic, artist commentary, link, reader comments… what else do we need?

  3. Steve From Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    Jimmy, we definitely won’t hold you to it. I almost always read your comments before looking at the retro strip and sometimes even comment without looking at it. I was about to type: “We won’t hold you to it!”

    We had about 7″-9″ yesterday. Since I shortened my commute from 33 to 3 miles, I cannot tell you how relieved that I was. Also, since we knew we might get 3-6 inches, on Sunday I pulled my snowblower out and put it in the garage as well as put all of the lawn furniture into the shed. It is beautiful…at least for a day. Certainly when you only have a 3 mile commute. I have been amazed ever since childhood at how people can’t seem to remember the weather patterns from year to year. Yes, the snow is early, but NO we have had snow earlier. A few years ago, Ohio and Indiana got hammered 2-3 times with snow from mid-November to mid-December. Meanwhile, at least in the Detroit area, we did not get a trace of snow until Christmas. But a couple of relatives remarked about the weather and said “BOY you must really be getting hit in Michigan!” Of course the snow totals near Lake Michigan and in the Upper Peninsula are incredible, but those folks are not impressed with 7″-9″

    1. Ghost Avatar

      Our snowfall yesterday was not measurable, but there was an early morning earthquake centered 11 miles from the house, so did we win? 🙂

      1. Steve From Royal Oak, MI Avatar

        So you felt the earth move? Yeah you can win. 🙂

  4. Nancy Kirk Avatar
    Nancy Kirk

    I do have one comment. I am used to checking back to the previous day(s) to refresh and read the later comments, or read the whole page if I didn’t have time to get there at all. At least on my iPad where I often am reading this, I don’t find any option for the earlier posts. Is that something that will be coming?

    1. Jimmy Johnson Avatar

      Hi, Nancy! Yes, you will be able to navigate the posts. Everything is in flux right now; don’t be overly concerned. Yet. — JJ

  5. Sideburns Avatar

    Steve, we had some snow up here on Sunday night, but most of it’s melted by now. I still have to clear off my windshield so that I can get to my physical therapy (knee and wrist, after my fall in July) but it’s not as thick as last time.

    I just called down to my regular vet to board Leo over the holiday weekend, but alas, there was no room at the inn. I was, however, able to find another local vet with room, so all’s OK.

    1. Sideburns Avatar

      As a followup, my car’s parked facing north, and it’s bright and sunny. This means that half of my windshield is already clear; the wrong half.

  6. Sandy Avatar

    Looks great! I wouldn’t mind the comic being a bit bigger, though.

    Personally, I liked yesterday’s look better, but that’s just me. ?

    1. Mark in TTown Avatar
      Mark in TTown

      If you’re using Chrome, just go to the three dots at the top right and click on them. Find the zoom control and make it as large as you need. I have it at 110% here.

  7. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    What happened to the “comments” button? I had to click on the actual cartoon to get here – and that was a desperation move.

    Had 3 or 4 inches of white Sunday night; just enough so that the city won’t pick up the leaves piled in the street. The charge for doing so probably won’t disappear from the monthly bill, though.

    Bought 4 boxes of Christmas cards this morning after driving around the MBH so she could distribute names/wishes for anonymous “white gifts” to a few other churches. She annually takes on the responsibility to find donors for 150+ young giftees, usually 2 gifts each. Names & desires come from schools’ contact persons.

  8. Harmon Avatar

    Individual comments on the iPad using Safari extend way past the right edge.