OK, so you probably have gathered that the new approach to the Web site, the new attitude if you will, hasn’t kicked in yet. You’re not surprised, now are you? I thought about lying and telling you yesterday’s simply failed to load after I’d carefully chosen a cartoon for you and placed it in the hopper, but you’re too smart for that. So, we’ll limp along this week. I do want to go back to the beach and pick up where we left off last week, with this series from 1995. It can’t be Wednesday already.

Generating Controversy
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
69 responses to “Generating Controversy”
My goodness; David in Austin; your kinetic weapons idea is amazing, and hard to figure out. But, don’t try to explain it to me!
All day I’ve been intending to ask you how you found out about the Physics for Cartoons at Ithaca College? You didn’t imply that you went to school there, did you? Maybe you turn to college catalogs when you need a little light reading?
How is the walking program progressing? I did some exercising today and felt good about it.
In the 1985 science fiction novel “Footfall” by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle, the invading aliens use “flying crowbar” kinetic energy weapons to take out ground targets…spectacularly. (The authors also wrote fictional versions of themselves and RAH into the story.)
Charlotte, it’s really not much more complicated than dropping a rock on someone’s head from a very, very long way up.
Which reminds me of the old urban legend about someone on the ground being killed by a penny dropped from the top of the Empire State Building.
Lily, I believe we can stipulate that you are at least a “talented amateur”. 🙂
Darn straight 😛
Lily, don’t be too sure about that “bundle me into the coffin if I can’t drink.” In my 20’s, married to a man with access to the finest wines in the world of all sorts at no cost and an unlimited entertainment expense account I found myself with that very choice. I had pancreatitis and still do, plus three episodes of various hepatitis, etc. etc. etc.
The agony lying on the floor in a bathroom thinking/wishing you might go ahead and die is not worth it. Not even for the finest wines in the world.
I became totally “dry” and it was actually hard to explain, given Mike’s occupation and the restaurant owners and chefs we hung out with. But there isn’t a lot of glamour in dying young in my opinion!
By the way, we could deduct stuff like that in those days. Now our boats are a hobby and we know it. The income is far less than all this costs, but the reward is worth it.
Love, Jackie Monies
Just read today’s strip. I love it! Classic comic. Good one!
Wiley Coyote is about to get Acme’d again. Great gag, JJ.
Love, Jackie Monies
When I lived in Uptown Garden District in New Orleans, I had a neighbor that took the flamingo joke further than most. A neighbor with an impeccable yard and flower beds would get an installation of the most tasteless item she could find, like a big “S sthatch you?” of the Virgin Mary in virulent colors and a grotto. One year it was a hideous fountain with multi-decks both painted and inlaid with broken glass shards.
I was there when he arrived home one day to find her latest “gift” and he blanched and said “How long has that been there?” She did this to the same lawyer friend who had a lovely showcase home and I was surprised he never sued her!
Love, Jackie Monies
Oh my fevered brain can’t wait to see if a “guest actor” pops by to get accordioned.
Flamingos in the yard … I’ve done that. Had a friend who had just bought a house after a painful divorce. She was grumbling about the unusual conditions of her front yard inhibiting landscaping, and I (jokingly) suggested the finest tacky lawn decor I could think of. She flipped at the thought of flamingos. I tormented her about it for a bit then let it drop … until a little over a year later when I decorated her lawn with every flamingo item I could find (And big “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” banner to clue in nosy neighbors (and not get arrested). Turns out, she’d come home early from work AND took a different route home, and saw my handiwork not ten minutes after I left. I wasn’t even home yet! She was on her phone with her boyfriend at the time and from what she told me, he lost his hearing for a spell when she saw it all. I was ALSO nice enough to temper said decor with a bottle of her favorite adult beverage, so all was forgiven.
Good morning Villagers….
RE: today’s strip…..will the roadrunner stop by and eat the ‘fruit’? Stay tuned, I am 🙂
Miss Charlotte….you keep on ‘truckin’
GR 😉 Good duet, saw EmmyLou open up for the Eagles in ’78….with Joe before his ‘intervention’
Lily…thought of you and your running abilities yesterday at work….had to run from one end of the aisle to the other (belt was not moving)….600 feet, I ran…..pant, pant, then I told myself “self, if you had known you were going to live this long, ya should’ve taken better care of yourself”. 🙂
Sandcastler…..old habits die hard…..welcome home Loon…
ya’ll have a blessed day
Today’s grin:
….and just because:
Ya see Sandcastler….ya gotta get up pretty early to get in more than me 🙂 It’s 5:34 at the sound of the click……….
Good morning Indy Mindy…..good to have fun with friends, and then to make up with an adult beverage….come down and decorate my lawn 🙂
Well, daughter had to leave at 5 a.m. to meet with oncologist in Tulsa re: her dad and I was left with sleeping toddler who was to sleep until 10 or 11. Big thunder and lightening and he woke up at 5:37 with no mommy in bed!
We have been watching kiddie channel and waiting to hear from his mommy about granddad. Husband is not doing well and will be on oncology floor for some time. He is in a form of isolation due to no immunity and grandbaby and grandmom, me and great grandmother are off limits to be around him.
So, who does everyone think will end up under the Acme anvil tomorrow?
Love, Jackie Monies
Good morning Village, I am a late arrival as Debbe has noted.
Watch out Arlo! It’s delayed gravity.
To quote Homer Simpson, when he fell out of Bart’s tree house, “Stupid gravity!”
The house we used to live in had a slightly marshy side yard and the home owners association were referred to as the Yard Nazis. I really wanted to put lots of pink flamingos in that side yard and see what the HOA would do about it. Husband firmly nixed that idea, as well as the one for getting the body of a VW Beetle, knocking out all the glass, putting in planter boxes, and planting marigolds and morning glories in it, and putting it in the middle of the front yard. He can be a real party pooper some days. 😉
Ghost, I’ll see your Emmylou and Linda Ronstadt and raise you a Reba and Linda Davis! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUP9DnurODw
I attended a college that turns out some fine musicians (no, I wasn’t one of them. I was an English major) but many of them were a bit shaky in the math and science departments, so the school came up with two courses: Math for Fine Arts Majors, and Physics for Fine Arts Majors. I did take them, as I was unable to pass the serious courses.
Good morning, Villagers.
Jackie, you and your family remain in my prayers.