A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Makeup Something II

By Jimmy Johnson

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18 responses to “Makeup Something II”

  1. David Arigoni Avatar
    David Arigoni


    1. Jimmy Johnson Avatar
      1. Rick in Shermantown, Ohio Avatar
        Rick in Shermantown, Ohio

        I used to use Barbasol, then I switched to a shaving mug with a brush and a small piece of a bar of hand soap. I started doing that decades ago when I was looking for ways to put less into the local landfill.

        1. David in Austin Avatar
          David in Austin

          I have such a limited beard that I don’t need the mug & brush. I just lather up my face with a scrap of soap and shave away! Yep, at least twice a week, too.


          1. Rick in Shermantown, Ohio Avatar
            Rick in Shermantown, Ohio

            You’re lucky. I have a light beard, too, but I still have to shave every day. It’s not a big deal, though. A couple of years ago, I switched back to an electric razor. Much faster.

  2. Bob Avatar

    Let’s see Arlo with a beard.

  3. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Equivalent for a guy would be discontinuing his favorite drink or other food item. Or his favorite razor blade, not the shaving cream.

  4. Steve From Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    What if they discontinued your favorite brand of Word Press? Then where would you be?

    1. Mark in TTown Avatar
      Mark in TTown

      They did. Which is what is causing Jimmy the extra problems trying to set up the new site!

  5. Bob Avatar

    Barbasol with a coupon might be cheaper than generic, but I don’t find many coupons for it.

  6. Somebody that I used to know Avatar
    Somebody that I used to know

    And I stepped in a big pile of
    shhhhhhaving cream, be nice and clean
    shave every day and you’ll always look keen

    1. Rick in Shermantown, Ohio Avatar
      Rick in Shermantown, Ohio

      I miss the Burma Shave signs.

  7. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Somebody must be a Dr. Demento fan. My favorite shaving cream has become one called Every Man Jack. It’s in a tube instead of a can and works well for me.

  8. Bryan Avatar

    The Art of Shaving shave cream. Best I’e ever found. Maybe a bit expensive but I figure I’ve earned a couple of little luxuries.

  9. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    Usually, I shave while showering, so – by default, as it were – my shaving soap is my shampoo!

  10. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    c e-p
    I’m with you
    I used to use Old Spice cake and a brush but its easy to do it in the shower.

  11. DaveP Avatar

    Used to use Barbisol … tried a few gels and found they do well for me. Now use Harry’s Shaving Gel. Really good stuff.

  12. Tejas Jack Black Avatar
    Tejas Jack Black

    Be a real man, dry shave every Saturday evening. Splash on some witch hazel and then head into town.