Today, another sleeping-cat Sunday from the archives of Arlo & Janis. And more about wine. Prohibition understandably was hard on vintners. Many vineyards ripped out vines of grapes more suitable for wine and replaced them with grapes good for eating or for juices and jams, such as Concord grapes. This practically destroyed a long-established wine industry in the Ozarks and in New York. These regions relied heavily upon “my” grape, the Norton, said to be the only native North American grape that will produce a decent dry wine. Just now are the Norton wines really coming back in Missouri and Arkansas. My favorite prohibition story, true or not, is about desperate grape growers who would ship their produce to consumers with instructions such as, “Do not mash these grapes into juice, add yeast and store for several months in a cool dark place. It will turn into wine!”

More Cat in the Sack
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteranβs Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
245 responses to “More Cat in the Sack”
But…wait, this is my first Sunday off in a couple of months….I tell ya, it’s hard to keep a good woman down…..
Mark in TTown, thanks for the link to Snopes. I do look at that site once in a while and I smile, as I did just now, at the things many people will believe. I hadn’t heard of the black car item before!
Lily, I like your poem too. You have many talents!
I suppose at some point that governmental agencies will require automobiles to be so loaded up with anti-emission devices that their emissions will drop to zero…because they won’t run at all.
I use a version of Lily’s mobile music strategy. I seldom turn on the car radio, but my smart phone, my wireless headset, and a subscription to an internet music service give me access to more music than I could ever listen to.
Debbe π
I suppose at some point that governmental agencies will require automobiles to be so loaded up with anti-emission devices that their emissions will drop to zero…because they won’t run at all.
I use a version of Lily’s mobile music strategy. I seldom turn on the car radio, but my smart phone, my wireless headset, and a subscription to an internet music service give me access to more music than I could ever listen to.
Debbe π
A double post. First time every for me. The software is supposed to filter that.
A double post. First time ever for me. The software is supposed to filter that.
I just read the Snopes piece and noted that the black car proposal was “Mostly False” which means there was a little bit of truth to it: The idea of requiring a percentage of cars to be “more reflective” was discussed, studied, and dropped as impractical.
I did read one true story of governmental idiocy from California recently. The state is having major drought problems and one county was threatening to fine people who watered their lawns. At the same time, one city in that county was threatening to fine people who didn’t water their lawns because the dead grass was an eyesore.
I saw this story and thought of you Debbe:
I believe that article has a warning for us humans as well:
“We fed him too much. He got fat. When he got big, he did not breed as much as he was intended to,” Cockrell said about the breed of rooster. “The fertilization went way down, and our hatch [rate] has been way down.”
Guys, we need to keep our weight under control!
We have a CD player in the car and a case of CDs for long trips but it would be nice to have a better selection. To that end, my wife bought a small, self powered speaker that can plug into any player (1/8 jack). She has a lot of stuff on her iPod and can easily update it.
I don’t know how long the speaker will run on a single charge but it seems to run fine for at least 6-8 hours.
Debbe, on the sound system for my truck, not yet. Husband ordered the doohickie that’s supposed to let me use the music downloaded on my smartphone but when it came in it didn’t work so he sent it back and reordered. It’s a good thing I don’t drive a lot or a long way these days. π
Ghost, since my “smart” phone does not have the Internet capability turned on having a music service wouldn’t help me a lot. I repeat, it’s a good thing I don’t drive a lot or a long way these days. π
Yeah! Keep the weight down, you will be happy. Or at least happier than if you were fat π :p
Jean dear, I await details of the explanation of your possession of the glitter body spray with shivering anticipation. π
I will also post the “stripper” video (no nudity involved) when I find the link that gives the best quality and definition and the fewest pauses. It really is worth seeing. Oh, and the music for the performance is “Moar Ghosts ‘n’ Stuff” by deadmau5. What could be more fitting than that? π
No posts since mine last night? Wow, was it something I said?
I didn’t want to do this, but apparently it’s what it will take to get something started today. So here’s a completely uncensored photo of a female stripper in action.
Where is everybody this morning?
Here am I back from the hospital, with a nasty stain on my knee got under honorable circumstances in the ER. I have seen The Boss Of My Life glance at it once and am expecting orders to sequester myself in the bathroom till I get it out. *sigh*
Oh, and 9CWL was hilarious this morning and confirms some of Ghost’s ideas
‘Everybody’ is here, gathering rosebuds. Here’s today’s ‘The Writer’s Almanac.’
Note esp. the items on Leonard Bernstein, Galileo [he should have stayed in Venice, no?], and Woodrow Wilson’s signing of the act creating the Natl. Pk. Service. It would not get through Congress today, and I can envision a future Congress ‘privatizing’ it.
Peace, emb
P.S. The female stripper was great. Wife was right: ‘All men are prancing, leering billygoats.’
emb: you left out “disgusting” π
Lily: No, it’s a quote. Wife didn’t say ‘disgusting’. Peace, emb
But, re the prancing, leering bit, see today’s
I didn’t notice the asp at first [It’s ‘Cleopatra dying’], but it’s a splendid piece of bad art, done only to titillate. I suspect he had a buyer quickly, if it wasn’t a contract job to start with.
Also, I’ve pointed out that the equinox, which will occur at some precise time 22 Sept. this year, begins astronomical fall. Yesterday’s high here was in the low 80s. Today’s is expected to be in the mid 60s. This BTW, is typical. I may have mentioned some time ago that, in mid Aug. 1968[?], we drove N from Redwing through W WI. to Duluth, and passed frozen cornfields. Don’t recall any Aug. frosts lately. Anyway, weatherwise, it’s not fall yet, but leaves are turning here and there, and I don’t expect many more breakfasts on the patio.
emb: This is my favorite “Death Of Cleopatra” by Johann Liss
I found that in a book called Masterpieces by Siste Somebody
Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, committed suicide to avoid being taken prisoner by Octavius, who had conquered Anthony, Cleopatra’s lover and Octavius’ rival for supremacy in Rome. Plutarch reports that the Queen wished to die by a serpent’s bite, for the ancient Egyptians believed that this death ensured immortality.
The artist has not chosen to portray the dramatic climax, nor the decision to commit suicide, nor even the snake bite itself, but the moment in which the tension begins to subside. The serpent has done its deadly work, and the young black servant boy holding the basket of flowers is staring with terror-struck eyes at the snake in it, while a servant woman supports her swooning mistress. On the surface of things, very little seems to be happening in this picture, with everything concentrated on the transition between life and death. All the light falls on the young Queen, bathing her body in warm and sensuous colours. All of life itself seems to be concentrated in the colour of her flesh on the threshold of death, whose advent is suggested by her sinking arm and overcast gaze. The central moment in this painting is one of transition, and this is reflected in the move from light to darkness and in the strong graduation of colours from the background to the foreground.
Just to get back to the strip for a moment, it occurs to me that one of the few things JJ hasn’t ever shown is Luddie using somebody’s arm or hand as a salt lick in hot weather. For those of you who don’t know cats, their tongues are like little rasps, but only slightly moist so there’s not really any slobber left behind when they’re done.
Sideburns: Count me in “those who don’t know cats.” The only thing I have felt of theirs is their teeth and their claws :@