Oh, it wasn’t that long ago

by Jimmy Johnson

As you may have deduced by now, I’ve had a busy week away from the keyboard. Since it’s already Friday, and we’ve been talking of the beach then and now, I thought this cartoon would be particularly appropriate. Pay close attention. You won’t see Jimmy Johnson drawing many high-rise condominium complexes.

Since I’m wrapping up the loose ends of a light week here at arloandjanis.com, let me address “moderation” once more. I’ve done so several times, but it remains a hot topic. Most comments are unmoderated. First-time posters’ comments are held for my approval; this, I’m told, is to discourage spam. As some of you know, other comments are held seemingly at random. I don’t know why myself. When I get around to it, I check and approve all comments being held. No individual has ever been black-balled, and very few posts have been edited because of the content. If your post is held for moderation, please try to be patient, and don’t take it personally. And please keep posting! Have a good weekend.

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