One Step Forward

by Jimmy Johnson

There are two areas where I need to concentrate now, aside from the areas where I don’t yet know I need to concentrate. First, the site must be readable on a phone. This is paramount. I’m told it should be simple. So far, I’m missing something. Second, there needs to be a more visible, user-friendly archive, so you can easily refer to recent posts and conversations. I’ve made some behind-the-scenes progress on this one, so there’s hope for the future.

However, I will not be able to devote as much time to this project in the coming week as I have in the past few. I will continue to post, and I will continue to dabble. You might not even notice any falling off. It’s even possible serious progress will be made, but I must think of other things, too. Nothing new here, really. I’m just giving myself a pep talk.

Recent Posts

Activity vs Progress

I’ve done some tweaking to the site. See if you can find the improvements. Ignore the change in the above title panel. I do ...

Moving on

Perhaps the nail gun and drywall phase of village reconstruction is over. Maybe soon we can move on to the fun stuff, like paint ...

Phoning it in

Good morning! I’m happy to announce modest success in the “responsiveness” department. You should be able to go to this website on your phone ...

Hello, Central?

I have not solved the problem of displaying this page properly on a phone. I do feel as if 90% of my ducks are ...

‘AJ phone home’

I know you don’t come to this blog every day to read about the blog, but that’s what you’re getting. I have tried to ...

…and we’re back!

After a brief break, I’m back behind the keyboard. I’ve already put in a few early-morning hours working on this site. Those are my ...

42 responses to “One Step Forward”

  1. Cozmik Cowboy Avatar
    Cozmik Cowboy

    Eh, leave it for computers, Jimmy, it’s the right thing to do. Scaling content for stupidphones is like throw smack at junkies…..

    1. Emma Avatar

      I agree… but I fear we are in the minority.

  2. Steve From Royal Oak, Mi (kinda) Avatar

    I think that we are all so happy to be back on the website. We promise to behave if you have to leave us to do “adult” things.

  3. Galliglo in Ohio Avatar
    Galliglo in Ohio

    I have just now finished reading Jimmy’s daily contribution and all the comments -YAY! It is good to see some of the old familiar names. It is good to be back in the Village.

    1. cxp Avatar

      Welcome back, Galliglo!

  4. Barbara TZ Avatar
    Barbara TZ

    Hmm, I THINK it will work. I signed up a week ago and I know Jimmy’s trying hard. I’m new here, but follow him at the paid page (I can never remember who’s with which group). Yes, hooray for computers! But we date ourselves…

    1. TruckerRon Avatar

      I’d say we making our slowly failing obvious. In my case I’m approaching the time at which cataracts will become an issue. Perhaps in the next 2 years?

      1. Blinky the Wonder Wmbat Avatar
        Blinky the Wonder Wmbat

        My eye doctor said I was years away from needing cataract surgery- two months later I could barely see three feet in front of me. The timing was actually good- I finished the surgery on my second eye one week before the Great COVID Shutdown.

  5. Lost in A**2 Avatar
    Lost in A**2

    I check this site several times a day, just to see the comments, on my phone while at work. Being able to read it easily would be a plus. (Mr. Johnson’s contribution appeared as a column, one character wide. I read it like that, but it wasn’t easy.)

    1. Steve From Royal Oak, Mi (kinda) Avatar

      Lost: Flip the phone to Landscape and that will correct it.

      1. Lost in A**2 Avatar
        Lost in A**2

        Didn’t help. 🙁

      2. Susan in NC Avatar
        Susan in NC

        That worked on my phone. Thanks for the tip! Just unlock your rotation and flip.

  6. Charlesmob Avatar

    We are a large team of pentesters and we know how to cash out your company’s DATA. Yours 80% from the deal (from 10k$-200k$). Everything is absolutely safe and anonymous for the company employee. For further instructions, write to Signal at the number +14109297835 or email

    1. Blinky the Wonder Wombat Avatar
      Blinky the Wonder Wombat

      *sigh* It didn’t take long for the spam bots to discover the renewed blog.

  7. Fan in Japan Avatar
    Fan in Japan

    As a baby boomer, I find it easier to read the comics on the Comics website and the comments by the Villagers on this site on a large screen. It seems a bit ironic that preferring a computer monitor over an smartphone screen may put me in the luddite camp. Still, all in all, I am grateful to have this site back and to find most of the Villagers posting again. Just my two bits (or two yen if you are in my part of the world).

  8. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Glad to see familiar handles here as the word spreads. Welcome back, y’all! I don’t think using a computer with a large monitor makes you a Luddite. Nearsighted, maybe, like me. But for internet security reasons, I prefer to save my phone for calls and texts, reading when I’m away from home and sometimes listening to music. A few stumbles are ok, Jimmy. At least we know you are there and trying. I didn’t realize this site had gone dark for 3 years till I looked at the date of your last post. So glad it’s back.

  9. Steve From Royal Oak, Mi (kinda) Avatar

    With Jimmy Carter’s health, today’s strip was taking a chance, but being the 100th anniversary of his birth, it was nit too big of one.

  10. Symply Fargone Avatar
    Symply Fargone

    I have always enjoyed you on my tablet or pc, appreciated the bigger screen as I aged and needed cheaters. Carter did a lot of good things, had some character, we need that in the POTUS…… speaking of lenses before, I got these new programmable cataract lenses that are freaking amazing and I do not use the ole specs anymore for anything, can see near and far now. Symply Fargone(or nearby)!

    1. cxp Avatar

      By “programmable”, do you mean those lenses who shape can be changed after insertion by using light beams? What a novel idea.

      1. Symply Fargone Avatar
        Symply Fargone

        Exactamundo! They are Symply Amazing!

  11. Sozdsaytov Avatar

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    ?????? ?? ??? ???????? ?????:

  12. Fan in Japan Avatar
    Fan in Japan

    I keep reading about hurricanes and other natural disasters taking place stateside. I hope everyone is okay. Here in Japan, we have been experiencing unprecedented rains. Lots of landslides and floods.
    On a different note, is it just my computer or is anyone else seeing a series of question marks in one of the comments?
    Keep safe everyone.

    1. cxp Avatar

      You are not alone in observing a load of question marks. I wonder if the source is some spam or, maybe, the writer used a foreign keyboard which was not recognized by this system. If the latter, I would have thought the message simply would not print, though. As my knowledge of electronics is nil, all this is surmise.

      1. Mark in TTown Avatar
        Mark in TTown

        The name looks Eastern European. Perhaps they were trying to post in Polish or Czech? Maybe they should have translated it on Google and then pasted it here.

  13. cxp Avatar

    I have been using a new-to-me site, , lately. It is a MAJOR repository (having 125,000 of them sorted by topic) of limericks…which is one of my literary weaknesses. Free to use/read/search. It is even free to join, as I recently did, and submit one’s own original work…which I also did. [Am awaiting judgements thereupon.]

    As I have no financial interest at all in the site, I feel free to recommend it to anyone who receives joy from good limericks. The site has a strict evaluation system, so the limericks shown have been approved by several persons over time.

    1. Blinky the Wonder Wombat Avatar
      Blinky the Wonder Wombat

      I’ll check it out when I get home- that URL looks close to NSFW material!

      1. cxp Avatar

        It isn’t anything illegal, immoral, or fattening! I just got off it after an hour or so of fixing my entries.
        Its avowed goal is to define everything using limericks, preferably humorous. Began in 2004, methinks, and probably won’t ever be done – though they say it may be finished around 2066!!

      2. Emma Avatar

        I was thinking the same thing!

  14. Ned Avatar

    Hello, Jimmy. Your cartoon in today’s Seattle Times brought a big smile. The first line, “Cats bupkes…” reminded me of my father from the past century. We grew up in NYC. He often used “bubkes” and other Yiddish words. How did you learn to use that word?

    1. Emma Avatar

      Native NYer here too! I found that amusing opening panel also! I’ve moved around a bit, but I still use many Yiddish words.

    2. cxp Avatar

      I’m also from NYC. My area used several European languages – especially German, Polish, and Italian – as well as some Yiddish. Many residents were immigrants or kids thereof.

  15. 24Areby Avatar

    Hey people!!!!!
    Good mood and good luck to everyone!!!!!

  16. Symply Fargone Avatar
    Symply Fargone

    So let me Symply veer from topic slightly, but still on cats…cats seem to love me, I did not know that growing up as we had dogs, but when i married my ex we had cats first 1, then 2, then 3 then 4…turns out I like them too….fast forward, new wife allergic to cats(agreed as much as we like dogs we do not want the maintenance) though the topic has been Fargone discussed ad nauseum. Turns out the neighbors outdoor cat has us n his itinerary and i have cat treats so he and I commune on the front or back deck whenever I hear footsteps outside(I think he jumps up and down on the furniture to get my attention).

    Oh and one last item; at the ripe old age of 68, my second oldest grand is in the process of making me a great grandfather as we speak(shhhh not allowed to say publicly but I believe none of you are going to spill the beans)…in labor since 11:45 last night…talk about Symply Fargone things!

    1. cxp Avatar

      As I recently wrote to a female friend in a parallel position to yours, “If you are good in the new familial role, you could, simultaneously, become both a greatgrandmother and a great greatgrandmother!”
      Obviously, switch the gender indications therein….

      We trust new mom & kid are doing well, whether or not the birth has yet occurred.

      1. Symply Fargone Avatar
        Symply Fargone

        Baby arrived at approx 7PM, My grand and her lil boy are doing just fine! I am Symply Fargone

  17. Neil of Norman and Rockford Avatar
    Neil of Norman and Rockford

    Hi, Jimmy and villagers. Looong time reader and infrequent commenter (although a bit more active on the Facebook page). I’m pleased as punch to see the primary page resuming publication again. It’s a joy to see some of my favorite communicators communicating here once more. I’m not sure when I’ll type in again, but know that you’ll all get my full support in thoughts if not so much in deeds.

  18. X22nus Avatar

    Hey people!!!!!
    Good mood and good luck to everyone!!!!!

  19. X22nus Avatar

    Hey people!!!!!
    Good mood and good luck to everyone!!!!!

  20. Ginger in Auburn Avatar
    Ginger in Auburn

    I haven’t checked in years, and just needed to look again, and so happy to hear JJ is trying again to post comics. I do enjoy reading the comments – rarely comment myself because it is usually luncthtime before I can take some “me”. There ain’t none other like this group.

  21. John II Avatar
    John II

    Hi Everyone,
    This as close as I get to social media. If you live near the Tampa area in Florida, GET OUT!!!!
    I have lived on the MS gulf coast for the last 56 years of my 80 years and I know about storm surge.
    Cat 4 and 5 storms will bring 25 to 35 foot surge and carry that water even if the storm weakens to CAT 3 or 2 before landfall.
    You can rebuild after a storm, but you cannot un-die.
    8 October 2024, 6:25 PM

    1. cxp Avatar

      I have two close friends living in/near Nokomis on FL southwest side. They were to travel today to their son’s place in Bradenton – that simply cannot be a whole lot better. (I do not even know if they got there, with all the traffic.) Both places seem solid enough, and both places could lose power. Difference? Son has a big generator for his place. I will be waiting for some message after the storm moves on, if they are fortunate…and have fuel for the generator.
      They are older than you by 5 – 6 years, too. Am I concerned? You betcha. 45 years ago, we rode out a cat 3, and that was certainly doable, but not something I’d want to go through again. Still, I’d vote for the current event to get as low as 3….