Remorseless bidding

by Jimmy Johnson

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"

Well, the auctions will be over today. I think if I ever do this again, I’ll start a 3-day auction on Friday, to end on Monday. I probably would have done that instead of 5-day auctions this timeĀ aroundĀ if it hadn’t been a holiday weekend. However, I’ve a lot of time to think about that! For those of you who’re purchasing art today: if you want an inscription on your cartoon—and not everyone does—let me know either via the email link at the top of this page (preferred) or a message directly through eBay. Wednesday evening will be the deadline for that. I’ve enjoyed the art sale more than anyone, but I’ll be glad when the art is in the hands of satisfied buyers, and we’ve moved on. Latecomers, don’t forget to check out the remaining cartoons!

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