Seasonal Temperatures

by Jimmy Johnson

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!" This cartoon is from 20 years ago. I bought one of those warming trays not long ago, and it wasn’t cheap. It would make a nice gift, under the right circumstances. Actually, I wouldn’t mind getting one for Christmas, but sometimes you just have to draw a cartoon, you know? Here’s today’s Old Fogey observation: remember “Shopping Days until Christmas?” Often it would be expressed in a little graphic on the front page of the local newspaper. (Remember newspapers?) Now, what other kind of day is there?

80 responses to “Seasonal Temperatures”

  1. Galliglo from Ohio Avatar
    Galliglo from Ohio

    Love Snoopy! Such innocence and love of life…

  2. sideburns Avatar

    Debbe, until recently, I was 5’10”. About two years ago, I was measured and was surprised to learn that now I’m only 5’7″! Yes, I know how you shrink a tad as the padding between the bones of your spine wears, but I never expected to lose three inches.

  3. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    My village, I just finally got laptop to work at last. It has been so sad here, I hate to bring anyone down at Christmas. Mike is doing badly and we came to Tulsa for outpatient tests and treatment, just stayed so he doesn’t have to bump back and forth in pain 150 miles each way.
    Mama and I stayed all afternoon with him at the hospital and I had her in the new transport chair so she wouldn’t exert and have the angina. She was so worried about him, not herself.
    I got them both back to motel and it had been raining and freezing here all day, so Mike had me wheel her back to room and come get him second. When we got to room she had a seizure and collapsed. EMMSA got here right away and got her back to the hospital but she never regained conciousness and her heart just stopped.

    It is how she would have liked to go Iknow without lingering illness and hospitals, but I miss her so much already. I hated telling my help more than my relatives, to be honest. And her dogs will grieve so I know.

    My girls and children are enroute here to help with the funeral which will be in Louisiana and how she wanted it. Not my style but hers but I am going to bury her in a solid red dress and red flowers and a cherry wood coffin. More mine and girls tastes but where and how she wanted it.

    So sorry to have to recount this but I couldn’t just disappear.

    Love, Jackie

  4. NK in AZ Avatar
    NK in AZ

    Oh, Jackie. I know I speak for many here in the Village when I say I wish I could give you a physical hug of sympathy instead of only a “virtual” one, but please do know that you do have our hugs and our prayers. Thank you for letting us know.
    Love, Nancy Kirk in AZ

  5. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Jackie, sorry to hear that. I appreciate what you said about it being how she would want it, quick. Glad she was with you and Mike at the end. Also glad you are not without the rest of the family. You and Mike are in my prayers. As NK said, would rather give hug in-person, but virtual will work too.