Fowl Story

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"
Given the drift of yesterday’s conversation, I couldn’t resist showing you this Sunday example of reality-bending from five years ago. Speaking of yesterday’s conversation, I would like to set the record straight about one thing. I do not draw my comic strip digitally. Far from it. In fact, I recently experimented with felt-tip pens, which most cartoonists—the decreasing number who do not draw digitally—have favored for years. I drew with felt-tip pens for several months, but I didn’t care for the results. I have gone back to pen nib and India ink on 100% rag Strathmore paper. In fact, they don’t make the pen points I use anymore. I have to watch for them on eBay, where they’re sold as antiques. I figure I have a two-year supply on hand right now. Only after I finish drawing an A&J strip do I enter the digital world by scanning the artwork and creating a file.